Friday, July 07, 2006

WAH!!! fucker la karl! hahahah!! idiot... y my name must come now.. asshole.. haiz.. fyn la.. i guess i'll do it since my blog is kinda empty afterall.. heh! i wonder hu'll actually do it after i reveal 7 more ppl to do it.. hmmm...

7 random things about myself:
1. i'm long
2. i like black
3. music is life
4. i'm bored
5. so i decided to this
6. also cuz karl sabo-ed me to
7. i'm done=P

7 things that scare me:
1) CRABS!!!!
2) losing people close to my heart..
3) seeing ppl hu i noe tt are cool headed suddenly burst
4) the way i sometimes turn to a sore loser
5) the fact that our own life might not be ours to control
6) maanequins in the dark..( FUCKING SCARY LA!!!)
7) and ummm.. sam.. LOL! jz did that to annoy u..=P

7 random songs at the moment:
1> here with out you- 3 doors down
2> time is running out- muse
3> i can tell- saosin
4> a little's enough- angels and airwaves
5> If i fall- amber pacific
6> A Little Less Sixteen Candles, A Little More Touch Me- fall out boy
7> Stand by Me- The Temptations

7 things i like most:
1* my Family
2* hommiez
3* my other close frens
4* my handphone and MP3!!
5* my kick ass long freaky FINGERS!!
6* getting caught when moshing..=P
7* being sung to.......

7 things i say most:
3/ MEREKE...
4/ i swear bodoh
5/ fuck.. fuck.. fuck...
6/ haha??
7/ lol.. heh! wait.. i say tt alot to.. heh!=P

7 freaking people to do this
1} cyn
2} muni
3} yuni
5} Roach
6} AMY!!
7} ani1 hu was dumb enuf to reach tiz far..=P

ok karl.. i'm done.. u ass... hah! kaiz.. now off to sports club's agm.. cya!=)

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