Saturday, January 17, 2015

If the heavens ever did speak..

We were brought into world for a purpose. Or was it for multiple purposes? What were we actually placed here to do here?

Should we track back to pre-historic times where our objective was to prevent the extinction of our own species and to simply survive and then reproduce? Or should we look at the terms by which success is defined today meaning you've won the race the moment you own a car, yatch, mansion with 5 storeys and waaaay more rooms than your family has people. 

If the heavens could speak, what would they say about how we should love our lives. Sure there are holy scriptures that already have mentioned what we should be doing but what if we have a different perspective. What if we believe we should go off the path suggested by these scriptures. Does that make us sinners or entrepreneurs?

This world is full of contradictions that it makes it soo easy to lose yourself. It's easy to lose your loved ones. It's easy to lose your Higher being who ever he/she may be.

So then, how do we actually understand our purpose? Heck if I know but if you do, I'm all ears.

Monday, January 05, 2015

The Wedding Conversation

I don't like it. I don't fancy it at all.

I don't know what turns me off most about it but I guess it's the feeling of how formal the whole proceeding is. Reggy's wedding still is the best hands down and that's probably the concept I'll adopt.

Simple, laid back and as informal as possible. With all those that matter. A kickass reception with heaps of drinks and pumping music.

Heh! Now only if the bride would agree. Hmmm..

Friday, January 02, 2015

2015- Day 1

Literally chilled out with family and went through the photos of yesteryear. She was here too and probably the main reason why we decided to start going through the albums :) HAHA!

I realised that I wanted to share with her as much as I could. I wanted her to know me for me. I wanted her to realise that I'm here to bear my soul so she knows that there's someone there she could possibly place her trust, her heart.

It was also a good time to make me realise how far my family and I have come. A lot has change and many have moved on. There are of course the blessed ones who have stayed on throughout all that has happened and I could not be more proud to call you family. Yes, even the friends who have stayed on, you probably already know I consider you my family.

Good first day of the year and hopefully many many more to come. I must admit, the challenge of the year does faze me a little, but I shall not waver. :)

Happy 2015 you sexy bunch. :)

Thursday, January 01, 2015

Thank you 2014, Hello 2015!!

2014 has been a blessing honestly. I look back at it and cannot be more sure that 2014 has definitely been one of the best years of my life. Of course there were the downs but overall, the highs do outnumber the lows. Soo much to be thankful for. Thank you 2014 and all the people who had a part to play in making it such an amazing year.

Time and Focus. That's what I know I need for 2015 because it's gonna be one heck of the challenging year with the crazy amount of stuff lined up, both at work and school. Final year at school so best we keep our fingers crossed! It's going to be crazy year for Rachelyn as well so we're gonna have to work extra hard to be able to fulfill all our commitments, especially our commitment to each other.

2015, bring it on. =)