Thursday, June 29, 2006

save me from me- amber pacific

GUESS HU'S BACK!!!!!!!!! heh!! yes ppl.. it me.. ur old old OLD fren nigel.. and yes.. this blog has been on hiatus for a superbly long time.. heh! i dun apologise for that though.. lol! i wonder if ani1 will actuali realise that i hv a new entry.. hmmm.. i tink it'l be interesting to see yea?

heh! so.. where did i leave off.. well u noe i'm in SP and yea.. i joined SPSU and yada yada.. so practically life's still the same.. stuff happened, yes, but if i were to go into detail, this will go on 4eva.. so i guess i'll say wads going on at the moment which is tt i'm slacking like crazy, my grades r lyk crap but the brightside.. i passed all my modules!! so far la.. hmmm... i wonder how much i'll screw up in my mids.. heh! thw thought of that makes mt freakin spine tingle.. LOL!

so yea.. i guess i'll end here for now.. and i guess i'll continue to update as and when i feel like it.. to all those that actually check back at my blog, i hope this was a nice suprise=P

tke cre ppL and pray i'll b back to blog more..=)

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