Wednesday, April 19, 2006

lecture- mr william tan

yes.. ttz wad i'm listenin 2 ryt now.. lol! haha!! lyk i min.. wth la.. heh!! he's teachin us abt IT in business.. and hir we r emailin and practically spammin each other la.. hah!! damn damn cold but thnk god thrz an hour tt we have 2 ourselves..

mornin started out ok and yea.. everitin iz normal normal la.. heh! damn bored.. notin 2 blog abt and yet i wanna blog.. i gues boredom kinda led mi 2 tiz la.. hah!

so.. i shaL b off.. hope i c my sec sch frenz sumtym soon.. haiz.. kinda miss thier nonsense.. haiz.. i'm out.. gonna join my new class in spammin each other.. and our teacher jz said he was hungry 4 questions.. i'm hungry 4 makan.. ok.. he's abt 2 dismiss us.. cyA ppL.. shall blog sooN..=)

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