Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Just got the new galaticos jersey!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOHOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahha!!

heh! awesome ey! i like it la.. hahah! best jersey soo far.. so yea, indulge in the photos of me in galaticos' red hot jersey!=)

and yes, i'm shameless.. hahaha! tke cre peeps.. shall blog more crap soon..=)
lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off- Panic! at the Disco

hah! yea yea.. i noe.. long song.. hahah! but wadever.. its nice.. heh! and up to today i have no idea why the heck they have a god damn exclaimation mark.. and i have no idea what god has to do it either.. hahah! ok.. well it sounded funny in head.. lol!

So i see my survey was well received.. THANX TO ALL THOSE THAT DID IT!! you guys rock! except for karl.. he's soo dumb he put the text in the same colour as his background.. WTF DUDE!

Weeeellll.. today was GGT MST and it was good.. think i'll at least pass.. hah! not the same for diana though.. she's freakin hilarious.. We were in the train talking about it when this happened:

Me: so you where's Hong Kong diana?
Diana: OH! that one i draw la..
Me: WHAT??!! its right there on the paper la! why you draw?
Diana: Oh really ah?*then proceeds to bang her head on the MRT pole*

wahahahhah!! hilarious i tell you.. heh! my class cracks me up.. they rili can make a grey sky blue.. heh! DTRM 04' you guys ROCK!=)

So i was studying with sarrah as well and it was cool cause she ACTUALLY did work.. shocked? so am i.. lol!! but yea, it was nice studyin with ya hon! onli cause you bought fries.. hahahaha!! weird incident where this super loud gal was shouting while talking on the phone.. Freaking dumb.. police all came down.. fuckin weird sakz.. and she annoying too....

Well, loads of stuff happened.. now that that's all blogged.. time to look forward to 2ml i guess.. i should i say today.. its 1.56am and i'm wishing all O levellers SUPER HUMONGOUS GOOD LUCK!! heh! and yes, good luck to MST-ers as well.. may we all be blessed with the motivation to keep studying till we get old enough to work and die happy.. god.. why do we put ourselves thru this...=P

I wanna end this saying that life aint what we always want it to be.. but when it is, we want change.. dumb i know.. btw karl, i tink your quote is way fucking nicer.. it goes,

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forward"

i guess it simply means we'll never figure life out.. so don't try.. lol! out!=)

*truth be told, i feel freely guilty......

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Dakota- Stereophonics

Sorry i took soo long darky but yea, i finally did it!! yay!! wahahahha!! enjoy people=)

1) How old do you wish you were?
seventeen.. no change.. dun wanna b older.. and i dun wanna do O's agn, ever..

2) Where were you when 9/11 happened?
hmmm.. playing soccer i suppose.. i remember vividly the plane crashin into the towers but i was thinkin it was just a normal accident..*maaa i was dumb..*

3) What do you do when vending machines steal your money?
i fuckin kick the shit outta it.. LOL!!

4) Do you count yourself kind?
YES! though i bet sarrah, sam, vik and all my frens would beg to differ=P

5) If you had to get a tattoo, where would it be?
left shoulder blade.. however price can dramatically changes deisre... lol!

6) If you could be fluent in any other language, what would it be?
tagalog, i got a feeling loads of comments are gonna pop up cause of this.. and yea, french too..

7) Do you know your neighbors?
yes, no, yes.. for my 3 respective neighbours

8) What do you consider a vacation?
relaxation and not hearing the words,"nigel, i need you back in skool"

9) Do you follow your horoscope?

10) Would you move for the person you loved?
no, i didnt the last time now did i.. heh!

11) Are you touchy feely?
ummm.. i guess?

12) Do you believe that opposites attract?
duh!(me and her, black and white, smart and super dumb)=P

13) Dream job?
author, at job that can be done at home on your own schedule..

14) Favorite channel(s)?
channel 5, axn, starworld, super sports, ESPN, i could go on forever...

15) Favorite place to go on weekends?
anywhere, as well its with cool company

16) Showers or Baths?
showers.. saves time, and water..=)

17) Do you paint your nails?

18) Do you trust people easily?
not really

19) What are your phobias?
ummm.. i dun like bats and crabs.. heh!

20) Do you want kids?
yes yes=) 2 would be great..

21) Do you keep a handwritten journal?
no freaking way.. heh! cant imagine if all my thought got read by my bro.. lol!

22) Where would you rather be right now?
lying next to her..

23) Who makes you feel warm and fuzzy?
family and her..

24) Heavy or light sleeper?
depends on the location..

25) Are you paranoid?
yes, very..

26) Are you impatient?
nah.. in fact waiting's 1 one my past times.. lol!

27) Who can you relate to?
parents, her, my bros(hommies and real bro of course)

28) How do you feel about interracial couples?
well i'm a FULL support for em!! MIX THEM ALL UP!! wahahaha!!

29) Have you been burned by love?

30) What's your favorite pick-up line?
hmmm.. well its not mine but i tink saying, "i've lost my number can i have yours" is the most despo freakin line i've heard.. hahaha!!

31) What's your main ring tone on your mobile?
A Little Less Sixteen Candles, A Little More Touch Me- Fall Out Boys..

32) What were you doing at midnight last night?
i was crapping with her..

33) What did the last text on your cellphone say?
ummm.. kk hon. Enjoy yourself! Muaks! haha.. heh! ok.. tt was weird.. lol!!

34) Whose bed did you sleep in last night?
my parents.. wtf! mine! DUH!

35) What color shirt are you wearing?
shirtless! therefore brown, but once again alot would beg to differ now wouldn't they..

36) Most recent movie you watched?
ummm.. One Piece? heh!

37) Name three things you have on you at all times?
my ear stud, my wristband and ummm.. my freaky long fingers..

38) What color are your bed sheets?
bluish- yellow.. yes.. ugh..

39) How much cash do you have on you right now?
big fat lump sum of $0!! heh!=P

40) What is your favorite part of the chicken?
breast! excuse me but its the question's fault.. lol!

41) What's your favorite town/city?
yishun, singapore.. though i do love new zealand as well..

42) I can't wait till...
i grow up, be a dad, have two kids and a loving wife. heh! yes, i'm sappy and gay.=P

43) What did you have for dinner last night?
mee goreng pedas with no onion. Put mutton and add mata lembu!!

44) How tall are you barefoot?
1.8 i tink..

45) Do you own a gun?
nah.. though i wish i did..heh!

46) What do you prefer to drink in the morning?
MILO!! hot or cold it dun matter..

47) Where do you think you'll be in 10 yrs?
hopefully travelling the world with my dearly beloved..

48) Last thing you ate?

49) What songs do you sing in the shower?
ummm.. tts between me and my darn shower.. heh!

50) Last thing that made you laugh?
marc, vik, ghaz and wan's dad.. they crack me up..

51) Worst injury you've ever had?
well, all over.. had a few twisted ankles, broken toe and stiff knees..

52) Does someone have a crush on you?
maybe.. are you allowed to know if they do?=P

53) What's your favorite candy?

54) What song do you want played at your funeral?
Jimmy Eats World- Hear You Me

55) Five random people to do this! and why?
cyn- coz i miss her
sam- cos she actualli has a blog! heh!
DIANA!!- coz she's got a freakin blog filled with waaayy to many pics
jazreel- provided you do these kinda stuff=)
Sweetness- Jimmy Eats World

heh! its freakin 5.35 and i'm still awake.. damn.. got a match against MM ltr.. wonder if we'll will win not.. haiz.. scary.. i wonder y i always blog b4 a big match.. hmmm..heh! coincidence i guess..

Aniways, was at wan's hse just now abt 12 or so just chilin and crapping.. oh yes, swiiming as well!! hahaha!! it was fun sakz! i min like, it was gay la.. four guys in the freakin cold swimming pool but nonetheless fun.. hahahah!! wan's dad was entertaining us wid his jokes bout movin in and all and he was actually a pretty good host=)credits to him man! rock on...

so ryt, now tt tt's ovr wid, i wonder wadelse i shld crap about.. hmmm.. well 5 more days.. dang.. 4th month.. i'm freakin out cuz i have no idea wad to get her.. i wonder if she'll read this.. heh! dang i miss her.. wait, i just saw her yesterday... lol!

i doubt i'll b off to slp.. most pob generals and thn match str8 after.. god, the unnecessary loss of slp i put myself thru.. fuck..

*you got me fooled, though i denied it.. ass..*