Saturday, November 04, 2006

Sweetness- Jimmy Eats World

heh! its freakin 5.35 and i'm still awake.. damn.. got a match against MM ltr.. wonder if we'll will win not.. haiz.. scary.. i wonder y i always blog b4 a big match.. hmmm..heh! coincidence i guess..

Aniways, was at wan's hse just now abt 12 or so just chilin and crapping.. oh yes, swiiming as well!! hahaha!! it was fun sakz! i min like, it was gay la.. four guys in the freakin cold swimming pool but nonetheless fun.. hahahah!! wan's dad was entertaining us wid his jokes bout movin in and all and he was actually a pretty good host=)credits to him man! rock on...

so ryt, now tt tt's ovr wid, i wonder wadelse i shld crap about.. hmmm.. well 5 more days.. dang.. 4th month.. i'm freakin out cuz i have no idea wad to get her.. i wonder if she'll read this.. heh! dang i miss her.. wait, i just saw her yesterday... lol!

i doubt i'll b off to slp.. most pob generals and thn match str8 after.. god, the unnecessary loss of slp i put myself thru.. fuck..

*you got me fooled, though i denied it.. ass..*

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