Tuesday, November 14, 2006

lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off- Panic! at the Disco

hah! yea yea.. i noe.. long song.. hahah! but wadever.. its nice.. heh! and up to today i have no idea why the heck they have a god damn exclaimation mark.. and i have no idea what god has to do it either.. hahah! ok.. well it sounded funny in head.. lol!

So i see my survey was well received.. THANX TO ALL THOSE THAT DID IT!! you guys rock! except for karl.. he's soo dumb he put the text in the same colour as his background.. WTF DUDE!

Weeeellll.. today was GGT MST and it was good.. think i'll at least pass.. hah! not the same for diana though.. she's freakin hilarious.. We were in the train talking about it when this happened:

Me: so you where's Hong Kong diana?
Diana: OH! that one i draw la..
Me: WHAT??!! its right there on the paper la! why you draw?
Diana: Oh really ah?*then proceeds to bang her head on the MRT pole*

wahahahhah!! hilarious i tell you.. heh! my class cracks me up.. they rili can make a grey sky blue.. heh! DTRM 04' you guys ROCK!=)

So i was studying with sarrah as well and it was cool cause she ACTUALLY did work.. shocked? so am i.. lol!! but yea, it was nice studyin with ya hon! onli cause you bought fries.. hahahaha!! weird incident where this super loud gal was shouting while talking on the phone.. Freaking dumb.. police all came down.. fuckin weird sakz.. and she annoying too....

Well, loads of stuff happened.. now that that's all blogged.. time to look forward to 2ml i guess.. i should i say today.. its 1.56am and i'm wishing all O levellers SUPER HUMONGOUS GOOD LUCK!! heh! and yes, good luck to MST-ers as well.. may we all be blessed with the motivation to keep studying till we get old enough to work and die happy.. god.. why do we put ourselves thru this...=P

I wanna end this saying that life aint what we always want it to be.. but when it is, we want change.. dumb i know.. btw karl, i tink your quote is way fucking nicer.. it goes,

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forward"

i guess it simply means we'll never figure life out.. so don't try.. lol! out!=)

*truth be told, i feel freely guilty......

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