Sunday, January 21, 2007

Through the glass- Stone Sour

ok.. freaking long tym since i last blogged but i dun cre.. i just wanna ask y the heck i'm such a lazy bastard.. damn it.. i keep telling myself that i need to study but i can't come to it..

loads has happened my life in the past few months.. but they're behind me and i dun really wanna go back to thiking about them.. all thats important is that i still love her, my family and of course my frens..

my new year's resolution? be a better person on the whole.. i got loads of catching up to do emotionally, psychologically and in my attitude.. god... life can be a hassel ey?

but thank god its been good to me soo far.. For that i have all to thank.. i do hope it'll be a splendid 2007 for you, me and whoeverelse needs my hope.. and good luck to all the ppl taking the upcoming exams and shit.. heh! i do seriously hope i dun fucking fail PACC.. heh! tt would be a real pain in the ass..

yes yes, its nice to write down here once in a while.. though i doubt i'll do it often.. haiz.. sorry.. ok.. im out.. cya peeps...

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