Saturday, January 27, 2007

Hopless Love- Daphne Loves Derby

for one thing, that is not what i'm getting ryt now.. my love all but hopeless.. heh! guess i just like tha band.. god noes.. aniways, just felt like i got people like joe and diana to thank for the past few days for helping me thru muggin for the exams.. though i still have yet to study for PTH or GGT.. i got a good feeling i'll get to it soon enough..

so how about that dear? i'm actually studyin! lol! ok la.. mayb i'm not like muggin for 24 hrs but i guess 4 hours out of a day is pretty awesome as well..=)

hmmm.. i'd also like to say sry to cyn for cancelling on nasi cuz like we were supposed to spend the nyt at wan's house.. it was the normal board game night whic included with loads of laughter and annoying gay shit.. heh! its funny how i actually thank god for those dudes..

well thats about it for 2nyt.. weird how i said i'd rarely blog in my previous entry.. i guess i am seriously fickle minded.. heh! someone says i gotta be more decisive.. mayb i should try it out..

well i'm out.. take care peeps/ whoever actually reads my blog..

*i could be holding you for an enternity but somehow it'll still feel like only minutes have past..

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