Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Rehab- Amy something something( i'm listening to perfect 10, can you blame me?)

yep yep! i bloggin again!! lol!! and hmmm.. i tink i'm doing it at a pretty bad time.. hours from my exams.. as in literally, hours.. its like freakin 3.06am and my paper is at 9am.. and guess what.. you wont believe it, actually u will.. I HAVENT STUDY A FREAKING THING I TELL U!!! WTF!!!!!!!

but hey, i'm chill as usual.. somehow i keep assuring myself i'll be able to memorise everitin b4 i enter that darn exam room.. i tell u, i'm damn freaking scared of my positivity i tell u.. again and again sarrah has told me neing positive aint always a good thing, and finally, at this point.. i agree!! freaking hell!!

ok, the song now is party like a rock star.. what an ironic time to listen to that song ey.. heh! hmmm.. oh yea, i wanted to talk about the fact that i ALWAYS talk about people reading my blog.. i duno y.. but i tink that has to do with my insecurites about my writing.. its like, i really feel i'm a boring writer la.. yea.. so i guess if i can actually start writing better, i just might actually stop complementing people that read my blog..

and is it just me or does this fucking blog need a new skin... maaaan... i'm seriously doing something about it when i get the time.. and who knows, i may just create one.. again.. heh! alright.. i'm out! love ya peeps!

*and especially you, my dear..

Monday, August 13, 2007

Better than me- Hinder

Wow.. ummm.. ok.. 27th january.. that was the last time i posted yes? pretty darn long time ago ey.. heh! well ummm.. to all the faithfuls who ACTUALLY read my darn blog.. thnk u for umm.. actually bothering to bother about my lame ass blog.. trust me.. nothing i write here ever is impt.. ever.. but i do anyway cuz i got nothing better to do.. so if you fall aslp half way, i'm honoured that u actually made it that far..=P

so, how much as passed? my one year anniversary with her, my 18th birthday! National day! yea! well, thats a whole lot of stuff to talk about ey.. but i shant bore you with any of them.. All of them was awesome and like, every single one had thier special moments and i'm glad to say that i spent all of them with people that are special to me=) haha!!

well well, if i get stuff to talk about.. i'll drop by and say something yea? but for now, i tink this is a nice to warm up.. who knows, i may actually go back to talking about stuff that is related to neither my life nor yours..

for now, i'm outta here..

ps, if you made it this far, please tag so i know just exactly how people gice a damn about my blog.. lol!=P