Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Rehab- Amy something something( i'm listening to perfect 10, can you blame me?)

yep yep! i bloggin again!! lol!! and hmmm.. i tink i'm doing it at a pretty bad time.. hours from my exams.. as in literally, hours.. its like freakin 3.06am and my paper is at 9am.. and guess what.. you wont believe it, actually u will.. I HAVENT STUDY A FREAKING THING I TELL U!!! WTF!!!!!!!

but hey, i'm chill as usual.. somehow i keep assuring myself i'll be able to memorise everitin b4 i enter that darn exam room.. i tell u, i'm damn freaking scared of my positivity i tell u.. again and again sarrah has told me neing positive aint always a good thing, and finally, at this point.. i agree!! freaking hell!!

ok, the song now is party like a rock star.. what an ironic time to listen to that song ey.. heh! hmmm.. oh yea, i wanted to talk about the fact that i ALWAYS talk about people reading my blog.. i duno y.. but i tink that has to do with my insecurites about my writing.. its like, i really feel i'm a boring writer la.. yea.. so i guess if i can actually start writing better, i just might actually stop complementing people that read my blog..

and is it just me or does this fucking blog need a new skin... maaaan... i'm seriously doing something about it when i get the time.. and who knows, i may just create one.. again.. heh! alright.. i'm out! love ya peeps!

*and especially you, my dear..

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