call me when you're sober- Evanescence
yes, tt song is a freakin earworm and i can't seem to stop listening to it.. heh! and soo here i am blogging.. well i actually should be at trisha's suprise bday at esplanade but i decided to skip it.. rili not in the mood plus the day was just a drag la.. haiz.. not to mention the fact that both skool and unoin work aint helping a single bit..
on a more joyful note, i'm glad ppl actuali find it funny that t get inspiration from peeing.. heh! yea, the more i tink abt it, the weirder it becomes but i tink its sumtin different yes? LOL!!
weLL enuf of lazing around.. time to get back to work.. i do wish trisha a super belated birthday and good luck to all the smart asses taking thier Pure Chem Practical tommorrow.. btw hon, that doesn't include you=P jz kiddin.. heh! tke cre ppL!!=)
*i came across this past saying of mine.. when i look into your eyes, i see you for you and not her....
Monday, October 30, 2006
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
the Coldest heart- Classic Crime
so jz back from skool and dinner-ing wid my budds.. shiok.. damn shack la.. gave 2 yellow cards during SMA's street soccer sompetition so tt was cool.. will b refreeing again on thurs.. heh! I HOPE I DUN SCREW UP! heh..
so besides thrs SPSU match 2ml.. damn.. scared i screw that up as well. fuck.. hope my legs dun fail me..hmmm.. shacked, i'm out...
*i am trying to change.. not too much though..
so jz back from skool and dinner-ing wid my budds.. shiok.. damn shack la.. gave 2 yellow cards during SMA's street soccer sompetition so tt was cool.. will b refreeing again on thurs.. heh! I HOPE I DUN SCREW UP! heh..
so besides thrs SPSU match 2ml.. damn.. scared i screw that up as well. fuck.. hope my legs dun fail me..hmmm.. shacked, i'm out...
*i am trying to change.. not too much though..
Monday, October 16, 2006
Why Cry- Panic Channel
hello my dear people.. yes, i'm back and this is time.. its gonna be a freakin weird entry.. cuz like today my inspiration comes from while i was peeing in the toilet.. yes, its tru! heh!!
well, i say tt is cuz i thought i'd touch on the finer things in life.. and believe it or not, they're REALLY FREE!! yep! ok.. let me give you a few scenarios..
1) you've been holdin in ur pee all day and finally, when its juz abt to burst, u find a cubicle and let the gates open.. heh! i tell u, tt feeling is undescribable and WONDERFUL!=P
2) you've thirsty the whole day and ur closest paL hands u a freakin chilled COKE! woohooo!! best ryt?
3) you just got back from boot camp that lasted a week.. you only had like 5 hours sleep in total.. and whn u get back, u tke a freakin nice hot shower and knock out!! wooohooo!!
yea, i noe u're getting as orgasmic as i am.. or mayb not.. heh! but yea.. i like those things, and they're FREE!! so never tell me that good stuff dun come cheap.. cz real fact.. they're actually free=P
ok..i'm fucking dumb.......
*i'd like to thank you, agn...
hello my dear people.. yes, i'm back and this is time.. its gonna be a freakin weird entry.. cuz like today my inspiration comes from while i was peeing in the toilet.. yes, its tru! heh!!
well, i say tt is cuz i thought i'd touch on the finer things in life.. and believe it or not, they're REALLY FREE!! yep! ok.. let me give you a few scenarios..
1) you've been holdin in ur pee all day and finally, when its juz abt to burst, u find a cubicle and let the gates open.. heh! i tell u, tt feeling is undescribable and WONDERFUL!=P
2) you've thirsty the whole day and ur closest paL hands u a freakin chilled COKE! woohooo!! best ryt?
3) you just got back from boot camp that lasted a week.. you only had like 5 hours sleep in total.. and whn u get back, u tke a freakin nice hot shower and knock out!! wooohooo!!
yea, i noe u're getting as orgasmic as i am.. or mayb not.. heh! but yea.. i like those things, and they're FREE!! so never tell me that good stuff dun come cheap.. cz real fact.. they're actually free=P
ok..i'm fucking dumb.......
*i'd like to thank you, agn...
Friday, October 13, 2006
the acoustic song- RJA
gotta start off by wishing my bro, THINESH, HAPPY 17th BIRTHDAY MAN!! heh! he's uprise party was thrown today and it was freakin awesome.. he had no darn idea it was coming.. at all.. LOL!=P
his face when he saw everi1 in his room, classic. yes, all 20+ of us stuffed into his freakin cramp room! maaan.. it was a nice experience la.. and you know, it was really nice to actually SUPRISE someone for once.. btw, i would like to take this oppurtunity to thank viknesh and ashwini for making all of us look planners for suprise parties.. and yes, we're all good actors=P hahaha! pics of the bday bash will be shown below=)
so besides that, ummm, she was sick.. i was worried.. duh.. and hmmm.. a part of me wished i could be ryt beside her helping her.. but we all its impossible.. dang.. glad she felt better and she still could freakin make fun me.. oh yea, thnx for finally reading my blog hon.. heh! i wonder if you'll ever read that.. and yes, her mom's bday was today as well.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY 2 HER!! yay.. heh...
i nid a haircut.. i tink.. damn.. thick hair.. but yet my freakin hair keeps falling.. most probably cause of my geL.. but w/o it, my hair would be too sexy for ani1 to resist.. god.. hu am i kidding.. i'd die w/o you, my dear gel..=P yes, i'm lame.. god i need a life.....
*i had a dream, it came true.. all cause of you...
The whole SP gang with the birthday boy!
Thinesh with the prezzie: Nike Team Shift($88 contributed by all=))
gotta start off by wishing my bro, THINESH, HAPPY 17th BIRTHDAY MAN!! heh! he's uprise party was thrown today and it was freakin awesome.. he had no darn idea it was coming.. at all.. LOL!=P
his face when he saw everi1 in his room, classic. yes, all 20+ of us stuffed into his freakin cramp room! maaan.. it was a nice experience la.. and you know, it was really nice to actually SUPRISE someone for once.. btw, i would like to take this oppurtunity to thank viknesh and ashwini for making all of us look planners for suprise parties.. and yes, we're all good actors=P hahaha! pics of the bday bash will be shown below=)
so besides that, ummm, she was sick.. i was worried.. duh.. and hmmm.. a part of me wished i could be ryt beside her helping her.. but we all its impossible.. dang.. glad she felt better and she still could freakin make fun me.. oh yea, thnx for finally reading my blog hon.. heh! i wonder if you'll ever read that.. and yes, her mom's bday was today as well.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY 2 HER!! yay.. heh...
i nid a haircut.. i tink.. damn.. thick hair.. but yet my freakin hair keeps falling.. most probably cause of my geL.. but w/o it, my hair would be too sexy for ani1 to resist.. god.. hu am i kidding.. i'd die w/o you, my dear gel..=P yes, i'm lame.. god i need a life.....
*i had a dream, it came true.. all cause of you...

Monday, October 09, 2006
rick price- Fixing a broken heart
yes.. 3rd month=)
i'm happy.. heh! rili glad i found u hon.. heh! ok.. i'm being gay.. but yea.. i love her loads.. i'm oretty sure she knows=)
ok.. skool suck 2day.. screwed up my SPSS test and ICE post camp meeting was ridicously long.. wth.. but it was kinda fun coz of the freakin lameass jokes we cracked.. shiok.. and yea.. SOCCER WID MY CLASS!! omg.. they freakin rock at it la.. ok.. gwean not so much=P wahahahahha!!
but yea, i'm jz rili gald we got to bond a lil more and sumore wid my fav sport! omg.. beautiful.. a dream class.. heh! DTRM 04.. u guys ROCK MY ASS!!=)
i'm out.. but do look out for more dumb ass rants.. off to study fuckin PACC.. bet i'm gona flop again..
*you don't need to say it dear, i love you too...
yes.. 3rd month=)
i'm happy.. heh! rili glad i found u hon.. heh! ok.. i'm being gay.. but yea.. i love her loads.. i'm oretty sure she knows=)
ok.. skool suck 2day.. screwed up my SPSS test and ICE post camp meeting was ridicously long.. wth.. but it was kinda fun coz of the freakin lameass jokes we cracked.. shiok.. and yea.. SOCCER WID MY CLASS!! omg.. they freakin rock at it la.. ok.. gwean not so much=P wahahahahha!!
but yea, i'm jz rili gald we got to bond a lil more and sumore wid my fav sport! omg.. beautiful.. a dream class.. heh! DTRM 04.. u guys ROCK MY ASS!!=)
i'm out.. but do look out for more dumb ass rants.. off to study fuckin PACC.. bet i'm gona flop again..
*you don't need to say it dear, i love you too...
Saturday, October 07, 2006
malcom in the middle- channel 5
kaiz.. tired like crazy.. evntho i onli played keeper.. we won our match today, 2-1! heh! nice!=) dang leg still not getting ani better and to add to my misery, my freakin finger got injured as well.. heh!
interesting thing that happened today was that when i was in the lift.. wid the an indian lady.. she started talkin to me and i replied as though we knew each other for ages.. weird.. heh! but we were talkin bout the haze and stuff and like and when we reach the ground floor, she told me to take care of myself like she knew i was injured or something.. sooo weird.. heh!
yea.. off to go get ramly for dinner.. yay.. i'm tired.. bye
kaiz.. tired like crazy.. evntho i onli played keeper.. we won our match today, 2-1! heh! nice!=) dang leg still not getting ani better and to add to my misery, my freakin finger got injured as well.. heh!
interesting thing that happened today was that when i was in the lift.. wid the an indian lady.. she started talkin to me and i replied as though we knew each other for ages.. weird.. heh! but we were talkin bout the haze and stuff and like and when we reach the ground floor, she told me to take care of myself like she knew i was injured or something.. sooo weird.. heh!
yea.. off to go get ramly for dinner.. yay.. i'm tired.. bye
Only hope- Mandy moore
(don't ask.. it was playin and i'm not gona lie abt it.. heh!)
so.. karL's gig.. lol! freakin hilarious cuz me and the gang, which included syafiqah, hayu, didi, nikki and salizah(or in other words sarrah's gang), mi, sarrah, sam and cyn, WERE FUCKIN LATE!! heck.. we like missed the original la.. and to tell the truth, i was kinda looking forward to that and not the rest of the songs la.. i min.. thrs juz sumtin abt originals that makes me go wow.. yea.. but unfortunately, that didn't happen.. oh well, we did catch plug in baby(orignally by muse) and enter sandman(by metallica). not bad if i do say so myself.. the singer was a lil off, but i guess the guitars managed to cover her.. it was her first time afterall.. and hell, put me up and i doubt i'll evn remember a word of the song..*tinks back to B.O.B(battle of the band) days..* hahahah!
so so.. after tt was te normal, normal.. we had dinner.. parted ways.. i sent her back home.. i actually was walkin back when i bumped into 3 girls.. one of em was cryin and so it would be normal to be curious ryt? WRONG!! cuz her frenz noticed tt i was payin attn to them and they walked up to me sayin that she lost her wallet and tt she needed cash to get back home.. at first, i was a lil skeptical but yea, i paused, looked at the girl's face and it DID look like she was crying for hours.. so tinkin tt it wouldn't b ani harm.. i passed thm like $5 and made my way.. dang.. lost $5 juz like tt.. call me cheapskate or wadeva but it was $5!!! heh! could have loads more with it..=P
but yea, it was kinda nice to feel good abt it cuz i helped a poor soul.. lol! maaan.. losing her wallet on mooncake festival.. wad a way to spark tings off wouldn't u say.. howeva, my mum was skeptical abt it and she was like,
mum: u gave them $5??! did u see them into the cab?
me: no..
mum: they most probably used your money go buy drinks la..
me: no
mum: and how would you know they didn't do tt if u didn't watch them leave?
me: i dunno
and then we jz continued watchin tv.. i min.. i saw her give that 'man, u're an idiot' look but i jz ignored it.. heh! i felt good so i dun cre..
dang.. $5......=P
*somehow, i always know u're gona b there...
(don't ask.. it was playin and i'm not gona lie abt it.. heh!)
so.. karL's gig.. lol! freakin hilarious cuz me and the gang, which included syafiqah, hayu, didi, nikki and salizah(or in other words sarrah's gang), mi, sarrah, sam and cyn, WERE FUCKIN LATE!! heck.. we like missed the original la.. and to tell the truth, i was kinda looking forward to that and not the rest of the songs la.. i min.. thrs juz sumtin abt originals that makes me go wow.. yea.. but unfortunately, that didn't happen.. oh well, we did catch plug in baby(orignally by muse) and enter sandman(by metallica). not bad if i do say so myself.. the singer was a lil off, but i guess the guitars managed to cover her.. it was her first time afterall.. and hell, put me up and i doubt i'll evn remember a word of the song..*tinks back to B.O.B(battle of the band) days..* hahahah!
so so.. after tt was te normal, normal.. we had dinner.. parted ways.. i sent her back home.. i actually was walkin back when i bumped into 3 girls.. one of em was cryin and so it would be normal to be curious ryt? WRONG!! cuz her frenz noticed tt i was payin attn to them and they walked up to me sayin that she lost her wallet and tt she needed cash to get back home.. at first, i was a lil skeptical but yea, i paused, looked at the girl's face and it DID look like she was crying for hours.. so tinkin tt it wouldn't b ani harm.. i passed thm like $5 and made my way.. dang.. lost $5 juz like tt.. call me cheapskate or wadeva but it was $5!!! heh! could have loads more with it..=P
but yea, it was kinda nice to feel good abt it cuz i helped a poor soul.. lol! maaan.. losing her wallet on mooncake festival.. wad a way to spark tings off wouldn't u say.. howeva, my mum was skeptical abt it and she was like,
mum: u gave them $5??! did u see them into the cab?
me: no..
mum: they most probably used your money go buy drinks la..
me: no
mum: and how would you know they didn't do tt if u didn't watch them leave?
me: i dunno
and then we jz continued watchin tv.. i min.. i saw her give that 'man, u're an idiot' look but i jz ignored it.. heh! i felt good so i dun cre..
dang.. $5......=P
*somehow, i always know u're gona b there...
Thursday, October 05, 2006
savin' me- nickleback
was browsin thru my photo collection and i started missing peeps.. dang i hate reminescing bout stuff itz shiok in a way but also like kinda depressing.. i min.. loads of my frenz frm sec sch have either moved away or jz moved out of contact.. mayb i jz dun make the effort.. mayb i jz depend on them too much.. wadeva it is, thrs notin i can chg now...
and yes, always warm up b4 a run.. random to u? mayb.. but wait till u get a thigh strain like mine.. fuck...
*we're almost there, though almost might be 100years from now...
was browsin thru my photo collection and i started missing peeps.. dang i hate reminescing bout stuff itz shiok in a way but also like kinda depressing.. i min.. loads of my frenz frm sec sch have either moved away or jz moved out of contact.. mayb i jz dun make the effort.. mayb i jz depend on them too much.. wadeva it is, thrs notin i can chg now...
and yes, always warm up b4 a run.. random to u? mayb.. but wait till u get a thigh strain like mine.. fuck...
*we're almost there, though almost might be 100years from now...
polygraph right now- the spiLL canvas
WAH!! SPSS IS A FUCKER!! god it sux.. recode la.. transform la.. argh! all bull.. thnk god i'm practising in skool.. hell.. if i was at home using my laptop.. i would thrown it.. heh!
she's havin french otal now.. i bet she'll screw it up.. god its gona b good laugh crapping abt it with her tonight.. provided i get the darn time.. oh wait.. NO SKOOL TOMMORROW!! wooHoo!! ok.. i definitely haev the time.. wonder if she will.. damn my timetable rocks.. heh! too bad for all u losers who still has skool on fridays.. heh! i'm evil.. muahahaha!
aite.. thats it fer now.. i'll most prob rant somemore ltr.. peace=)
WAH!! SPSS IS A FUCKER!! god it sux.. recode la.. transform la.. argh! all bull.. thnk god i'm practising in skool.. hell.. if i was at home using my laptop.. i would thrown it.. heh!
she's havin french otal now.. i bet she'll screw it up.. god its gona b good laugh crapping abt it with her tonight.. provided i get the darn time.. oh wait.. NO SKOOL TOMMORROW!! wooHoo!! ok.. i definitely haev the time.. wonder if she will.. damn my timetable rocks.. heh! too bad for all u losers who still has skool on fridays.. heh! i'm evil.. muahahaha!
aite.. thats it fer now.. i'll most prob rant somemore ltr.. peace=)
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
false pretense- the RJA
principal's dialogue was today and i tink itz the dumbing ting eva.. i min.. itz useful in a sense that the principal gets to hear about feeback bout stuff that is screwed up in skool but maaan.. the question.. god.. i bet if no1 stopped them, the ppl would have more thn a hundred questions, comments, complain and proposals.. yes.. all the above was mentioned during the darn ting.. and here i am wondering wad the hell did i gain from the whole thing..
well, there were the parts when the principals made jokes that onli he understood.. and the ppl behind me were laughin wid him.. no no.. more like at him.. but itz was freakin hilarious aniways.. and yes, there was the times whn we caught the head of the Corporate comm and also the asst deputy principal dozing off.. heh! maaan.. u should hv seen it man.. ppl askin them question and they aslp.. LOL!! so yea.. summary, all i gained were a few good laughs.. heh!
so besides tt wad else is thr to add.. well i saw karl on the train and yea we had dinner and talked bout gay stuff.. i wonder if i'll b able to make it to his perfomance.. hmmm.. i do hope so..
ok, i miss loads of peepz... heh! i sound gay but i do.. all the 4eB peeps.. the ppl who went JC like fahmi, cyn all and yea.. the ppl hu went other polys like karl, sam, jill all.. i do hope we mit soon yea.. tke cre all and i shall be back to rant more bullshit..=)
*smile, its the best way to fit in...
principal's dialogue was today and i tink itz the dumbing ting eva.. i min.. itz useful in a sense that the principal gets to hear about feeback bout stuff that is screwed up in skool but maaan.. the question.. god.. i bet if no1 stopped them, the ppl would have more thn a hundred questions, comments, complain and proposals.. yes.. all the above was mentioned during the darn ting.. and here i am wondering wad the hell did i gain from the whole thing..
well, there were the parts when the principals made jokes that onli he understood.. and the ppl behind me were laughin wid him.. no no.. more like at him.. but itz was freakin hilarious aniways.. and yes, there was the times whn we caught the head of the Corporate comm and also the asst deputy principal dozing off.. heh! maaan.. u should hv seen it man.. ppl askin them question and they aslp.. LOL!! so yea.. summary, all i gained were a few good laughs.. heh!
so besides tt wad else is thr to add.. well i saw karl on the train and yea we had dinner and talked bout gay stuff.. i wonder if i'll b able to make it to his perfomance.. hmmm.. i do hope so..
ok, i miss loads of peepz... heh! i sound gay but i do.. all the 4eB peeps.. the ppl who went JC like fahmi, cyn all and yea.. the ppl hu went other polys like karl, sam, jill all.. i do hope we mit soon yea.. tke cre all and i shall be back to rant more bullshit..=)
*smile, its the best way to fit in...
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Lips of an AngeL- Hinder
Yes, i'm back oh cruel world.. heh! more like cruel cousins... Yes simone, u noe its u i'm talkin about.. aniways, today was pretty awesome cuz i like totali skipped skool and like all lessons and stayed home to do SPSU work and PACC!!
yes ppl, u heard it ryt.. nigel's actually tryin to study PACC.. i kinda shocked myself as well but yea.. i tink i'm getting a hang of things.. i min, i'm no whizz but yea, passing the re test could actually be reality=P
aniways, my bro's exam is tommorrow and i have no idea bout how to help him at all.. what a fantastic bro i am huh.. oh well, best i can do pray i guess.. heh!
I gotta say sumtin here as well.. ummm.. its just for my grandaunty who passed on.. rest in peace nanima..
Sam, i gotta tell ya thnx for being there for me. I'm really fine. I guess it helps that i didn't know her that well and yea.. i do hope my cousins r holding up well...
ttz it for todays revelations.. heh! i dun evn what that word mins.. ok.. off to to find out.. lol! cya!=)
*thought it your not here, what memories we have we stay with us foreva. you'll always be around...
Yes, i'm back oh cruel world.. heh! more like cruel cousins... Yes simone, u noe its u i'm talkin about.. aniways, today was pretty awesome cuz i like totali skipped skool and like all lessons and stayed home to do SPSU work and PACC!!
yes ppl, u heard it ryt.. nigel's actually tryin to study PACC.. i kinda shocked myself as well but yea.. i tink i'm getting a hang of things.. i min, i'm no whizz but yea, passing the re test could actually be reality=P
aniways, my bro's exam is tommorrow and i have no idea bout how to help him at all.. what a fantastic bro i am huh.. oh well, best i can do pray i guess.. heh!
I gotta say sumtin here as well.. ummm.. its just for my grandaunty who passed on.. rest in peace nanima..
Sam, i gotta tell ya thnx for being there for me. I'm really fine. I guess it helps that i didn't know her that well and yea.. i do hope my cousins r holding up well...
ttz it for todays revelations.. heh! i dun evn what that word mins.. ok.. off to to find out.. lol! cya!=)
*thought it your not here, what memories we have we stay with us foreva. you'll always be around...
Monday, October 02, 2006
yes yes.. i'm back people.. itz been like wad.. 4 months? or izzit longer.. heck.. doesn't matter does it.. impt ting iz tt i'm back and maaaan have tings happened since thn.. to do a summary or not to.. ttz the question..
oh well.. i guess in short i got a girl friend, sarrah's her name and an idiot she is.. but i'll admit i'm lucky to have her.. i got 2.944 for my GPA.. disappointed? yes but contented nonetheless.. besides tt i guess there was ICE camp which was a blast(since it didnt screw up) and SAA LTC as well.. heh! NAVAJO!! ok.. tt was random... still have a lil of the post camp spirit la.. lol!
what else oh what else... well.. me and her hv been at it for like wad.. close to 3 months now.. remarkable if u ask mi.. i min.. wid the amout of time we go head to head, itz a wonder how i still never regretted having her in my life for one single moment.. could still be the honeymoon period u say.. i wun disagree.. but yea.. i'm lovin how tingz are goin at the moment..
well, skool's a bitch.. we all noe tt so no use goin on blabbering abt it.. howeva, if i do blog agn soon, do be ready to see weird ass pics of my class and clubmates.. not forgeting my old buddies frm sec sch..
dang.. i guess i'm jz gona end here ryt now.. felt good crappin here agn.. who noes.. the next time i come back could be like tommorrow or another 4 months frm now.. anihows, dun stick arnd cuz yea, u'll jz b reading the same old crap ovr and ovr agn..
*i asked and u answered.. my heart's yours my dear.......
yes yes.. i'm back people.. itz been like wad.. 4 months? or izzit longer.. heck.. doesn't matter does it.. impt ting iz tt i'm back and maaaan have tings happened since thn.. to do a summary or not to.. ttz the question..
oh well.. i guess in short i got a girl friend, sarrah's her name and an idiot she is.. but i'll admit i'm lucky to have her.. i got 2.944 for my GPA.. disappointed? yes but contented nonetheless.. besides tt i guess there was ICE camp which was a blast(since it didnt screw up) and SAA LTC as well.. heh! NAVAJO!! ok.. tt was random... still have a lil of the post camp spirit la.. lol!
what else oh what else... well.. me and her hv been at it for like wad.. close to 3 months now.. remarkable if u ask mi.. i min.. wid the amout of time we go head to head, itz a wonder how i still never regretted having her in my life for one single moment.. could still be the honeymoon period u say.. i wun disagree.. but yea.. i'm lovin how tingz are goin at the moment..
well, skool's a bitch.. we all noe tt so no use goin on blabbering abt it.. howeva, if i do blog agn soon, do be ready to see weird ass pics of my class and clubmates.. not forgeting my old buddies frm sec sch..
dang.. i guess i'm jz gona end here ryt now.. felt good crappin here agn.. who noes.. the next time i come back could be like tommorrow or another 4 months frm now.. anihows, dun stick arnd cuz yea, u'll jz b reading the same old crap ovr and ovr agn..
*i asked and u answered.. my heart's yours my dear.......
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