Monday, October 09, 2006

rick price- Fixing a broken heart

yes.. 3rd month=)

i'm happy.. heh! rili glad i found u hon.. heh! ok.. i'm being gay.. but yea.. i love her loads.. i'm oretty sure she knows=)

ok.. skool suck 2day.. screwed up my SPSS test and ICE post camp meeting was ridicously long.. wth.. but it was kinda fun coz of the freakin lameass jokes we cracked.. shiok.. and yea.. SOCCER WID MY CLASS!! omg.. they freakin rock at it la.. ok.. gwean not so much=P wahahahahha!!

but yea, i'm jz rili gald we got to bond a lil more and sumore wid my fav sport! omg.. beautiful.. a dream class.. heh! DTRM 04.. u guys ROCK MY ASS!!=)

i'm out.. but do look out for more dumb ass rants.. off to study fuckin PACC.. bet i'm gona flop again..

*you don't need to say it dear, i love you too...

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