Saturday, October 07, 2006

Only hope- Mandy moore
(don't ask.. it was playin and i'm not gona lie abt it.. heh!)

so.. karL's gig.. lol! freakin hilarious cuz me and the gang, which included syafiqah, hayu, didi, nikki and salizah(or in other words sarrah's gang), mi, sarrah, sam and cyn, WERE FUCKIN LATE!! heck.. we like missed the original la.. and to tell the truth, i was kinda looking forward to that and not the rest of the songs la.. i min.. thrs juz sumtin abt originals that makes me go wow.. yea.. but unfortunately, that didn't happen.. oh well, we did catch plug in baby(orignally by muse) and enter sandman(by metallica). not bad if i do say so myself.. the singer was a lil off, but i guess the guitars managed to cover her.. it was her first time afterall.. and hell, put me up and i doubt i'll evn remember a word of the song..*tinks back to B.O.B(battle of the band) days..* hahahah!

so so.. after tt was te normal, normal.. we had dinner.. parted ways.. i sent her back home.. i actually was walkin back when i bumped into 3 girls.. one of em was cryin and so it would be normal to be curious ryt? WRONG!! cuz her frenz noticed tt i was payin attn to them and they walked up to me sayin that she lost her wallet and tt she needed cash to get back home.. at first, i was a lil skeptical but yea, i paused, looked at the girl's face and it DID look like she was crying for hours.. so tinkin tt it wouldn't b ani harm.. i passed thm like $5 and made my way.. dang.. lost $5 juz like tt.. call me cheapskate or wadeva but it was $5!!! heh! could have loads more with it..=P

but yea, it was kinda nice to feel good abt it cuz i helped a poor soul.. lol! maaan.. losing her wallet on mooncake festival.. wad a way to spark tings off wouldn't u say.. howeva, my mum was skeptical abt it and she was like,

mum: u gave them $5??! did u see them into the cab?
me: no..
mum: they most probably used your money go buy drinks la..
me: no
mum: and how would you know they didn't do tt if u didn't watch them leave?
me: i dunno

and then we jz continued watchin tv.. i min.. i saw her give that 'man, u're an idiot' look but i jz ignored it.. heh! i felt good so i dun cre..

dang.. $5......=P

*somehow, i always know u're gona b there...

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