Wednesday, September 05, 2007

someday we'll know- mandy moore

i have no idea why i'm even listening to that but today i'm here to just jot down stuff i feel..

i noe.. i rarely ever do this.. in fact i only remember once that i actually put down my opinion or something close to that on life on my blog.. pretty dumb if you ask me but hey, i guess i feel a blog cant be trusted la.. heh!

well well, today was nothing spectacular.. basically my day off from work so i spent it sleeping and then met sarrah and then the guys and home.. but somehow, i felt like today was a weird kind of revelation..

today i suddenly felt like my life is filled.. like its good and that if my days were to go on like it today, i might actually die a happy man.. heh! yes, ironically i'm talking about death but i'm not gonna dwell on that, i love my life..

know what annoyed me today? its the fact that i thought it was a burden to go meet sarrah.. that it was a burden to meet the guys after i met her.. why? just why do i do that when i know in my heart that i enjoy almost every moment i spent with them? its true.. it seems that constantly i will find things to be as burden till i get to dong it and when i reflect.. like right now.. i realise how ashamed i am of my thoughts.. maybe i'm more disgusted than ashamed.. i duno.. all i know is that i'm not that wonderful of a person the more i reflect on the things i do......

but my life is good.. everything is fine.... i jsut feel its better writing it here since i rarely get anyone dropping by.. haha! i hate writing.. too darn annoying to look at cuz like my habdwriting fucking sucks.. heh!

i have no idea wh the hell i just wrote that paragraph but hey, its what i'm thinking about so i'm not gonna erase it.. hmmm.. well its nice the feeling i have now.. calmness.. like a sinner who has just confessed.. or something like that.. lol! well this is the end of my confession... and i'm gonna try to get some sleep and go RUNNING!! god knows i need to lose weight.. heh! i'm out..=)

*i'm missing you and its not just cause of those butterfly kisses...

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