Monday, March 20, 2006

SayinG sorry- Hawthorne Heights

b4 i start i juz wanna remind ol the hockey gaLz that u guyz did ur best aite?? and yea. thrz notin u shld not b proud off.. u guyz definitely deserved 2 win and i guess the refrees' an ass.. haha! kip ur head up and make sure u guyz take tt 3rd placing.. and congratz 2 the guyz for makin it 2 the finaLs.. hopefuLLy i'll b down for ya game=)

aniwayz.. was readin karL's blog juz now and lyk it totaLi blew mi away sakz.. maaan.. damn weird i noe..but it did.. i duno y.. i guess itz juz the passion and enthusiasm that he trendsended thru his werds.. i min.. i could tell he was riLi crious bout wad he was writing and yea.. for once.. wad he wrote made sense. good on u karL..

hmmm.. wonder if i'll eva b lyk tt.. haiz.. more i come 2 tink of it.. thrz notin i'm truly passionate abt.. bsyds annoyin ppL and talkin(which is lyk the same ting) i dun tink thr iz anitinelse i'm good at.. hmm.. juz hit mi that thrz gonna b business stuff in TRM.. damn.. i suck at business.. weLL, at least ttz wad i tink i do la.. hmmm.. guess itz too late to tink ey.. juz hope for the best iz wad i usually say...

weLL.. passion.. i nid sum man.. damn.. monday.. raining and i dun evn noe if i'll b goin for trainin.. holz can b a real pain in the ass..

*duN looK back in aNger, i heard u say........

Sunday, March 19, 2006

start Over- Best Interest

hey hey! i'm finally back and i'd lyk 2 start out this entry wid a few apologies.. yes.. i noe itz weird but i juz wanna do it.. umm.. first iz out 2 karL.. heY man.. i'm sry no one was thr wid ya on ur bday.. i riLi am.. hope u enjoyed KL though.. and second iz to sarrah.. ummm.. i'm sry i didn't get ya nitin at KL.. hahah! yea.. ttz bout it..

now. on2 ummm.. scrabble i guess.. it went out pretty aite.. no hiccups or wad so eva.. yea.. so kinda happy bout tt.. made a new guiness world record! haha! yea.. cooL huh.. 1000+ ppL playin scrabble at one simulateneuos tyM! pretty awesome if u asked mi.. but weirdly enuf. after the event, i did not get the feeling of sattisfaction i wanted.. haiz......

weLL.. tt was totaLi forgotten the minute i was making my way 2 KL!! yea.. ryt on the day tt scrabble ended.. we were on our way 2 KL... hahaha! it was GREAT!!!

lyk.. we bought loads of stuff and went 2 KLCC 2 c the petronas towers.. evntho it was my 2nd tym.. the sight of those buildings juz frekin blew mi away.. it felt good.. criously.. spendin tym wid my hommiez and juz havin a good tym is more thn i could eva ask 4.. THNX GUYS AND WAN'S PARENTS 4 THE AWESOME TRIP!!!=)

hmm.. i noe thr ain't much details.. ttz cuz if i start, i doubt i'll b able 2 stop.. itz onli the truth.. so yea.. wanna noe wad riLi went on.. ask us personally..

kaiz.. i'm done for 2day... gonna slack on tiz lazy sunday.. looks lyk thr izzin't gonna b much 2 do since itz rainin.. haiz... mite turn 2 bloggin ltr juz 2 pass tyM.. k.. i'M out...

*i'M lookin for tt 1 2 blow mi away.....

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

muscle Museum- Muse

hey hey!=) i'm back.. duh.. yea.. juz tot of bloggin wad went on 2day.. which waas mainly swimming and presentation for shai and the the rest of the teachers 2ml.. damn.. i got a prob... i dun tink i can stay in alumni la..

riLi.. itz lyk.. i got a feeling that foreva on.. shai's gonna have expectations of mi all the way.. and lyk.. he'll b expecting mi 2 heLp raise the YLDP and stuff 2 the next level.. 2gether with ppL lyK moa shen and his and my batch of ppL.. i ain't cut out for tt..

not sayin tt i'm givin up alredi but i dun lyk tt.. u get wad i min?? i dun lyk doin stuff lyk plottin direction and blah blah.. i'm more of a person hu's a do ryt now thn ting.. i luv the pressure of doin events and the probz tt arise during tt event.. im not the kind to wry bout probz tt may happen in lyk 2-3 months or evn years tyM.......

talked 2 sarrah bout it and yea.. she kinda made mi realise tt thr iz notin shai can do 2 stop mi.. but hmmm.. i duno la.. i got gay ass concience will bug mi la.. lyk u noe.. the feeling of letting sum1 down.. hmmm.. but thn agn.. i duno la.. i see how.. mayb the prob will juz go away or thr may come a point whr i ahve 2 tell shai.. haiz.. weLL thn.. now tt ttz out of the way.. wad else shld i say..

oh ya..

KarL iz GAY! haha!

yeP.. he definitely iz.. LOL! aniwayz.. chelsea against BARCA second leg ltr on.. hahaha! BARCA GONNA KICK ASS!!=) weLL.. mayb @ half tym i shaLL give super fresh updates bout it yea?? haha!=P kaiz.. i'm out ppL.. cYa!=)


*i'm not the type to say i told u so...

Monday, March 06, 2006

MoVe aLong- AAR

itz fcuKin 6.55am amd i'm BLOGGIN!! hahaha!!

i hate hommiez.. we got a damn punctuality prob.. we neva eva can kip to the timing we teLL.. if we say mit @ 7.30am, u better reach @ the meeting area @ 8-8.30 cuz we all sure late.. basket.. i stay up all nyt 2 make sure i dun ovrslp thn the assholes stiL aslp!! aRgH!

aH ya.. but used 2 it also la.. k.. i go knock out.. haha! sry bout postin lame ass ramblings but it iz my blog afterall.. hah!

i'm out.. tKe crE ppL.. and hoMMiez reading.. WE GOTTA TRAIN IN PUNCTUALITY!!!

hey hey!! tot of updating bout my outing wid my frenz 2 sentosa.. it was a birthday cum gathering(duh).. maaan.. AWESOME!!! ttz the werd that comes 2 mind whn i tink of it man.. had loads and loads of FUN bebz!!

hahaha!! day started off kinda slow but thn wan got scolded for knocking over a volleyball poLL!! damn fcukin funni sakz!! lyk.. whn he kena, ol of us act as though we duno him.. haha! it was hilarious watchin wan patheticaLLy hold on to the poLL all by himself!! wahahaha!!

thn we started eatin, lpayin ol the now crap ppL normaLLy do at the beach.. and yea.. the end was cooL cuz we cut cake for vik and yea i managed 2 pay wan's and ady's mums so tt was good! haha! all turned out good and i thank all of those hu came dwn.. THNK U GUYZ!!! and yea.. HAPPI BDAY VIK!! and yea.. FAREWELL 2 MY DEAR GOOD FREN, AQILAH!! tKe cRe and ol the best for ur future endevouers(if tt iz how itz spelt=P)

and yea.. i got tourism and resort developement.. DID ANI1ELSE GET IT??!! plz do tell mi if u did cuz i'm alone sakz!! haiz.....

aniwayz.. i'm damn glad tt ol my hommies are in SP.. damn sad at the same time cuz haN-short, fahmi and KARL DIDN'T MAKE IT!! arGh!! wasted sakz.. bloody stupid MOE.. but dun wori dude.. i'm sure we're gonna stay close yea=)

kaiz.. tt abt sums everitin uP.. tKe cRe ol ad i'll update sooN..=)
ouR lives- the calling

haven't been updating have i... weLL.. sry.. laziness and i gues thr was sum1 hu actuaLi pointed 2 mi tt i dun ryt wad i riLi feel and u noe wad ppL.. i totaLi agree wid tiz person.. i can't... i can't talk about my feelings openly...


i knew it all along and yet.. i guess it juz neva occured 2 mi tt blogs r made for exactly tt.. weLL thr r those tt would disagree, but for mi, i bliv tt wad blogs are for..

so now we move on 2 y the heck do i kiP bloggin thn.. my answer.. CUZ OF BOREDOM!! haha! yea.. i guess juz 2 use up them seemingly unlimited time i have durin my holz.. trust mi.. holz r fun till u have notin 2 fcukin do animore!! many of my peepz can back mi up on tt=P

aniwayz.. 2 tiz fren of mine, and to the diligent few who take the time 2 read my lame ass blog, i doubt i'd eva b able 2 express my feelings openly.. itz juz sumtin tt i kinda have a problem doiN.. yea..

kaiz..i'M out.............