Monday, March 20, 2006

SayinG sorry- Hawthorne Heights

b4 i start i juz wanna remind ol the hockey gaLz that u guyz did ur best aite?? and yea. thrz notin u shld not b proud off.. u guyz definitely deserved 2 win and i guess the refrees' an ass.. haha! kip ur head up and make sure u guyz take tt 3rd placing.. and congratz 2 the guyz for makin it 2 the finaLs.. hopefuLLy i'll b down for ya game=)

aniwayz.. was readin karL's blog juz now and lyk it totaLi blew mi away sakz.. maaan.. damn weird i noe..but it did.. i duno y.. i guess itz juz the passion and enthusiasm that he trendsended thru his werds.. i min.. i could tell he was riLi crious bout wad he was writing and yea.. for once.. wad he wrote made sense. good on u karL..

hmmm.. wonder if i'll eva b lyk tt.. haiz.. more i come 2 tink of it.. thrz notin i'm truly passionate abt.. bsyds annoyin ppL and talkin(which is lyk the same ting) i dun tink thr iz anitinelse i'm good at.. hmm.. juz hit mi that thrz gonna b business stuff in TRM.. damn.. i suck at business.. weLL, at least ttz wad i tink i do la.. hmmm.. guess itz too late to tink ey.. juz hope for the best iz wad i usually say...

weLL.. passion.. i nid sum man.. damn.. monday.. raining and i dun evn noe if i'll b goin for trainin.. holz can b a real pain in the ass..

*duN looK back in aNger, i heard u say........

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