Monday, March 06, 2006

ouR lives- the calling

haven't been updating have i... weLL.. sry.. laziness and i gues thr was sum1 hu actuaLi pointed 2 mi tt i dun ryt wad i riLi feel and u noe wad ppL.. i totaLi agree wid tiz person.. i can't... i can't talk about my feelings openly...


i knew it all along and yet.. i guess it juz neva occured 2 mi tt blogs r made for exactly tt.. weLL thr r those tt would disagree, but for mi, i bliv tt wad blogs are for..

so now we move on 2 y the heck do i kiP bloggin thn.. my answer.. CUZ OF BOREDOM!! haha! yea.. i guess juz 2 use up them seemingly unlimited time i have durin my holz.. trust mi.. holz r fun till u have notin 2 fcukin do animore!! many of my peepz can back mi up on tt=P

aniwayz.. 2 tiz fren of mine, and to the diligent few who take the time 2 read my lame ass blog, i doubt i'd eva b able 2 express my feelings openly.. itz juz sumtin tt i kinda have a problem doiN.. yea..

kaiz..i'M out.............

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