Monday, March 06, 2006

MoVe aLong- AAR

itz fcuKin 6.55am amd i'm BLOGGIN!! hahaha!!

i hate hommiez.. we got a damn punctuality prob.. we neva eva can kip to the timing we teLL.. if we say mit @ 7.30am, u better reach @ the meeting area @ 8-8.30 cuz we all sure late.. basket.. i stay up all nyt 2 make sure i dun ovrslp thn the assholes stiL aslp!! aRgH!

aH ya.. but used 2 it also la.. k.. i go knock out.. haha! sry bout postin lame ass ramblings but it iz my blog afterall.. hah!

i'm out.. tKe crE ppL.. and hoMMiez reading.. WE GOTTA TRAIN IN PUNCTUALITY!!!

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