Monday, March 06, 2006

hey hey!! tot of updating bout my outing wid my frenz 2 sentosa.. it was a birthday cum gathering(duh).. maaan.. AWESOME!!! ttz the werd that comes 2 mind whn i tink of it man.. had loads and loads of FUN bebz!!

hahaha!! day started off kinda slow but thn wan got scolded for knocking over a volleyball poLL!! damn fcukin funni sakz!! lyk.. whn he kena, ol of us act as though we duno him.. haha! it was hilarious watchin wan patheticaLLy hold on to the poLL all by himself!! wahahaha!!

thn we started eatin, lpayin ol the now crap ppL normaLLy do at the beach.. and yea.. the end was cooL cuz we cut cake for vik and yea i managed 2 pay wan's and ady's mums so tt was good! haha! all turned out good and i thank all of those hu came dwn.. THNK U GUYZ!!! and yea.. HAPPI BDAY VIK!! and yea.. FAREWELL 2 MY DEAR GOOD FREN, AQILAH!! tKe cRe and ol the best for ur future endevouers(if tt iz how itz spelt=P)

and yea.. i got tourism and resort developement.. DID ANI1ELSE GET IT??!! plz do tell mi if u did cuz i'm alone sakz!! haiz.....

aniwayz.. i'm damn glad tt ol my hommies are in SP.. damn sad at the same time cuz haN-short, fahmi and KARL DIDN'T MAKE IT!! arGh!! wasted sakz.. bloody stupid MOE.. but dun wori dude.. i'm sure we're gonna stay close yea=)

kaiz.. tt abt sums everitin uP.. tKe cRe ol ad i'll update sooN..=)

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