Tuesday, April 11, 2006

let there be love- oaSiS

so.. SP.. maaaan... whr in the world do i start.. soo much 2 say man.. ok.. let's start wid the train ride thr.. BY MYSELF.. yes.. i was.. i clouldn't bliv myself but i was.. hah! and so was 2day la.. ALONE..

howeva.. i feel as though itz aite la.. i min.. i getta haf sum alone tym and plus.. w/o those noisy clowns.. i can actuali peacefully listen 2 my MP3 and doze my way 2 skooL.. heh!

so 1st day.. did quite a bit of activities.. blah hir blah thr.. sweaty.. class bonded.. ryt.. my class.. well.. my class is over dominant wid chinese and gals.. ok.. tt myt not hv come out ryt.. weLL.. my class lyk 2 non chinese.. and four guys.. andthe rest r chinese and gals la.. yea.. hmmm.. proportionate ey.. heh!!

yea.. but we're a cool bunch la.. fun lovin and yea.. they're talkative as weLL.. lucky 4 mi i guess.. i jz pray tt i'll b able 2 mix wid thm well and not say anitin anitin stupid 2 offend thm la..(sam shld noe wad my dumb mouth is capable of:P) besides tt.. ytd was aite..

2day was kinda fun though.. cuz we had the SB fantasy pageant! haha!! it was damn funi.. i got in2 the semis and got eliminated no thnx 2 a faulty paper box.. if u hv no idea wad i'm talkin ab.. ask mi personaLLy.. doubt u'll get the pic evn if i explain.. so yea.. movin on.. the pageant was won by tiz awesome couple hu dressed gothic.. kinda awesome la.. heh! aniwayz.. congratz u 2!!=)

was wid gwean on the way home.. and yea.. she dropped at kranji and MUNI got on at woodlands.. wanna noe the funi ting.. i didn'y say hi.. cuz lyk i didn't noe if it was the REAL muni i knew.. so i took a few stares.. and lyk finally gathered he guts 2 ask if she was muni not.. hnk god she was.. after tt.. we started laughin lyk CRAZY!! she was lyk tryin her best 2 quieten mi dwn but i jz couldn't tahan la.. i min.. ppL.. we spent 5 frekkin minutes wonderin if we were the ppL we both tot we were.. ok.. tt came out totaLi confusin.. heh! but criously.. if u were thr.. u would haf laughed ya ss off la..hahahah!!

yea.. and ttz the end of day 2.. simple.. yea.. 2ml's gonna lame flag day collection.. haiz.. gotta go beg for money.. wonder if i shld bring along NP shirt and do dumb stuff.. heh! and btw.. karl is fcukin funi.. sam has a huge ass.. and sarrah is not smart.. thNk u!!

one more ting.. to hommieZ.. sry bout makin u guYz wait yea.. orientation took longer thn expected.. kaiz.. wid tt.. i'm out.. tKe cre ppL..=)

`to know hu we are, we're still to far....

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