Saturday, April 08, 2006

dark blue- jack's mannequin

oh maan.. k.. soo it has been a frekin long tym ey.. i have no idea whr 2 start man.. i min.. thrz soo muzh runnin thru my head ryt.. hah! well thn.. i guess i'll juz start of wid the most recent and if anitin sparks off frm thr i'll jz blog abt thm as weLL..

so.. most of ya peepz shld noe tt SPSU's FO camp juz ended.. and i pray no1 heeded my werds and joined it sakz.. sial la.. camp.. totaLi SUCKED!! yea.. it did.. i min.. frm the start.. they started torturin us.. PUSH UPS PPL!!! ya.. sial la.. and lyk.. mi and one of my family member, amy, juz stood up.. and lyk we look at our parents(group leader) and they were lyk juz do juz do.. so we did it la.. and thn vik's family(group) started 2 fight back and shout at the guy askin us 2 do push ups.. sial la.. haven't evn start and lyk the camp was lyk boot camp la..

thn came up the games and lyk.. they wanted us 2 greet everi single person.. waH! tt 1 i tell u.. damn damn sian.. we had 2 greet in heriachy(accordance 2 rank) and ol la.. jz tt can cause ya a sorethroat cuz lyk they wanted u 2 do it as loud as possible.. i tell u.. probz started frm thr.. my family members were complainin and ol.. haiz.. damn damn sad sakz.. i felt lyk one kind sakz.. i min.. they way they did ting.. it wasn't ryt la.. 4 wadeva reason..

thn the day passed and lyk everitin was ok.. till nyt fell.. tt was whn lyk i had enuff.. cuz evn in the afternoon they were toturin us.. askin us 2 do tiz.. and tt.. run hir.. cheer louder.. cheers wid thier names in it.. and thn at nyt the tortures became worse.. i began rebel.. i could no longer stand 2 see myself and my family members go thru these kinda punishments sakz.. so i rebelled.. i made practically frussed the GP(the punishers!) lyk siow la.. till he said fuck! haha! at tt point of tym i was lyk damn happy la.. i tot i won cuz lyk the other GPs came ovr and stopped him.. but thn.. he went 2 family and started torturin thm ryt in frmnt of mi.. and thn my mum came ovr and told mi 2 give it up.. at tt point.. i tell u.. guilt filled mi up.. tt kind of feelin.. itz lyk.. i duno how 2 explain it la.. itz lyk.. i was on a high u noe.. i was practically smirkin at him till he did tt and my mum came ovr.. i couldn't tke it.. i broke.. i felt as though i had put thm in2 a worse situation tt they alredi were.. summore.. it was lyk.. i duno la.. loads of stuff juz filled mi up and i broke.. so after tt i juz had 2 get back in2 in my family and juz continue.. thruout the whole ting i jz kept endurin everitin 4 my family la..

went 2 slp and b4 i knew it.. day broke and we were playin tug of war.. abd bliv it or not.. the GPs said please and proceed 2 playin.. WTH SAKZ??!! lyk a whole lot of stuff was runnin thru my mind.. i was totaLi unsure of how 2 respond 2 thm sakz.. whn we greeted thm they were lyk no nid 2 greet.. i totaLi stun... i was lyk.. HUH??! haha!! i tell u.. it was damn funni la.. u shld hv seen ol our faces.. it was lyk everi single person had the same face on.. it was frekin funi!! hah!!

thn came nyt and we finally realised tt these GPs were actuaLi tryin 2 make us leave camp and 2 learn 2 control our temper and actuaLi learn how impt togetherness iz.. yea.. weLL.. GPs.. mission success..after tt we were lyk abidin by most of the stuff they drilled in2 us la.. heh.. i slpt at campfire but woke up for wan's fantastic perfomance as a SHIM!!!(shemale) i tell u.. i was laughin lyk hell.. heh!! he rili look lyk one cuz afterall, he had a small.. ahem.. shall not mention it la.. but u guyz noe wad i'm talkin abt.. aniwayz.. thr was disco after tt and tt was awesome as well.. haha!! had loads of fun la dancin and ol.. heh!! ol the northland guyz were lyk rubbin each other 4 cryin out loud.. damn fcukin funi!!! wahahahah!! thn whn we got bored.. we went wid the GP 2 go prank ppL.. hahaha!! i tell u.. now tt was fcukin funi.. ppL had thier armpits up and we were lyk puttin colgate in thier armpit and nipples and bellybuttons.. marc has a few pics of thm so if u wanna see the carnage we created.. go ask him for picz.. hahahaha!!

weLL thn.. back 2 impt was sucky.. but the ppL.. unforgettable.. CRETACEOUS!! ttz my family name.. and my sistaz r: Lilin, Regina, Jasmine, Weini.. and my broz: rahim, jeremy, horace,zhen long, jian liang, chris, hanafi, melvin, sam... and the ppL hu i respect of most in the camp r my parents: Zoah(dad), Luccia(mum).. thnk u guyz for carryin mi up whn i'm done yea.. w/o u guyz.. i would have left the camp on the veri first nyt..=)

i applaude if u made it tiz far man.. cuz if i aint wrong.. tiz iz my longest post eva.. wahhaha!! i guess ol t waitin tym paid off ey.. LOL!! k.. ol u peePz tke cre aite.. and rmb.. whn u move on.. dun eva 4get the ones tt allowed u 2.. ur family and frenz.. cya sooN.. shall blog more yea=)
CRETACEOUS!!!!!!! U GUYZ ROCK!!!!!!!!!!=)

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