Saturday, April 09, 2011

Relevance vs Change

More - Usher

It was like an epiphany. Hit me yesterday while I was just sparing myself sometime to think.

The need to be relevant and the change that comes with it.

Why this even came to mind is a wonder but I guess it just came while I was thinking about work and whether I was missing a lot while I'm on MC. Things like that worry me and sometimes I feel that's gonna make me a workaholic. But then again I'm a fucking slacker and everyone knows that so I think I'll be fine. Moving on.

Everyone gets that in order to stay relevant to the times of today, we need to make changes in the way we live life, the way we wear our clothes etc. so that we don't fall out of the loop. That is what life is like to me. A loop. But it's an ever changing loop that if you take a step back, reoccurs every few years. But that's just me. But IF that's true then why bother changing at all.

Sometimes, I feel it's our NEED to stay relevant and that's why we end up changing ourselves and the way we live life. The need to stay relevant IS our way of life and we're sucked into this never ending vortex because of all the influences and avenues by which change is portrayed to be the way to live life. Think about it, life was never this way before the internet, agreed?

Now, if what I wrote is hypothetically true, then is it not possible that it could be our NEED to be relevant that changes arises. Which means that we create the change just so we have something to be relevant to. So did change come first or the need to be relevant? Maybe I'm comparing apples with oranges but I'd figure otherwise.

Probably it's just another attempt for me to rant. Well in that case, sorry to put you through that.

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