Sunday, February 12, 2006

2nd post..

yes.. itz the 70 hour gag present to u by mediacorp radio!!

wahahah!! loads of peepz were dwn for it and i tell u.. i can almost swear.. it felt lyk i was in SERANGOON!!

riLi sakz.. i min.. it was crowded wid indians man! and ol thnx 2 the oli DJ hu brought hlaf of india wid him.. wahaha!! it was lyk he had the most support man! but we were not gonna let thm step ol ovr us so we cheered as loud as we could for skinny ankle or more better known rod montero!

hahahakz! he was awesome 2 b arnd wid man.. criously.. i min.. he was neva arrognat unlike shan.. no offence dude but u kinda were.. lol! and yea. he was alwayz cheerfuL! evn though we woke him up he stiL said ok 2 takin photos wid us! and u noe wad.. whn ew asked him.. he said SURE!! ya.. HE SPOKE!! wahahaha!! tt was frekkin funi sakz! heheh:P thn mi and karl looked @ each other and we couldn't stop laughin i teLL u!

the whole day we were teasin rod abt it and he juz looked @ us and smiled.. hehe:P tt was funi man.. bsyds tt we saw marc and met up jena, louise and tammy @ the roadshow.. it was cooL la.. finaLLy seein jena.. i min.. definitely mixed emotions but u noe wad.. i guess i automatically forgave her the minute she offered a hug.. juz cannot b angry la.. yea..

ovrall.. it was a cool day.. mitin peepz.. cheerin and yea.. i evn won and osim eye massager.. wahah!! itz kinda weird as u can c frm the last pic.. but i tell u.. the massages it gives r heaven! lol! kaiz.. i'm out.. pEace ppL!

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