Wednesday, February 01, 2006


greetingz brudderz and sistaz!!

hahakz! kaiz.. i noe ttz a weird way 2 start but wth.. lolz.. i juz wanna apologise on not loyally updating my blog cuz afterall, i've been a lil bz.. aniwayz.. i'm BACK!! yea.. and hmmm.. whr in the werld do i start..

umm... notin riLi has happened.. ummm.. went back 2 skooL.. maaan.. was tt a treat!! mdm tai also came back sakz.. and yes.. u guessed it.. whn acknowledged, she stood up onli 2 get booed by the students! maaan.. tt was WICKED!! but yea.. it was NSS students afterall and ol she did was react wid a smile and she sat back dwn.. besyds tt i managed 2 mit uP mr.taufiK and MDM.K!! TT WAS DEFINITELY THE HIGHLIGHT OF THE WHOLE DAY LA!! hahakz.. criously enjoYed it.. got 2 mit a few of my frenz tt were studyin thr as weLL such as puden, sarrah, aloy, sec1s tt i knew and yea a whole lot more la.. maaan.. it was a lil weird bein back thr but stiL i felt lyk.. lyk a sense of belongin thr la.. it was good.. sense of warmth.. weird i noe.. but soo tru..

besyds tt.. ummm.. yea.. notin much la.. tKe Cre peePz! blog soon.. loLz..

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