Sunday, February 12, 2006

new post

pics above r frm a tournament tt my soccer team galaticos went 4.. it was @ ngee ann and i teLL u.. the ppL thr WERE HUGE!! wahahah!!

we played our ass off and we ended up 4th!! yes ppL! it was an open tournament and against ol odds.. we came out 4th.. we left empty handed though cuz there weren't ani prizes for fourth place.. how sad huh.. but soo tru.. haiz

but the day was fantastic and we made it 2 the semis against ol odds.. and ppL definitely respected us man.. they were congratulatin us on makin it tiz far and they were "how r u guyzs?" and we replied "below 17", thier facial expressions all chg! wahahah!!

but u guyws wanna noe the funny ting.. we made it ol the way thr thru penalties!!wahahah!! we neva scored a single goal sakz! wahaha!! now tt ppL, iz an ACCOMPLISHMENT!!

b4 i end.. i wanna thank SAM AND ANDY!! thnk u guyz!! w/o u peePz, i doubt we would have the determintation 2 go as far we did!! u guyz are our STRENGTH!! thNk U!!=)

ok.. ttz it.=).. on2 the post bout the 70 hour gag..

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