Tuesday, February 14, 2006


start over- best interest

i'm soo sori i've been kinda late in updatin my posts.. but yea... i'm a bz man.. wad can i say.. LOL!! weLL.. back 2 the crious stuff.. it iz the result entry peepz.. yes.. the emotions.. the tears.. the smiles.. i'm gonna explain everi lil ting in detail.. so hir we go...

met the guys @ mac arnd 2.05 if i'm not wrong.. everi1 was jittery.. criously.. thr was the feeling of anxiety and confusion filing the air.. everi1 was nervous bout wad they were gonna get.. it was practically the hommiez and the EC boys.. as we approached skool, we met loads of ex skoolmates and we exchged pleasantries and thn we dived in2 the topic tt was on ol our minds.. wth were we gonna GET??!!

maaaan.. i tell u.. as i entered skooL.. i juz could feel everi1 lyk takin sighs man.. i min.. it was weird la.. but for the first tym..i felt as though all of us were havin the exact tots runnin thru our heads..

we saw sum of the juniors.. and they were lyk.. good luck ppL! and i was so glad la.. i min.. it was great tt they were thr 2 support us.. but stiLL.. we were totaLi scared la!! wahahah!!

met a whole lot of frenz on the second floor and the gossip bout hu got wad was floodin in man.. it was lyk.. dude! u got a2 in tiz.. man.. u did badly sakz.. and i was lyk.. WTH!! hold up ppL! hahaha! it was madness.. and thn evn the teachers started droppin hint bout hu did weLL and hu didn't.. TT WAS WORSE!! i was prayin my name neva comes up sakz.. thNk goD it didn't and u noe.. b4 i knew it.. it was tym 2 enter the haLL..

and lyk @ many sec skooLs.. the principaL began blabberin away bout the how sucky my batch did and i totaLi cld not b bothered.. ol i was worid abt was my mi and my frenz.. i soo badly wanted ol us 2 score sakz.. and as tt thought drifted past.. the talk was ovr.......

i prayed ppL.. yes i did.. juz as everi went forward 2 take thier results.. i kinda stayed behind.. put my hands 2 2gether and prayed....

i was lyk one of the last 2 get my results la.. maaan.. u can juz imagine.. watchin ppL hug thier frenz.. watchin others break in tears.. wathcin ppL juz stare at thier results in disblief.. i teLL u.. my heart was fcukin RACING!! heck.. thn.. aloy comes 2 mi and say.. dude.. i ur slip.. u got 2 As!! man.. i soo wanted 2 bliv him but i juz had 2 c for myself..

my name was called and thr i was.. wid my results.. i took it and went 2 the side of the hall.. and in solitude.. i opened it.. 3As!! WOOHHHOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! 17pts for R5!!! AWESOME PPL!! wahahaha!! i was soo glad i tell u! i made it sakz.. i juz could bliv it.. joy was ovrflowin.. i juz couldn't contain it.. and u noe wad was the funiest part.. i was jumpin and shout all by MYSELF!! wahahah!! i min.. i looked frekkin awkward la.. after a while ZY joined mi and it was awesome.. but howeva.. my joy didn't last for long....

my frenz didn't do as weLL as i had hoped for... maaan.. i was soo sad.. i min.. it ain't ez standin thr and watchin ur frenz break down knowin tt u can't do anitin 2 make tingz better saKz.. ol i cld do was comfort thm but no matter wad i did.. i knew i wasn't helpin.. haiz.. tt part was difficult sakz...

but all of thm got ovr it and u noe wads the aftermath... WE'RE ALL GOIN POLY!! SP 2 b exact.. hahahakz!! itz juz weird la how it ol came out.. end up.. it looks lyk NSS iz gonna populate SP... hehehe:P so SP.. watch ouT!! LoL!

ol i pray iz tt we all go whr we wanna..

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