Tuesday, February 07, 2006

i dun geddit.. how can it b tiz way.. hu do we blame.. the ppL tt make the decisions or god? i min.. wth la.. i reaLise tt the most decent ppL r the ones hu get screwed ovr.. they do thier best.. give thier.. put it ol out.. but in the end.. the person juz can't go on or.. worse.. passes on.. itz tru ppL.. it does happen...........

i noe a few frenz hu have gone tru tiz and i'm.. and i'm juz soo outraged! they dun deserve it.. i noe i'm not makin tingz ani better by ranting it out hir but i juz can't kiP it in.. u ppL shld noe of the pain tt ppL go thru and juz start appreciating lyf arnd u..

hecK.. i juz wanna say sumtin.. those good heart ppL hu put ur heart out thr and neva get the person u guyz want.. i feel for ya.. u guyz dun deserve it.. but rmb 2 neva give up aite.. hu noes.. mr or mrs ryt may juz come ur way sumtym soon..

and for those hu have lost the onli person they have eva loved.. my condolences.. i'm soo sori.. i cannot understand ur pain i noe but u guyz noe wad.. no matter hu u luved.. i got a good feeling tt they're in a better place.. and i'm sure they'll want 2 see ya smile and be haPPi.. going thru the whole process iz difficult and i feel for u guyz.. but alwayz rmb u gotta picked urself up and move on.. tymz after tt r gonna b difficult as well but dun 4get tt u'll have ur frenz and family 2 b thr 4 ya.. alwayz...

plz rmb ol 2 cherish the ppL u have wid ya aite.. damn.. if thr was onli i way i cold make u guyz feel better.. unfortunately thr izzin't.. but u guyz ol have ppl arnd u tt care and r alwayz concerned bout u.. neva forget thm aite.. they'll b ur support thru u rough tymz.. tKe cre and pEace...

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