Monday, October 30, 2006

call me when you're sober- Evanescence

yes, tt song is a freakin earworm and i can't seem to stop listening to it.. heh! and soo here i am blogging.. well i actually should be at trisha's suprise bday at esplanade but i decided to skip it.. rili not in the mood plus the day was just a drag la.. haiz.. not to mention the fact that both skool and unoin work aint helping a single bit..

on a more joyful note, i'm glad ppl actuali find it funny that t get inspiration from peeing.. heh! yea, the more i tink abt it, the weirder it becomes but i tink its sumtin different yes? LOL!!

weLL enuf of lazing around.. time to get back to work.. i do wish trisha a super belated birthday and good luck to all the smart asses taking thier Pure Chem Practical tommorrow.. btw hon, that doesn't include you=P jz kiddin.. heh! tke cre ppL!!=)

*i came across this past saying of mine.. when i look into your eyes, i see you for you and not her....

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