Saturday, April 04, 2009

America's Suitehearts- Fall Out Boy

i don't hate you. i never learn my lessons. i need to do what's right.

i just don't love you no more....

Yesterday rini and i met up for like a bestie day out kinda thing and it was freaking awesome!! like totally!! hahahah!!

we had heaps of fun and we were like chatting non-stop throughout!! omg, i think my jaw had a freaking good workout!! and yesterday was also like rini's day to try out stuff she never had a chance to do!! the list is as below:

1) Consume the awesomest chicken rice at block 925!
2) Take the sky ride at siloso
3) Ride the luge
4) Watch a sunset with someone else besides her family
5) Walk all the wat to Rasa Sentosa

and i'm sure that there'e more she could add on but yea, that's all that comes to mind.

after that i went over to my old (but still current store) Capital Towers!!!

i saw taufiq and of course, my one and only, BEN!! hahahah! ok, i read that over. sounds fucking gay. nvm. hahaha! it's the truth! so i caught up with taufiq for a little while and then dropped by Ben's place to just talk about stuff. it was a real mind opener. and i couldn't be happier to have heard his share and to know that he'll always will be there for me. Thanks bro! from the bottom of my heart, seriously.

well well, here's some of the picture's from yesterday, enjoy=)

Rini's First time up the Sky Ride!!

Location? Siloso Beach!!=)

AWWWW!! doesn't she look adorable? lol!!

And to end it all off, a picturesque view of the Siloso Bay....

Ahhh.. the night was beautiful too. Thank you starry sky....=)

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