Friday, March 27, 2009

gives you hell- all american rejects

i dropped it. i let it go. it was following the sae pattern as before.
no hope in it. no believe. no reassurance that it'll be all okay.

scared and confused, i do not blame the other party. like i said before:
it's my time to suffer.

WRS soccer tournament today!! argh!! and we didn't even pass the damn group stages!! i hate this know!! argh!!! but oh well, i guess the other teams were WAAAAAAY too awesome. haha! at least i got a chance to win a few matched and even scored a few.

there was a this one fluke that was soo awesome!! left foot lob, skims the top netting and enters the top right corner!! nice nice! heh!

at least there's some positivity to losing. i actually feel reiyana and ain from pano are damn damn cool people. maybe i'm always give this persona of being stuck up. shit. i have that thing about me and i don't blame others for it. i pretend to have no confidence when actually i'm over confident. ahhh... it's just me...

and in the noon we had a little outdoor camp at sembawang with the kids from si ling primary! they were seriously adorable and i thoroughly enjoyed it! plus rini was there so yea, it was a plus. and tim and i were running the sand castling thing together and it was AWESOME!! the kids loved it! or i hope they did. no i don't care, THEY DID! haha!

after reading this post, i get a feeling that inside, i'm really messed up emotionally. like seriously. this post suddenly interests. plus it's the first time i blogged the moment i turned on my computer. re-instating my blog might not be such a bad idea after all.

looking out and i don't see that starry sky, i wonder...

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