Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Thinking of You- Kate Perry

finally. i see initiative. i see the need and some want to be with me. maybe she finally got it, maybe she's finally realizing that i'm not gonna put in all the effort to make it work or else it'll just be going back to square 1. oh well.

i liked it. i felt like this might be something different but something's bugging at me to not count my chicks before they hatch. something constantly nips at me to hold back and not put everything into it. getting tired before getting anything started is not a smart thing to do. oh well.

after a long time today i also got hurt and it just made me feel like, i don't know. maybe it's just today. i kinda looking forward to what tomorrow brings. oh well.

well i had 2 freaking tours today which was half awesome and half annoying because both tours kept making stops at random places to take PHOTOS!!! i don't get this stupid photo thing really.

(asks me stop in front of a tree)
Dad: ok boy boy stand there.
Boy: but got no bird what!!
Dad: nevermind, i never take photo of you yet. just stand there!!!

the boy stands there, dad takes the photo and this happens randomly as we tour. NEVER AT A NORMAL SPOT WHERE ALL THE BIRDS ARE!!!

two words come to mind for this guy. parenting genius. way to go to make you son feel special whereas for his daughters, he's snapping away like no tomorrow while the son just wanders off to entertain himself. sad ey?

moving on, i got a $10 from the second tour so that made things a little better i guess=) played soccer with guys and rach got discharged from the hospital so thank you god!!=)

a mediocre day for mediocre me. sweet.

keep on shinnin' starry sky.

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