Friday, January 27, 2006


i wanted.. i wanted you to stay...

weLL.. itz juz ended.. yea.. 26th has passed by and gone.. i tried hard 2 ignore it, but.. itz impossible.. i can't.. itz juz cumtin i can't 4get.. i'm sori 2 those who visited lookin for sumtin interestin and upbeat 2 read cuz 2day.. ol u're gonna hear r the werds of a heart ttz tryin hard 2 learn 2 let go..

i'm not gonna lie.. itz difficult ppL.. whn u've gone thru wad i've gone thru.. havin it ol and thn realise tt itz gone, and tt u can neva have it back agn, or in my case for the next four years.. u juz begin 2 tink of loads of tingz u noe and ur mind iz neva in constant peace.. heck, tiLL 2day itz stiLL wonderin wad the heLL juz happened and y it did.. i guess the reason y she left will alwaYz b sumtin i'd wonder but i gotta except the fact ttZ she gone la.. damn..

so far for far too long..

i tot i could handle it.. i thought i'd b strong enuff.. but.. haiz.. i guess. i noe.. no.. i tink.. she'll find sum1 thr way better thn mi.. yeA.. hu noez.. i may 2.. but i doubt so.. aniwayz.. ppL.. leasson learnt?? alwaYz enjoy everi single moment to the fuLLest cuz u'll neva noe whn they might juz not b apart of ur lyF.. howeva.. i live wid no regretz.. i bliv wad has happened iz meant 2.. guess we juz have 2 c how it all plaYz out.. kaiz.. back 2 emoin' i go.. loLz.. tKe Cre peePz.. and dun woRi.. i'll b juz fyN.. i noe i wiLL.. ouT..

you have been the 1.. you have been the 1 for me....

*TNI my freN..

werk factory:P

tear out screen,
paste new screen,
put protective clear sheet on the back,
and lastly pack it and label..

tt was wad i ahd 2 go thru the last three days man.. sial la.. sounds ez ryt.. but imagine doin the frekkin ting more thn 700 tyMz.. mi and andy lyk wanna die sakz.. bloody teruk i tell u.. tHnk god 2day's the last day.. 2ml goin skooL for CNY celebrations.. wonder how it'll b.. hmmm.. yea.. weLL.. notin else interestin happened la.. except tt we lost 2-0 to temasek JC.. haiz.. i totaLi screwed up the game la.. haiz.. dunno y.. was lyk totaLi unfocused and.. juz can't explain how teruK i play la.. guess i was juz unprepared.. nvm.. next tyM, if thr iz one, i gonna o better.. hehe:P yea.. weLL.. ttz ovr and done wid i guess thrz notin else huh.. kaiz.. i'm out.. gonna b 2a few more entries bout stuFF.. enjoy aite.. tKe cRe!!

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

2day was faNtastic maan!! hahakz!! as wad karl said.. it was FUCKIN OLD SKOOL!! hahakz!! yea.. pardon my french but criously it was lyk we were doin ol the stuff we used 2 play in primary skooL.. and it was super fun la.. i noe it was riLi freakin lame but criously it was damn cooL.. hahakz!! thnk u guyz!! juz had 2 say tt la.. i min.. it was soo great u noe havin ur frenz around.. in fact.. thrz riLi sumtin in juz havin thm arnd tt can turn ani duLL day bright agn..

i tink itz juz sumtin brought thier presense can juz makes u fell ol happi and fuLL insyd u noe.. maaan.. the tingz we did 2day were totaLi ridiculous and i can tell u tt i would have neva done ani of it if it wasn't for thm.. the y kePt pesterin mi and lyk ensurin mi tt i wasn't the onli one lookin lyk a totaL nut.. hahakz!!

i lbiv the kind of impressions and atomsphere a frend leaves on u iz rili iMpt and yea, if they alwayz leave u wantin more moments spent wiD thm tHn i bliv u shld definitely stiCk wid eM.. heLL.. i miss it ol sakz.. but u noe wad.. i alwayz look forward to more memories tt my frenz and i can make together..

as a wise fren once said.. frenships can alwayz chg.. but they'll neva end no matter wad.. so mke u sure u stiCk wid ur frenz aite.. and juz make u sure u realise how impt they r in ur lyf.. heLL.. they're the next most impt ting bsyDs my family and hu eva has my heart sakz.. so yea.. they r a heLLa iMpt 2 mi.. hehe:P i copyin ur slang ana.. hahakz!! tKe Cre pPL... and tKe Cre of ya frenz 2 aite..

Friday, January 20, 2006

2day was another floorball day agn.. yea.. @ innova.. mi, andy, vik and kc were thr.. oh yea.. sharifa and roach 2.. lolz.. roach sprained his ankle.. he was walkin damn funi la after tt.. hahahkz!! u guyz shld have been.. maaan.. it was lyk northland dudes were playing 2gether la.. and it was super SHIOK!! we ol play passin game and maaaan.. not boasting but we kicked thier ASS!! wahaha!! ok ok.. i'm gettin a lil ecstatic.. but it was cool la.. we were playin damn well and lyk we were attackin ol the way till lyk one of our teammates decided 2 enter thier team 2 evn the odds..

after tt they scored 2 goals but tt izzin't the point la.. hahahaKz!!

soon it was ovr and we went 2 pizza hut for dinner.. mst of u ppepz would b tinkin great but for mi.. uGH!! i damn JELAK!! i min.. almost half of the hommieZ werkin in pizza hut and everitym we go nasi(supper @ 12am or ltr) they'll bring dwn pizza.. lolz.. so yea.. pizza hut iz gettin a lil stale for mi la..

anw went for nyt trainin wid my RC team and gues wad.. i got tournament 2ml.. haiz!! damn lazy sakz.. gotta wake up bout 6 lyk tt man!! arGH! gues i gotta do wad i gotta do la.. 2 slp i go ppL.. u Guyz tKe cRe aite and i'll b back 2 blog soon... pEaCe ppL!!
ppl appreciate will ya.. yes.. plz!! i min.. frenz, family, toys wadeva.. appreciate for cryin out loud.. i'm on iz topic cuz lyk.. i'm a lil disappointed wid myseLf.. i noe.. itz riLi dumb bein disappointed @ myself and thn tellin ppL 2 do wad i'm supposed 2 b doin but i gues itz the onLi way 2 get myself 2 reaLise tt heck.. i nid 2 b doin tt.. i min u can have the most annoyin frenz or a family tt neva seems 2 understand u but plz.. they're onli human and r the way they r so juz accept thm and appreciate thm aite.. damn.. i nid 2 ass started on appreciatin those arnd mi.. family's not the prob but itz frenz.. i min.. heCk la.. i've been soo caught up in my world and job hunting as weLL tt i guess mayb i've neglected those hu i riLi shld b caught up wid.. haiz..

so appreciate aite.. lolz.. yea.. i gotta chg as weLL la.. haiz.. aniwayz.. i'm stiLL jobless if ya riLi wanna noe.. lolz.. went job hunting ytd and it turned out 2 b an outing 2 the movies(which was M-18 btw:P) and swensen's ICE-CREAM!! wahahah!! bloated sakz otw hm.. ol of us were lyk..

"siaL la!! i cannot walk la!! my damn stomach to full!"

hahakz! it was hillarious! btw, andy, ain wahid and cyn were wid mi.. cyn tried out NYDC while mi and andy tried sum 10/hr crap job which actuaLi turned out 2 b commision based.. haiz..

weLL yea.. lets juz hope i can find sumtin sooN la..

Thursday, January 19, 2006

since i'm lyk on the reminicing kinda mood, i guess i'd lyk add a few of my past photos wid my buddz..enjoy aite!!
listening to: Nickleback- far away..

heck la.. tiz damn song emoing mi ppl.. lolz.. but i'm fyn la.. tiz song criously damn style.. mite put up the lyrics whn i actuali have the tym 2 fynd it la.. aniwayz.. wasted another wonderful and rainy day on soccer.. hahakz! went 2 mountbatten trainin wid my bros wan, rajiv and chit.. was quite fun la.. cuz lyk wan bastard ghaz afterall ghaz wanted 2 crash hid shse 2 play XBOX.. and lyk now ghaz complainin 2 mi on msn.. good luck wan!! lolz.. but trainin was kinda fun.. we played wid veterans and yea they gave us frekin hard trainin sakz.. heLL.. those ppl were lyk ovr 30 but they were strong.. RILI strong!

well yea.. problem was tt wan injured mi in the first drill we had sakz!! the bloody ass!! until now stil pain.. ass clown.. but i'd lyk 2 credit him on bein able 2 go thru the whole training evn wid a injured heel.. lolz.. evn chit wanna die sakz.. mi and rajiv were lyk ok ok la.. onli wan nad cit were lyk dyin in the bus sakz.. hahakz!! u shld have seen mi and rajiv pluckin wan's leg hair and annoyin him so tt he would slp.. hehe:P joke sakz.. haha!! yea.. bsyds tt, i juz back my hp and jeans frm andy cuz lyk i left it wid him after ytd's floorball @ innova.. 11 missed calls.. maaan.. i am luved ppl!! hahakz.. kaiz. thick i noe but wth la.. can't b bothered.. aniwayz mite b job huntin wid andy 2ml.. wish mi luck aite! weLL i'm off.. and yea.. wanna remind u guys bout sumtin.. if u have ani comments bout my blog, either tag or send mi a msg on frenster aite.. i'm stiLL werkin on a way 2 allo comments for my blog.. so back 2 msn i go.. hehe:P tKe cre peePz!


2day, i started knowin of exactly wad i wanna write abt.. reminicing ppl.. yea.. heLL.. dun u ol juz realise u we kip doin it altho we noe those tymz or moments will neva eva come back.. how annoyin can it b sakz..

i min.. in my case.. i kinda go 2 slp everi nyt and go ovr the days events.. and sumwhr in the middle, i begin 2 drift... i begin tinkin bout past events tt meant alot to mi.. many of u noe bout my past and yea u noe hu i'm most probably reminicing abt but itz not onli her but also my frenz, those skooL moments tt u spent and juz can't get out of ur head.. itz those tym tt u pray could come back.. maaan.. if onli it could huh..

damn.. but the minute darkness of the nyt turns to the light of day, i guess we ol noe tt we have 2 move on.. full hope tt figments of our past could repeat themselves in the future.. haiz.. kinda far if u tik abt it but hu noes.. they juz mite.. signing off.. and yea.. kiP reminicing.. i riLi dun c y we shld stop.. but yea.. juz rmb tt they probably wun b back.. enjoy those good moments whiLe they last aite.. and yea.. juz live lyf 2 the fuLLest.. best advice tt can eva come out of tiz gapin hole in my face:P hehe:P u guyz tKe cARe kaiz.. PeAce..

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

daily updates

waDDuP ppL!! hahakz!! daily updates and guess wad.. I'M JOBLESS!! arGH!! hahahkz!! damN.. i can c u guess laughin at mi.. damn u ppL aite.. weLL i'm not alone.. lolz.. wanna noe y.. ANDY'S WID MI!! wahaha! (rili sori bout publicizing it bro) hahahakz!! but yea.. itz riLi depressin 2 noe tt no more $$ iz comin it la.. haiz... yea.. damn.. and yea, in case u ppL were wonderin, me and andy quit k.. lolz.. it was a job tt was juz not mi and him la.. 2 many rejection.. lolz.. damn annoyin la.. plus it was commision based and heLL.. i doubt we would b able 2 seLL those frekkin postcards.. afterol, THEY WERE PRICED @ $10 FOR ONE!! siaL la.. talk abt ovr pricing man..

yea.. weLL aniwayz, after we lyk 'walked off' on our job, we went back 2 yishun, chged and crashed INNOVA!! yes ppl.. u read it ryt.. we crashed.. well evn if it was onli 2 play floorball and tt we had the permission of the hockey TIC thr i still consider it crashin:P oh yea, johnson (aka BLACK!:P) also tagged along.. it was damn shiok la playin floorbaLL after such a frekkin long tym.. vik, roach, KC, sharifa and kana were thr as weLL and i tell u, NORTHLAND CONQUER!! lolz!! everi single tym we played, the coach would come in juz 2 evn the odds.. hahakz!! tinkin bout whether i shld crash thr 2ml 2 play soccer.. hmmm..

weLL shaLL leave it thr for now.. gonna go ponder bout crashin 2ml.. and it will not b wid a teacher's permission:P kaiz.. i'M off.. tKe cre peEpZ..

starting fresh

i noe my past 2 entries have been lyk kinda boring i hope u guyz would forgive mi for thM.. guess i've juz been soo damn concentrated in gettin my bckgrnd done up tt i couldn't b botheres wid my content.. now tt i'm kinda haPPi wid it, the content's gonna get a lil interestin..

waD i'm gonna b focusin on iz a recent problem tt came uP.. waitin.. familar?? it shld b la.. afterol, i t happens 2 ol of us sakz.. criously, i min, b it for a job 2 come by or for a gal, we've ol been thru it.. weLL wad i c 2 the more common one iz obviously the waitin on gaLs.. i min, damn guyz, if the catch izzin't worth it, thn forget it.. u noe wad i min.. dun go spendin ol ur tyM and ur heart on gaLs juz izzin't worth it.. wad i'm tryin 2 say iz tt u gotta realise quik u noe.. realise whether she wants u the same u do.. i noe itz a BIG risk but wads love afterol but a whole lot os risks taken by 2 ppl ryt..

and yea, GALZ!! if u notice a guy iz lyk waitin on ya and u noe tt u and him r neva gonna haPPen.. TELL HIM LA!! i min.. i noe sum guyz r not soo sensitive and ol but trust mi, thr r those speciaL few out thr hu sincerly want u for the person u r so yea, dun leave thm dwellin on false hope aitE..

yea.. ttZ abt it it for 2nyt.. more 2ml i guess.. hahakz! so rmb ppL, as my veri good fren once said, K.I.S.S, Kip It Simple Stupid!! hahakz!! tKe cre aite.. moRe buLL for u pEEpZ soon.. PeaCe!!

Monday, January 16, 2006

job training..

lolz.. went ol the way 2 Bugis for job trainin wid andy and lyk it took exactly an hour la.. damn boring but also insightful as well.. afterall, he was talkin alot bout money:P the idea bout the cash iz pretty good cuz lyk can earn up2 lyk $60 a day.. not tt bad if u ask mi.. hahakz! i dun mind the fact tt our pay is commision based though cuz the amt we get depends on how many booklets we sell.. sounded ez but most ppL say itz kinda difficult.. well i start 2ml so yea.. wish mi luck.. and yea.. wish andy luck 2.. hahakz!


heY ppL...

super bored so i decided to start a blog.. not sure wth hell tiz iz goin 2 amount 2 but wth, lets juz kip it arnd and see how it goes frm thr.. so yea.. feel fre 2 tag and yea.. do wadeva u want aite? peaCe..