Tuesday, January 24, 2006

2day was faNtastic maan!! hahakz!! as wad karl said.. it was FUCKIN OLD SKOOL!! hahakz!! yea.. pardon my french but criously it was lyk we were doin ol the stuff we used 2 play in primary skooL.. and it was super fun la.. i noe it was riLi freakin lame but criously it was damn cooL.. hahakz!! thnk u guyz!! juz had 2 say tt la.. i min.. it was soo great u noe havin ur frenz around.. in fact.. thrz riLi sumtin in juz havin thm arnd tt can turn ani duLL day bright agn..

i tink itz juz sumtin brought thier presense can juz makes u fell ol happi and fuLL insyd u noe.. maaan.. the tingz we did 2day were totaLi ridiculous and i can tell u tt i would have neva done ani of it if it wasn't for thm.. the y kePt pesterin mi and lyk ensurin mi tt i wasn't the onli one lookin lyk a totaL nut.. hahakz!!

i lbiv the kind of impressions and atomsphere a frend leaves on u iz rili iMpt and yea, if they alwayz leave u wantin more moments spent wiD thm tHn i bliv u shld definitely stiCk wid eM.. heLL.. i miss it ol sakz.. but u noe wad.. i alwayz look forward to more memories tt my frenz and i can make together..

as a wise fren once said.. frenships can alwayz chg.. but they'll neva end no matter wad.. so mke u sure u stiCk wid ur frenz aite.. and juz make u sure u realise how impt they r in ur lyf.. heLL.. they're the next most impt ting bsyDs my family and hu eva has my heart sakz.. so yea.. they r a heLLa iMpt 2 mi.. hehe:P i copyin ur slang ana.. hahakz!! tKe Cre pPL... and tKe Cre of ya frenz 2 aite..

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