Wednesday, January 18, 2006

daily updates

waDDuP ppL!! hahakz!! daily updates and guess wad.. I'M JOBLESS!! arGH!! hahahkz!! damN.. i can c u guess laughin at mi.. damn u ppL aite.. weLL i'm not alone.. lolz.. wanna noe y.. ANDY'S WID MI!! wahaha! (rili sori bout publicizing it bro) hahahakz!! but yea.. itz riLi depressin 2 noe tt no more $$ iz comin it la.. haiz... yea.. damn.. and yea, in case u ppL were wonderin, me and andy quit k.. lolz.. it was a job tt was juz not mi and him la.. 2 many rejection.. lolz.. damn annoyin la.. plus it was commision based and heLL.. i doubt we would b able 2 seLL those frekkin postcards.. afterol, THEY WERE PRICED @ $10 FOR ONE!! siaL la.. talk abt ovr pricing man..

yea.. weLL aniwayz, after we lyk 'walked off' on our job, we went back 2 yishun, chged and crashed INNOVA!! yes ppl.. u read it ryt.. we crashed.. well evn if it was onli 2 play floorball and tt we had the permission of the hockey TIC thr i still consider it crashin:P oh yea, johnson (aka BLACK!:P) also tagged along.. it was damn shiok la playin floorbaLL after such a frekkin long tym.. vik, roach, KC, sharifa and kana were thr as weLL and i tell u, NORTHLAND CONQUER!! lolz!! everi single tym we played, the coach would come in juz 2 evn the odds.. hahakz!! tinkin bout whether i shld crash thr 2ml 2 play soccer.. hmmm..

weLL shaLL leave it thr for now.. gonna go ponder bout crashin 2ml.. and it will not b wid a teacher's permission:P kaiz.. i'M off.. tKe cre peEpZ..

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