Thursday, January 19, 2006


2day, i started knowin of exactly wad i wanna write abt.. reminicing ppl.. yea.. heLL.. dun u ol juz realise u we kip doin it altho we noe those tymz or moments will neva eva come back.. how annoyin can it b sakz..

i min.. in my case.. i kinda go 2 slp everi nyt and go ovr the days events.. and sumwhr in the middle, i begin 2 drift... i begin tinkin bout past events tt meant alot to mi.. many of u noe bout my past and yea u noe hu i'm most probably reminicing abt but itz not onli her but also my frenz, those skooL moments tt u spent and juz can't get out of ur head.. itz those tym tt u pray could come back.. maaan.. if onli it could huh..

damn.. but the minute darkness of the nyt turns to the light of day, i guess we ol noe tt we have 2 move on.. full hope tt figments of our past could repeat themselves in the future.. haiz.. kinda far if u tik abt it but hu noes.. they juz mite.. signing off.. and yea.. kiP reminicing.. i riLi dun c y we shld stop.. but yea.. juz rmb tt they probably wun b back.. enjoy those good moments whiLe they last aite.. and yea.. juz live lyf 2 the fuLLest.. best advice tt can eva come out of tiz gapin hole in my face:P hehe:P u guyz tKe cARe kaiz.. PeAce..

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