Friday, January 27, 2006

werk factory:P

tear out screen,
paste new screen,
put protective clear sheet on the back,
and lastly pack it and label..

tt was wad i ahd 2 go thru the last three days man.. sial la.. sounds ez ryt.. but imagine doin the frekkin ting more thn 700 tyMz.. mi and andy lyk wanna die sakz.. bloody teruk i tell u.. tHnk god 2day's the last day.. 2ml goin skooL for CNY celebrations.. wonder how it'll b.. hmmm.. yea.. weLL.. notin else interestin happened la.. except tt we lost 2-0 to temasek JC.. haiz.. i totaLi screwed up the game la.. haiz.. dunno y.. was lyk totaLi unfocused and.. juz can't explain how teruK i play la.. guess i was juz unprepared.. nvm.. next tyM, if thr iz one, i gonna o better.. hehe:P yea.. weLL.. ttz ovr and done wid i guess thrz notin else huh.. kaiz.. i'm out.. gonna b 2a few more entries bout stuFF.. enjoy aite.. tKe cRe!!

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