Wednesday, January 18, 2006

starting fresh

i noe my past 2 entries have been lyk kinda boring i hope u guyz would forgive mi for thM.. guess i've juz been soo damn concentrated in gettin my bckgrnd done up tt i couldn't b botheres wid my content.. now tt i'm kinda haPPi wid it, the content's gonna get a lil interestin..

waD i'm gonna b focusin on iz a recent problem tt came uP.. waitin.. familar?? it shld b la.. afterol, i t happens 2 ol of us sakz.. criously, i min, b it for a job 2 come by or for a gal, we've ol been thru it.. weLL wad i c 2 the more common one iz obviously the waitin on gaLs.. i min, damn guyz, if the catch izzin't worth it, thn forget it.. u noe wad i min.. dun go spendin ol ur tyM and ur heart on gaLs juz izzin't worth it.. wad i'm tryin 2 say iz tt u gotta realise quik u noe.. realise whether she wants u the same u do.. i noe itz a BIG risk but wads love afterol but a whole lot os risks taken by 2 ppl ryt..

and yea, GALZ!! if u notice a guy iz lyk waitin on ya and u noe tt u and him r neva gonna haPPen.. TELL HIM LA!! i min.. i noe sum guyz r not soo sensitive and ol but trust mi, thr r those speciaL few out thr hu sincerly want u for the person u r so yea, dun leave thm dwellin on false hope aitE..

yea.. ttZ abt it it for 2nyt.. more 2ml i guess.. hahakz! so rmb ppL, as my veri good fren once said, K.I.S.S, Kip It Simple Stupid!! hahakz!! tKe cre aite.. moRe buLL for u pEEpZ soon.. PeaCe!!

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