Thursday, January 19, 2006

listening to: Nickleback- far away..

heck la.. tiz damn song emoing mi ppl.. lolz.. but i'm fyn la.. tiz song criously damn style.. mite put up the lyrics whn i actuali have the tym 2 fynd it la.. aniwayz.. wasted another wonderful and rainy day on soccer.. hahakz! went 2 mountbatten trainin wid my bros wan, rajiv and chit.. was quite fun la.. cuz lyk wan bastard ghaz afterall ghaz wanted 2 crash hid shse 2 play XBOX.. and lyk now ghaz complainin 2 mi on msn.. good luck wan!! lolz.. but trainin was kinda fun.. we played wid veterans and yea they gave us frekin hard trainin sakz.. heLL.. those ppl were lyk ovr 30 but they were strong.. RILI strong!

well yea.. problem was tt wan injured mi in the first drill we had sakz!! the bloody ass!! until now stil pain.. ass clown.. but i'd lyk 2 credit him on bein able 2 go thru the whole training evn wid a injured heel.. lolz.. evn chit wanna die sakz.. mi and rajiv were lyk ok ok la.. onli wan nad cit were lyk dyin in the bus sakz.. hahakz!! u shld have seen mi and rajiv pluckin wan's leg hair and annoyin him so tt he would slp.. hehe:P joke sakz.. haha!! yea.. bsyds tt, i juz back my hp and jeans frm andy cuz lyk i left it wid him after ytd's floorball @ innova.. 11 missed calls.. maaan.. i am luved ppl!! hahakz.. kaiz. thick i noe but wth la.. can't b bothered.. aniwayz mite b job huntin wid andy 2ml.. wish mi luck aite! weLL i'm off.. and yea.. wanna remind u guys bout sumtin.. if u have ani comments bout my blog, either tag or send mi a msg on frenster aite.. i'm stiLL werkin on a way 2 allo comments for my blog.. so back 2 msn i go.. hehe:P tKe cre peePz!

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