Thursday, September 27, 2007

ummm.. still listening to the same song.. haha!

oh yeah.. i forgot to add that i'm back in school NOW!!!!!!!! muahahahahah!!

and DTRM 04..

YOU GUYS FREAKING KICK ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


ok.. i'm officially the most loved guy in class now.. lol!!=P

sincerely, i happy to be back in stupid SB..=)

This is why I'm Hot- Mims

Hmmm.. i love the name of his album.. wait.. i tink its album.. i'm not too sure.. heh! its Music Is My Saviour.. notice that MIMS is the abbreviaion of those few words.. ahhh.. cool ey? hahah!! ok.. maybe you guys alredi knoew that..

moving on.. my cousin's wedding is this week and like i've been helping out with preparations and stuff.. actually i haven't really done much but i feel like me and him have bonded soo much over these past few days.. he even told my dad he was lucky for having me.. hahaha! i am one 2-faced bastard i tell u.. LOL!! ok.. maybe that was a tiny bit too honest.. lol! but yea, i'm glad he's getting married.. and seeing the way he looks at his wife to be is really something you know.. it constantly makes me think of the way i look at her.. wait a sec.. ok.. i just stopped doing that cuz i realise i look freaking stupid with the same gaze.. haha!

right.. well besides that.. there's nothing much to say.. i wouldn't say this has been a good week cuz so far quite a bit has happened to me but i shant discuss it here cuz.. ummm.. i just dont feel its right.. and yes, dont come up to me asking if i'm ok just i put it that this weel hasnt been good.. i'll be fine.. i always am=) arent i?

alryt alryt.. all emo-ness aside.. its a thursday today and i'm gonna have to wear formal.. haha! nah.. i tink i'm sticking to my long sleeves and my jeans.. lol! that's enough for tonight.. shall look forward to seeing her and my cousin's wedding on friday.. goodnight world=)

i'm out..

*to be your happiness is all i'll ever need...

Friday, September 21, 2007

Clothes off- Gym Class Heroes

so i got a little compliment by a person known as Joanne.. really.. cool huh.. he.. umm.. i mean.. ok shit.. i tell the secret out.. yes.. the person that complimented me was a GAY DUDE!! lol!! and for the record.. i was NOT ALONE.. andy got complimented too.. but i wondered if he asked for andy's number as well.. hmmm..

hahaha!! but that's beside the point... i FINALLY got my PDL!!! woohooo!! as sam said, its my baby steps to getting my freaking license.. god.. the things i tink of whn i get my license.. high speed, blasting music.. four other hot chicks in my car! (i know sarrah is gonna read this but i tink its worth the consequences..=P)

but i guess all those dreams are still long shots yea? heard from a friend the closet date for a Traffic Police Test is in March.. yes.. wth.. but i guess if i really wanna drive.. i might as well wait yea? plus i dun tink i'll rush my practicals that way..

right.. so i got no profound topic to blog about today.. sorry.. lol! its practically 12.20pm.. my brain mechanism are barely creaking.. heh! just thought i'd update..

aite.. that's it.. i'm out.. cya!

*you know i feel the same you do.. i'm sry...

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Roll it girl- J-Status ft Rihanna and Shontelle

freaking nice songs andy just sent me.. hahaha! THNX BRO!! hmmm..i doubt he even reads this.. hmmm.. but nonetheless, THNX BRO!!! lol!!

aite aite.. today's topic.. its suppose to be a secret.. you see.. i'm not suppose to let 'some' people read it.. apparently, i'm gonna write about CYA.. yes.. i'm gonna say something about the CYA in Singapore Polytechnic.. yes yes, that CYA.. yes, its the abbreviation for Changi Youth Ambassador... i do hope i spelt it right...

hmmm.. i wonder if i caught thier attention with that? i doubt so.. afterall, i doubt that there are people who track people who talk about them.. haha! ok.. that's the end i'm gonna say or else i might SERIOUSLY get someone on my ass for even saying thier name.. anyways, to those that have no idea what i'm talking about.. the CYA is an organisation that strives to help passengers that are lost in transit.. but that only a very short and unspecific summary..(infact, i got a feeling its TOTALLY WRONG).. but whatever.. thats the end of that topic.. shit.. i hope i dont get into trouble.. ah.. wadever..

okok.. so i didnt manage to blog for quite abit anf believe or not.. i missed it! god.. weird ey.. maybe i finally found my place of ummm.. crapping? like i can say anything here except for the truth.. i mean seriously, i think anyone's truth is too much for people to hear.. might as well keep it light or just keep talking about someone else..(or in my case some other organisation all together=P)

well last night i did something interesting.. i messaged all 3 people i felt i missed alot lately in life.. Karl, Cyn and Sam.. yea.. i just felt like i missed that quite a bit.. and my messaged were kinda ummm.. how do i put this in a nice way.. hmmm.. they were gay.. haha! yea.. that's as close as i can get.. i do hope i'll see them soon.. and mayb be nasi..

well well.. i had a topic in my mind to talk about last night but it slipped my mind today.. dang.. i do hope it pops up soon.. cause i got a good feeling i'll be back to blog again soon.. tke cre peeps!!

*my mind, body and soul screams your name everytime you're not here...

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Me love- Sean Kingston

have i mentioned how bloody shocked i was when i saw the size of sean kingston? LOL!! when i first heard beautiful girls, the impression of someone skinny and small was singing the song.. but when i saw the music video, i was like, WTF?! THAT'S sean kingston?! hahahaha! but yea, its all good now.. he kinda looks like a teddy bear.. like rubben studdard but with a nicer jaw and smaller stomach.. lol!!

alryt.. so i got fooled.. sarrah was actually back in Singapore YESTERDAY!! wth ryt?! and she didnt tell me nuts! but its alryt i suppose.. got to see her just now and i tell you.. it was kinda like the highlight of my week.. felt soo right holding her again.. however, something tells me she did not enjoy it as much as i did.. hmmmm....... hahahah!!

i also FINALLY got a chance to watch my beloved liverpool play portsmouth and though the game ended nil-nil.. i was not disappointed.. as usual liverpool played magic football but i seriously felt like Rafa could have made some better changes in the starting line-up as well the substitutions.. wow! i just got like those knocks on the head things.. i duno wad you call it.. like.. ummm.. ah.. forget it.. i just realise.. this is finally starting to sound more MANLY!! wahahahah!! yay!! see.. i am not THAT gay.. i have that inner man in me as well.. haha!=P

well well.. dinner's still in my tummy and i'm still having a debate(with myself of course) about whether to sleep or stay up.. argh.. no work for me 2ml as well which means that its another wonderful sunday with her! or maybe not.. i duno.. heh! i'll know soon enough.. i'm off for now..

but before i go.. i seriosly wanna say thanks to ummm.. whoever came up with blogging.. lol! its a pretty cool way to like release yourself when you miss someone ey.. heh! well now that she's back, dont think this is the end of it.. i'll hopefully come up with more crap to keep myself and the few who my blog entertained..=)


*now that you're back, there's no place i'd rather be...
Outta My System- Bow Wow feat. T-pain

she's coming back! yay! she's coming back! yay yay! hahaha! i duno.. my stomach's full of a weird feeling.. i guess its what you would normally call butterflies in my stomach.. but hmmm.. kinda stupid to have something like that since she's only been gone for like wad? 3 days? hahaha! i guess i just miss her..

god.. i realise i've been really really AWFULLY mushy during my last few posts.. i do hope you bear with me.. lol! i mean, yes, its sweet and stuff but remember, this is a GUY'S blog.. i AM a guy ya noe.. i should be talking about the EPL or cars or horny fat people like that dude jason p. does.. he's damn cool i tell u.. i'll link him up as soon as i get his link.. was reading his latest post last night and it FUCKING cracked me up.. not bad..

ya noe.. i was thinking.. like it would be damn damn cool to be like ppl who are famous for thier writing huh? like i mean.. think about it.. someone stumbles on your blog, they find it cool and they tell thier other blog hop-a-holics friends and they go tell more frens and boom.. you're famous! haha! doubt it'll ever happen for my blog but hey, it'll be nice to dream.. i bet its a SUPER ego booster as well.. maybe i'm just need attention.. oh baby.. whr are you? haha!!

hmmm.. well.. that was cool.. i spent a post talking about someone else.. nice.. god.. and i constantly tell myself blogs are for talking about YOURSELF.. i'll do it someday.. soon i hope.. nitez people.. gotta rest up.. finally a day off.. SLEEPY SATURDAY!!!!!=)


*like an angel that got back its wings, you make me whole again...

Friday, September 14, 2007

Summer Rain (Remix)- DJ Alex K

haha! i'm back! yes.. and i'm here to.. to.. i duno.. just talk about what diana brought to my attn today i guess..

i have no idea why but since she talked to me about it.. the topic just could not leave my mind.. she asked me, "nigel, what if sarrah leave you one day? how would you react to it? you think you can survive?". and at that moment, my first response was no.. Y? i mean, i consider her my world and that basically my life revolves around her but my response was such..

i kept thinking to myself y i said that.. did i not want to seem weak? did i want to look as though i was capable and good enough to handle with changes as huge as sarrah leaving me? i dony know.. honestly.. but what i do know is that i dont wnat that day to ever come.. honestly.. i dont know if my answer will be the same if she asks me the question again..

and weirdly enough, when she asked me that, i also thought of mary since like you know, she was my apparent first love.. weird... i wonder how's she doing.. hmmm.. well i guess when all you have is work, sleep and exercise to fill up your daily activities, you begin to wander about all the weird stuff.. hmmm.. i still cant wait till i see my baby again.. i'm off to dreamland.. heh! thnx for listening.. lol!=)

*the wierd pleasure I gain from the pain of missing you...

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Sorry, Blame it on Me- Akon

well well, the results are in and nigel, YOU FREAKING MADE IT TO DTRM 2B/04!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

alryt.. i might have overdone that but wooooooooohooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!! i made it sial!! i'm jsut really really happy.. cause like i kinda expected to fail my Accounting paper since i totally forgot to fill up the multiple choice questions so yea, i was pretty damn happy when i saw i got a C.. well actually i got C for everything la.. so umm.. i guess not many would be as pleased as me for that.. but ummm.. i guess i'm easily satified? hahahahahaha!!

wow! i really seem kinda over the top with my entry today huh? maybe i should mellow down a little.. i duno.. its like today, i felt what my life really is.. you know, with all my friends working and her being out of town.. i really feel like.. hmmm.. a weird sensation of being alone.. i mean.. i know i'm not alone.. but i guess that it would be this time that i would be able to do things i rarely get to do while she's here but in the end, i got really nothing to do... heh!

kinda dumb i know but its just what i reflected about while doing sit ups..( yes, i reflect at freaking weird times, tell me about it=P)

so knowing that i passed and that i'm alone.. i guess all i have is you my dear blog.. haha! i'm talking to a fucking webpage.. i waaaay to fucking tired.. get me out of here.. peace!

*i'm submerged and i need you back to pull me out of my pool of self despair..

Sunday, September 09, 2007

The Way I Are (Remix)- Timbaland feat. Francisco & Keri Hilson

freaking nice song i tell you.. haha! kinda puts you in the mood to club.. even at home.. wtf.. did i just say that? haha! i guess so.. lol!!

topic of the day? ITS MY 14TH MONTH WITH SARRAH JESSICA L. DAVID!!!( L. has been left an initial due to consequences i may suffer if sarrah does realise i reveal it=P) i have no idea why but she wants to keep it a secret.. lol!=P

maaaan.. 14mths... any of you ever thought that i'd ever las in a relationship this long? i bet you're shaking your head ryt? haha! or maybe you already Xed my page by now.. heh! but seriously. i never thought that i would be able to sustain a realtionship for this.. realistically speaking, i always thought that i was repetitive.. though i know its in my nature to love changes, somehow, i jsut feel like i can never find any other words to express myself or like come up with something new to do with her..

But thank god, this girl is one heck of a godsend.. she's everything i wanted or could ever want.. there's soo much more to her than meets the eye and i thank god for the time He(or She=P) has given me to be with her...

Sarrah baby, never stop loving me cause i don't know how i can learn to love anyone else.. i mean this.. happy 14th month=)

p.s, if i sound to mushy.. i'm sorry.. i just cant help but get emotional when it comes to things like this.. heh!=P

Saturday, September 08, 2007

How do I Breathe- Mario

wah!! super freaking tired i tell u.. like god knows how many hours of no sleep and like i'm still here fucking blog about it.. heh!! but hey, i just wanna say that i love you baby!!

haha! picked her up from work and got a super cool ride from her friend's husband's van.. hahah! nice!! but yea, i basically could barely stay awake during the ride..

main point of today's entry? i've not exercised.. i dun have TB, well i APPARENTLY dun have TB and i feel a super bad flu or fever coming on.. haiz.. i'm tired.. i'm out.. byebye=)

*Perfection is a matter of perception and not just its definition.. that's why in my eyes, you're perfect...

Thursday, September 06, 2007

the wierd humming of my ceiling fan- my room

no time for my window media player for now.. gonna just say WELCOME BACK DIANA!!! hahaha!! glad you didnt capsize the ship.. lol!!

and yea, i RAN TWICE!!! muahahah!! great great accomplishment...

i feel like talking about how many things can actually persuade a person to force himself to get off his ass and accomplish something.. but i'm in a rush for sleep so i'll leave that to another post i suppose.. haha!!

well well, gonna be at BBDC for practical and final theory lessons.. seems as though the only i chance i have of getting my TP is during february.. WTF!! well at least i'm on my way yea? can't wait till i get behind the wheel.. muahaha!! ryt ryt.. leave that to my dreams for now.. to dreamland i go.. NITEZ!!!=)

p.s, take a look at my one and only.. she's one heck of a babe ey? LOL!!!=P

*baby, you are the best i ever had=)

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

if i aint got you- Sam's version

haha! i decided to listen to the recordings that frens sent me.. Like Karl's version of Little Wing and Ming's version of I believe I can Fly... Pretty cool the fact that i got soo many friends that are musically inclined.. i wonder if i spend more time with them whether i can improve my froggy voice.. LOL!!

yep yep.. i just wanna say that from today, as often as i can, I'M GOING RUNNING!!! yes its true.. watch me people, before you know it.. i'll be the stick i was once before.. lol!!

ok.. that's all i wanted to blabber.. i going to run now.. and its freakin1.12pm.. i'll make it i suppose.. the sun cant possibly make me darker than i alredi am.. ryt? haha! i'm out.. cya!!!

*Your face is the constant figure everytime i tink i about the future...
someday we'll know- mandy moore

i have no idea why i'm even listening to that but today i'm here to just jot down stuff i feel..

i noe.. i rarely ever do this.. in fact i only remember once that i actually put down my opinion or something close to that on life on my blog.. pretty dumb if you ask me but hey, i guess i feel a blog cant be trusted la.. heh!

well well, today was nothing spectacular.. basically my day off from work so i spent it sleeping and then met sarrah and then the guys and home.. but somehow, i felt like today was a weird kind of revelation..

today i suddenly felt like my life is filled.. like its good and that if my days were to go on like it today, i might actually die a happy man.. heh! yes, ironically i'm talking about death but i'm not gonna dwell on that, i love my life..

know what annoyed me today? its the fact that i thought it was a burden to go meet sarrah.. that it was a burden to meet the guys after i met her.. why? just why do i do that when i know in my heart that i enjoy almost every moment i spent with them? its true.. it seems that constantly i will find things to be as burden till i get to dong it and when i reflect.. like right now.. i realise how ashamed i am of my thoughts.. maybe i'm more disgusted than ashamed.. i duno.. all i know is that i'm not that wonderful of a person the more i reflect on the things i do......

but my life is good.. everything is fine.... i jsut feel its better writing it here since i rarely get anyone dropping by.. haha! i hate writing.. too darn annoying to look at cuz like my habdwriting fucking sucks.. heh!

i have no idea wh the hell i just wrote that paragraph but hey, its what i'm thinking about so i'm not gonna erase it.. hmmm.. well its nice the feeling i have now.. calmness.. like a sinner who has just confessed.. or something like that.. lol! well this is the end of my confession... and i'm gonna try to get some sleep and go RUNNING!! god knows i need to lose weight.. heh! i'm out..=)

*i'm missing you and its not just cause of those butterfly kisses...