Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Just got the new galaticos jersey!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOHOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahha!!

heh! awesome ey! i like it la.. hahah! best jersey soo far.. so yea, indulge in the photos of me in galaticos' red hot jersey!=)

and yes, i'm shameless.. hahaha! tke cre peeps.. shall blog more crap soon..=)
lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off- Panic! at the Disco

hah! yea yea.. i noe.. long song.. hahah! but wadever.. its nice.. heh! and up to today i have no idea why the heck they have a god damn exclaimation mark.. and i have no idea what god has to do it either.. hahah! ok.. well it sounded funny in head.. lol!

So i see my survey was well received.. THANX TO ALL THOSE THAT DID IT!! you guys rock! except for karl.. he's soo dumb he put the text in the same colour as his background.. WTF DUDE!

Weeeellll.. today was GGT MST and it was good.. think i'll at least pass.. hah! not the same for diana though.. she's freakin hilarious.. We were in the train talking about it when this happened:

Me: so you where's Hong Kong diana?
Diana: OH! that one i draw la..
Me: WHAT??!! its right there on the paper la! why you draw?
Diana: Oh really ah?*then proceeds to bang her head on the MRT pole*

wahahahhah!! hilarious i tell you.. heh! my class cracks me up.. they rili can make a grey sky blue.. heh! DTRM 04' you guys ROCK!=)

So i was studying with sarrah as well and it was cool cause she ACTUALLY did work.. shocked? so am i.. lol!! but yea, it was nice studyin with ya hon! onli cause you bought fries.. hahahaha!! weird incident where this super loud gal was shouting while talking on the phone.. Freaking dumb.. police all came down.. fuckin weird sakz.. and she annoying too....

Well, loads of stuff happened.. now that that's all blogged.. time to look forward to 2ml i guess.. i should i say today.. its 1.56am and i'm wishing all O levellers SUPER HUMONGOUS GOOD LUCK!! heh! and yes, good luck to MST-ers as well.. may we all be blessed with the motivation to keep studying till we get old enough to work and die happy.. god.. why do we put ourselves thru this...=P

I wanna end this saying that life aint what we always want it to be.. but when it is, we want change.. dumb i know.. btw karl, i tink your quote is way fucking nicer.. it goes,

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forward"

i guess it simply means we'll never figure life out.. so don't try.. lol! out!=)

*truth be told, i feel freely guilty......

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Dakota- Stereophonics

Sorry i took soo long darky but yea, i finally did it!! yay!! wahahahha!! enjoy people=)

1) How old do you wish you were?
seventeen.. no change.. dun wanna b older.. and i dun wanna do O's agn, ever..

2) Where were you when 9/11 happened?
hmmm.. playing soccer i suppose.. i remember vividly the plane crashin into the towers but i was thinkin it was just a normal accident..*maaa i was dumb..*

3) What do you do when vending machines steal your money?
i fuckin kick the shit outta it.. LOL!!

4) Do you count yourself kind?
YES! though i bet sarrah, sam, vik and all my frens would beg to differ=P

5) If you had to get a tattoo, where would it be?
left shoulder blade.. however price can dramatically changes deisre... lol!

6) If you could be fluent in any other language, what would it be?
tagalog, i got a feeling loads of comments are gonna pop up cause of this.. and yea, french too..

7) Do you know your neighbors?
yes, no, yes.. for my 3 respective neighbours

8) What do you consider a vacation?
relaxation and not hearing the words,"nigel, i need you back in skool"

9) Do you follow your horoscope?

10) Would you move for the person you loved?
no, i didnt the last time now did i.. heh!

11) Are you touchy feely?
ummm.. i guess?

12) Do you believe that opposites attract?
duh!(me and her, black and white, smart and super dumb)=P

13) Dream job?
author, at job that can be done at home on your own schedule..

14) Favorite channel(s)?
channel 5, axn, starworld, super sports, ESPN, i could go on forever...

15) Favorite place to go on weekends?
anywhere, as well its with cool company

16) Showers or Baths?
showers.. saves time, and water..=)

17) Do you paint your nails?

18) Do you trust people easily?
not really

19) What are your phobias?
ummm.. i dun like bats and crabs.. heh!

20) Do you want kids?
yes yes=) 2 would be great..

21) Do you keep a handwritten journal?
no freaking way.. heh! cant imagine if all my thought got read by my bro.. lol!

22) Where would you rather be right now?
lying next to her..

23) Who makes you feel warm and fuzzy?
family and her..

24) Heavy or light sleeper?
depends on the location..

25) Are you paranoid?
yes, very..

26) Are you impatient?
nah.. in fact waiting's 1 one my past times.. lol!

27) Who can you relate to?
parents, her, my bros(hommies and real bro of course)

28) How do you feel about interracial couples?
well i'm a FULL support for em!! MIX THEM ALL UP!! wahahaha!!

29) Have you been burned by love?

30) What's your favorite pick-up line?
hmmm.. well its not mine but i tink saying, "i've lost my number can i have yours" is the most despo freakin line i've heard.. hahaha!!

31) What's your main ring tone on your mobile?
A Little Less Sixteen Candles, A Little More Touch Me- Fall Out Boys..

32) What were you doing at midnight last night?
i was crapping with her..

33) What did the last text on your cellphone say?
ummm.. kk hon. Enjoy yourself! Muaks! haha.. heh! ok.. tt was weird.. lol!!

34) Whose bed did you sleep in last night?
my parents.. wtf! mine! DUH!

35) What color shirt are you wearing?
shirtless! therefore brown, but once again alot would beg to differ now wouldn't they..

36) Most recent movie you watched?
ummm.. One Piece? heh!

37) Name three things you have on you at all times?
my ear stud, my wristband and ummm.. my freaky long fingers..

38) What color are your bed sheets?
bluish- yellow.. yes.. ugh..

39) How much cash do you have on you right now?
big fat lump sum of $0!! heh!=P

40) What is your favorite part of the chicken?
breast! excuse me but its the question's fault.. lol!

41) What's your favorite town/city?
yishun, singapore.. though i do love new zealand as well..

42) I can't wait till...
i grow up, be a dad, have two kids and a loving wife. heh! yes, i'm sappy and gay.=P

43) What did you have for dinner last night?
mee goreng pedas with no onion. Put mutton and add mata lembu!!

44) How tall are you barefoot?
1.8 i tink..

45) Do you own a gun?
nah.. though i wish i did..heh!

46) What do you prefer to drink in the morning?
MILO!! hot or cold it dun matter..

47) Where do you think you'll be in 10 yrs?
hopefully travelling the world with my dearly beloved..

48) Last thing you ate?

49) What songs do you sing in the shower?
ummm.. tts between me and my darn shower.. heh!

50) Last thing that made you laugh?
marc, vik, ghaz and wan's dad.. they crack me up..

51) Worst injury you've ever had?
well, all over.. had a few twisted ankles, broken toe and stiff knees..

52) Does someone have a crush on you?
maybe.. are you allowed to know if they do?=P

53) What's your favorite candy?

54) What song do you want played at your funeral?
Jimmy Eats World- Hear You Me

55) Five random people to do this! and why?
cyn- coz i miss her
sam- cos she actualli has a blog! heh!
DIANA!!- coz she's got a freakin blog filled with waaayy to many pics
jazreel- provided you do these kinda stuff=)
Sweetness- Jimmy Eats World

heh! its freakin 5.35 and i'm still awake.. damn.. got a match against MM ltr.. wonder if we'll will win not.. haiz.. scary.. i wonder y i always blog b4 a big match.. hmmm..heh! coincidence i guess..

Aniways, was at wan's hse just now abt 12 or so just chilin and crapping.. oh yes, swiiming as well!! hahaha!! it was fun sakz! i min like, it was gay la.. four guys in the freakin cold swimming pool but nonetheless fun.. hahahah!! wan's dad was entertaining us wid his jokes bout movin in and all and he was actually a pretty good host=)credits to him man! rock on...

so ryt, now tt tt's ovr wid, i wonder wadelse i shld crap about.. hmmm.. well 5 more days.. dang.. 4th month.. i'm freakin out cuz i have no idea wad to get her.. i wonder if she'll read this.. heh! dang i miss her.. wait, i just saw her yesterday... lol!

i doubt i'll b off to slp.. most pob generals and thn match str8 after.. god, the unnecessary loss of slp i put myself thru.. fuck..

*you got me fooled, though i denied it.. ass..*

Monday, October 30, 2006

call me when you're sober- Evanescence

yes, tt song is a freakin earworm and i can't seem to stop listening to it.. heh! and soo here i am blogging.. well i actually should be at trisha's suprise bday at esplanade but i decided to skip it.. rili not in the mood plus the day was just a drag la.. haiz.. not to mention the fact that both skool and unoin work aint helping a single bit..

on a more joyful note, i'm glad ppl actuali find it funny that t get inspiration from peeing.. heh! yea, the more i tink abt it, the weirder it becomes but i tink its sumtin different yes? LOL!!

weLL enuf of lazing around.. time to get back to work.. i do wish trisha a super belated birthday and good luck to all the smart asses taking thier Pure Chem Practical tommorrow.. btw hon, that doesn't include you=P jz kiddin.. heh! tke cre ppL!!=)

*i came across this past saying of mine.. when i look into your eyes, i see you for you and not her....

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

the Coldest heart- Classic Crime

so jz back from skool and dinner-ing wid my budds.. shiok.. damn shack la.. gave 2 yellow cards during SMA's street soccer sompetition so tt was cool.. will b refreeing again on thurs.. heh! I HOPE I DUN SCREW UP! heh..

so besides thrs SPSU match 2ml.. damn.. scared i screw that up as well. fuck.. hope my legs dun fail me..hmmm.. shacked, i'm out...

*i am trying to change.. not too much though..

Monday, October 16, 2006

Why Cry- Panic Channel

hello my dear people.. yes, i'm back and this is time.. its gonna be a freakin weird entry.. cuz like today my inspiration comes from while i was peeing in the toilet.. yes, its tru! heh!!

well, i say tt is cuz i thought i'd touch on the finer things in life.. and believe it or not, they're REALLY FREE!! yep! ok.. let me give you a few scenarios..

1) you've been holdin in ur pee all day and finally, when its juz abt to burst, u find a cubicle and let the gates open.. heh! i tell u, tt feeling is undescribable and WONDERFUL!=P

2) you've thirsty the whole day and ur closest paL hands u a freakin chilled COKE! woohooo!! best ryt?

3) you just got back from boot camp that lasted a week.. you only had like 5 hours sleep in total.. and whn u get back, u tke a freakin nice hot shower and knock out!! wooohooo!!

yea, i noe u're getting as orgasmic as i am.. or mayb not.. heh! but yea.. i like those things, and they're FREE!! so never tell me that good stuff dun come cheap.. cz real fact.. they're actually free=P

ok..i'm fucking dumb.......

*i'd like to thank you, agn...

Friday, October 13, 2006

the acoustic song- RJA

gotta start off by wishing my bro, THINESH, HAPPY 17th BIRTHDAY MAN!! heh! he's uprise party was thrown today and it was freakin awesome.. he had no darn idea it was coming.. at all.. LOL!=P

his face when he saw everi1 in his room, classic. yes, all 20+ of us stuffed into his freakin cramp room! maaan.. it was a nice experience la.. and you know, it was really nice to actually SUPRISE someone for once.. btw, i would like to take this oppurtunity to thank viknesh and ashwini for making all of us look good..best planners for suprise parties.. and yes, we're all good actors=P hahaha! pics of the bday bash will be shown below=)

so besides that, ummm, she was sick.. i was worried.. duh.. and hmmm.. a part of me wished i could be ryt beside her helping her.. but we all its impossible.. dang.. glad she felt better and she still could freakin make fun me.. oh yea, thnx for finally reading my blog hon.. heh! i wonder if you'll ever read that.. and yes, her mom's bday was today as well.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY 2 HER!! yay.. heh...

i nid a haircut.. i tink.. damn.. thick hair.. but yet my freakin hair keeps falling.. most probably cause of my geL.. but w/o it, my hair would be too sexy for ani1 to resist.. god.. hu am i kidding.. i'd die w/o you, my dear gel..=P yes, i'm lame.. god i need a life.....
*i had a dream, it came true.. all cause of you...

The whole SP gang with the birthday boy!

Thinesh with the prezzie: Nike Team Shift($88 contributed by all=))
The wait before storming thinesh's room..Yes, tts me rubbing thinesh's super awesome cake into his face=P
The organisers, Vik and Ashwini, with the dude of the hour..
the gang on the way home!!

Aite.. that its=) be back sooner than you tink.. and like that, i'm gone....

Monday, October 09, 2006

rick price- Fixing a broken heart

yes.. 3rd month=)

i'm happy.. heh! rili glad i found u hon.. heh! ok.. i'm being gay.. but yea.. i love her loads.. i'm oretty sure she knows=)

ok.. skool suck 2day.. screwed up my SPSS test and ICE post camp meeting was ridicously long.. wth.. but it was kinda fun coz of the freakin lameass jokes we cracked.. shiok.. and yea.. SOCCER WID MY CLASS!! omg.. they freakin rock at it la.. ok.. gwean not so much=P wahahahahha!!

but yea, i'm jz rili gald we got to bond a lil more and sumore wid my fav sport! omg.. beautiful.. a dream class.. heh! DTRM 04.. u guys ROCK MY ASS!!=)

i'm out.. but do look out for more dumb ass rants.. off to study fuckin PACC.. bet i'm gona flop again..

*you don't need to say it dear, i love you too...

Saturday, October 07, 2006

malcom in the middle- channel 5

kaiz.. tired like crazy.. evntho i onli played keeper.. we won our match today, 2-1! heh! nice!=) dang leg still not getting ani better and to add to my misery, my freakin finger got injured as well.. heh!

interesting thing that happened today was that when i was in the lift.. wid the an indian lady.. she started talkin to me and i replied as though we knew each other for ages.. weird.. heh! but we were talkin bout the haze and stuff and like and when we reach the ground floor, she told me to take care of myself like she knew i was injured or something.. sooo weird.. heh!

yea.. off to go get ramly for dinner.. yay.. i'm tired.. bye
Only hope- Mandy moore
(don't ask.. it was playin and i'm not gona lie abt it.. heh!)

so.. karL's gig.. lol! freakin hilarious cuz me and the gang, which included syafiqah, hayu, didi, nikki and salizah(or in other words sarrah's gang), mi, sarrah, sam and cyn, WERE FUCKIN LATE!! heck.. we like missed the original la.. and to tell the truth, i was kinda looking forward to that and not the rest of the songs la.. i min.. thrs juz sumtin abt originals that makes me go wow.. yea.. but unfortunately, that didn't happen.. oh well, we did catch plug in baby(orignally by muse) and enter sandman(by metallica). not bad if i do say so myself.. the singer was a lil off, but i guess the guitars managed to cover her.. it was her first time afterall.. and hell, put me up and i doubt i'll evn remember a word of the song..*tinks back to B.O.B(battle of the band) days..* hahahah!

so so.. after tt was te normal, normal.. we had dinner.. parted ways.. i sent her back home.. i actually was walkin back when i bumped into 3 girls.. one of em was cryin and so it would be normal to be curious ryt? WRONG!! cuz her frenz noticed tt i was payin attn to them and they walked up to me sayin that she lost her wallet and tt she needed cash to get back home.. at first, i was a lil skeptical but yea, i paused, looked at the girl's face and it DID look like she was crying for hours.. so tinkin tt it wouldn't b ani harm.. i passed thm like $5 and made my way.. dang.. lost $5 juz like tt.. call me cheapskate or wadeva but it was $5!!! heh! could have loads more with it..=P

but yea, it was kinda nice to feel good abt it cuz i helped a poor soul.. lol! maaan.. losing her wallet on mooncake festival.. wad a way to spark tings off wouldn't u say.. howeva, my mum was skeptical abt it and she was like,

mum: u gave them $5??! did u see them into the cab?
me: no..
mum: they most probably used your money go buy drinks la..
me: no
mum: and how would you know they didn't do tt if u didn't watch them leave?
me: i dunno

and then we jz continued watchin tv.. i min.. i saw her give that 'man, u're an idiot' look but i jz ignored it.. heh! i felt good so i dun cre..

dang.. $5......=P

*somehow, i always know u're gona b there...

Thursday, October 05, 2006

savin' me- nickleback

was browsin thru my photo collection and i started missing peeps.. dang i hate reminescing bout stuff itz shiok in a way but also like kinda depressing.. i min.. loads of my frenz frm sec sch have either moved away or jz moved out of contact.. mayb i jz dun make the effort.. mayb i jz depend on them too much.. wadeva it is, thrs notin i can chg now...

and yes, always warm up b4 a run.. random to u? mayb.. but wait till u get a thigh strain like mine.. fuck...

*we're almost there, though almost might be 100years from now...
polygraph right now- the spiLL canvas

WAH!! SPSS IS A FUCKER!! god it sux.. recode la.. transform la.. argh! all bull.. thnk god i'm practising in skool.. hell.. if i was at home using my laptop.. i would thrown it.. heh!

she's havin french otal now.. i bet she'll screw it up.. god its gona b good laugh crapping abt it with her tonight.. provided i get the darn time.. oh wait.. NO SKOOL TOMMORROW!! wooHoo!! ok.. i definitely haev the time.. wonder if she will.. damn my timetable rocks.. heh! too bad for all u losers who still has skool on fridays.. heh! i'm evil.. muahahaha!

aite.. thats it fer now.. i'll most prob rant somemore ltr.. peace=)

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

false pretense- the RJA

principal's dialogue was today and i tink itz the dumbing ting eva.. i min.. itz useful in a sense that the principal gets to hear about feeback bout stuff that is screwed up in skool but maaan.. the question.. god.. i bet if no1 stopped them, the ppl would have more thn a hundred questions, comments, complain and proposals.. yes.. all the above was mentioned during the darn ting.. and here i am wondering wad the hell did i gain from the whole thing..

well, there were the parts when the principals made jokes that onli he understood.. and the ppl behind me were laughin wid him.. no no.. more like at him.. but itz was freakin hilarious aniways.. and yes, there was the times whn we caught the head of the Corporate comm and also the asst deputy principal dozing off.. heh! maaan.. u should hv seen it man.. ppl askin them question and they aslp.. LOL!! so yea.. summary, all i gained were a few good laughs.. heh!

so besides tt wad else is thr to add.. well i saw karl on the train and yea we had dinner and talked bout gay stuff.. i wonder if i'll b able to make it to his perfomance.. hmmm.. i do hope so..

ok, i miss loads of peepz... heh! i sound gay but i do.. all the 4eB peeps.. the ppl who went JC like fahmi, cyn all and yea.. the ppl hu went other polys like karl, sam, jill all.. i do hope we mit soon yea.. tke cre all and i shall be back to rant more bullshit..=)

*smile, its the best way to fit in...

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Lips of an AngeL- Hinder

Yes, i'm back oh cruel world.. heh! more like cruel cousins... Yes simone, u noe its u i'm talkin about.. aniways, today was pretty awesome cuz i like totali skipped skool and like all lessons and stayed home to do SPSU work and PACC!!

yes ppl, u heard it ryt.. nigel's actually tryin to study PACC.. i kinda shocked myself as well but yea.. i tink i'm getting a hang of things.. i min, i'm no whizz but yea, passing the re test could actually be reality=P

aniways, my bro's exam is tommorrow and i have no idea bout how to help him at all.. what a fantastic bro i am huh.. oh well, best i can do pray i guess.. heh!

I gotta say sumtin here as well.. ummm.. its just for my grandaunty who passed on.. rest in peace nanima..

Sam, i gotta tell ya thnx for being there for me. I'm really fine. I guess it helps that i didn't know her that well and yea.. i do hope my cousins r holding up well...

ttz it for todays revelations.. heh! i dun evn what that word mins.. ok.. off to dictionary.com to find out.. lol! cya!=)

*thought it your not here, what memories we have we stay with us foreva. you'll always be around...

Monday, October 02, 2006


yes yes.. i'm back people.. itz been like wad.. 4 months? or izzit longer.. heck.. doesn't matter does it.. impt ting iz tt i'm back and maaaan have tings happened since thn.. to do a summary or not to.. ttz the question..

oh well.. i guess in short i got a girl friend, sarrah's her name and an idiot she is.. but i'll admit i'm lucky to have her.. i got 2.944 for my GPA.. disappointed? yes but contented nonetheless.. besides tt i guess there was ICE camp which was a blast(since it didnt screw up) and SAA LTC as well.. heh! NAVAJO!! ok.. tt was random... still have a lil of the post camp spirit la.. lol!

what else oh what else... well.. me and her hv been at it for like wad.. close to 3 months now.. remarkable if u ask mi.. i min.. wid the amout of time we go head to head, itz a wonder how i still never regretted having her in my life for one single moment.. could still be the honeymoon period u say.. i wun disagree.. but yea.. i'm lovin how tingz are goin at the moment..

well, skool's a bitch.. we all noe tt so no use goin on blabbering abt it.. howeva, if i do blog agn soon, do be ready to see weird ass pics of my class and clubmates.. not forgeting my old buddies frm sec sch..

dang.. i guess i'm jz gona end here ryt now.. felt good crappin here agn.. who noes.. the next time i come back could be like tommorrow or another 4 months frm now.. anihows, dun stick arnd cuz yea, u'll jz b reading the same old crap ovr and ovr agn..

*i asked and u answered.. my heart's yours my dear.......

Friday, July 07, 2006

WAH!!! fucker la karl! hahahah!! idiot... y my name must come now.. asshole.. haiz.. fyn la.. i guess i'll do it since my blog is kinda empty afterall.. heh! i wonder hu'll actually do it after i reveal 7 more ppl to do it.. hmmm...

7 random things about myself:
1. i'm long
2. i like black
3. music is life
4. i'm bored
5. so i decided to this
6. also cuz karl sabo-ed me to
7. i'm done=P

7 things that scare me:
1) CRABS!!!!
2) losing people close to my heart..
3) seeing ppl hu i noe tt are cool headed suddenly burst
4) the way i sometimes turn to a sore loser
5) the fact that our own life might not be ours to control
6) maanequins in the dark..( FUCKING SCARY LA!!!)
7) and ummm.. sam.. LOL! jz did that to annoy u..=P

7 random songs at the moment:
1> here with out you- 3 doors down
2> time is running out- muse
3> i can tell- saosin
4> a little's enough- angels and airwaves
5> If i fall- amber pacific
6> A Little Less Sixteen Candles, A Little More Touch Me- fall out boy
7> Stand by Me- The Temptations

7 things i like most:
1* my Family
2* hommiez
3* my other close frens
4* my handphone and MP3!!
5* my kick ass long freaky FINGERS!!
6* getting caught when moshing..=P
7* being sung to.......

7 things i say most:
3/ MEREKE...
4/ i swear bodoh
5/ fuck.. fuck.. fuck...
6/ haha??
7/ lol.. heh! wait.. i say tt alot to.. heh!=P

7 freaking people to do this
1} cyn
2} muni
3} yuni
5} Roach
6} AMY!!
7} ani1 hu was dumb enuf to reach tiz far..=P

ok karl.. i'm done.. u ass... hah! kaiz.. now off to sports club's agm.. cya!=)
Super Massive Blackhole- Muse

ok.. in darn skool now typing out my darn marketing report.. sial la.. can die sakz.. haiz.. 10 pages MAN!!!! wah! jz on hearing that i tink i almost fainted.. heh! and i thought poly life was to slack..

hmmm.. evn the weekend is liked filled wid activities lyk floorball on saturday and RP's soccer tournament on sunday.. WAH! die la i lyk tt.. oh yea.. not to mention, EC test on monday and econs on thursday.. shiok!

nigel's dead... heh! good luck 2 me huh.. well i guess ttz it for tiz lame ass complain filled entry.. guess i jz needed somewhr to rant abt my stuff.. i'm out.. peace....

Monday, July 03, 2006

Cute without the E- Taking Back Sunday

hey hey! yes.. i'm back.. and maaan.. i'm lyk soo darn confused!! fuck sakz... i min.. i noe it z weird la.. but i dun noe whether to be happy or dissapointed.. but thn agn.. izzit possible to be both?

well.. i'll start wid my happy story first.. ok.. so the big story behind y the hell i wanna be happy is simple..


hahahah!! yes ah!! lol! we won a street soccer competition at eunos area.. and we were lyk the onli team from outside of the eunos area hu made it past the group stages la.. maaan.. it was damn scary after tt cuz all our opponents were kinda tough and plus they weren't playing cool as well la.. as in lyk leg tackles were crazy sakz... plus, i tink it was during my group stages whn i suffered a problem wid my knee.. and lyk... i had to play wid a bad knee throughout the tournament.. now tt was CRAZY!!

heh! but thnkfully we made it thru till the finals and thnk god for vik, kana and tash.. we were the CHAMPS! heh! glory glory galaticos huh.. heh!=)

and yes.. u guys shld noe the freakin bad news.. haiz.. brazil, argentina and england.. 3 simple words tt i'm sure would clear ani doubts u have bout my disappointment.. haiz.. well.. i guess it jz aint thier year huh.. well doesn't matter.. i'm not gonna watch ani more games alredi.. till the finals la.. heh! cant afford to miss that..=P

so yea.. ttz practically a wrap of m recent blabberings la.. shall be back to add more dumbass stuff soon..=)

tke cre ppL...

Thursday, June 29, 2006

International You day- No use for a Name

so i'm back.. wow! second post in two days.. tiz is a new.. lol! rili look lyk i'm back in it ey.. hmmm.. well... i missed skool 2day.. half sick and more tired so yea.. u figure out why i skipped.. lol! practically did crap 2day but lyk did a lil chatting wid peepz la.. namely cyn, sam and azura.. yea.. chatted wid her abt the gig tt i was at last week.. heh! it was nice talkin 2 her again la.. damn entertaining.. heh! ah yes, the gig.. it was awesome!! it was on a friday and it was jz mi, cyn and karl.. it started out slow but the momentem grew and b4 i knew it.. i was actuali enjoyin myself.. to the point i joined a mosh and got fcukin CAUGHT!! lol!! yes ppl.. i elbowed a security guard and he pulled mi out and gave me a warning.. LOL!! i was lyk damn malu but wadeva la.. it was fun moshing evn if it lasted 5 secs.. heh!

well yea.. practically ttz wad i wanted to blog about la.. oh yea.. met my fren sonia thr as well and the four of us made our way home.. photo of it below..

sori karl.. i u're pic not thr.. LOL!! hmmm.. but ummm.. he was wearing a rolemodel shirt everi1!! ok.. i hope tt did justice for ur face not being thr.. heh!=P

well.. i guess i'll jz end here for 2day.. tke cre ppL! i got a feeling i'll back 2 blog more soon=)
save me from me- amber pacific

GUESS HU'S BACK!!!!!!!!! heh!! yes ppl.. it me.. ur old old OLD fren nigel.. and yes.. this blog has been on hiatus for a superbly long time.. heh! i dun apologise for that though.. lol! i wonder if ani1 will actuali realise that i hv a new entry.. hmmm.. i tink it'l be interesting to see yea?

heh! so.. where did i leave off.. well u noe i'm in SP and yea.. i joined SPSU and yada yada.. so practically life's still the same.. stuff happened, yes, but if i were to go into detail, this will go on 4eva.. so i guess i'll say wads going on at the moment which is tt i'm slacking like crazy, my grades r lyk crap but the brightside.. i passed all my modules!! so far la.. hmmm... i wonder how much i'll screw up in my mids.. heh! thw thought of that makes mt freakin spine tingle.. LOL!

so yea.. i guess i'll end here for now.. and i guess i'll continue to update as and when i feel like it.. to all those that actually check back at my blog, i hope this was a nice suprise=P

tke cre ppL and pray i'll b back to blog more..=)

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

lecture- mr william tan

yes.. ttz wad i'm listenin 2 ryt now.. lol! haha!! lyk i min.. wth la.. heh!! he's teachin us abt IT in business.. and hir we r emailin and practically spammin each other la.. hah!! damn damn cold but thnk god thrz an hour tt we have 2 ourselves..

mornin started out ok and yea.. everitin iz normal normal la.. heh! damn bored.. notin 2 blog abt and yet i wanna blog.. i gues boredom kinda led mi 2 tiz la.. hah!

so.. i shaL b off.. hope i c my sec sch frenz sumtym soon.. haiz.. kinda miss thier nonsense.. haiz.. i'm out.. gonna join my new class in spammin each other.. and our teacher jz said he was hungry 4 questions.. i'm hungry 4 makan.. ok.. he's abt 2 dismiss us.. cyA ppL.. shall blog sooN..=)

Thursday, April 13, 2006

To The End- MCR

it april 13th!! hah!! my bro's bday!! HaPPy birthdaY bro!! he's 15 in case u wanna noe.. and yes.. he's more goodlooking thn i am.. haha!!

ok.. so i missed my DIP ting tiz morning.. woke up at lyk 10 i tink.. and thn i was lyk.. damn.. and my mum came in and told mi tt i had 2 go for prayers @ 2 so yea.. i gues tt'll b my excuse for not makin it 4 DIP.. heh! itz a lie bt wth la..

i realised sumtin ytd.. whn i look at my tagboard.. it seems tt ppL onli tag if they see thier name in it.. so yea.. was tinkin.. mayb i shld write more abt thm rather thn myself.. but thn tt wld totaLi defeat the prupose of havin a blog la..ryt?? lol!! so yea.. decided tt i'd rather stick 2 my lame ass day 2 day stuff and yea.. mayb sum logical writing once in a while.. can't bliv tt i was actuali on the edge of deletin tiz blog jz a few days ago.. was tinkin tt i'd neva have the tym nor the motivation or inspiration 2 blog.. but yea.. hir i am.. rantin bout my damn nonsense.. yes.. sue mi.. itz my blog.. i guess i'm allowed 2 rant non sensical stuff as weLL yea?? haha!!

so.. was tinkin bout my sec sch frenz as weLL.. damn.. kinda scared bout losin thm.. i min lyk.. u noe.. i move on.. have mre frenz.. and lyk.. they're left bhind.. i min.. itz impossible 4 tt 2 happen 2 the hommiez la.. but i was tinkin more on the cyn and sam basis.. rili gotta mit up wid thm as often as possible la.. ttz wad i'm tinkin.. sarrah 2.. wonder if lyk i'll b able 2 mke tym wid ol the stuff my PTN told mi tt i have.. haiz.. damn la.. weLL gaLz.. ppL.. i'll do my best 2 mke u guyz realise tt i'm alwayz hir yea.. if ya see mi online, SHOUT OUT!! hah! and i'll respond.. we're gonna mit up.. soon......

hmmm.. yea.. well now tt ttz off my shoulders.. i shall b off for prayers.. i'll b back wid mre stuff soon yea??=) tke cre ppL.. my frenz.. u guyz r always remembered=)

`would you carry mi, to the end? i noe u guyz will...

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

let there be love- oaSiS

so.. SP.. maaaan... whr in the world do i start.. soo much 2 say man.. ok.. let's start wid the train ride thr.. BY MYSELF.. yes.. i was.. i clouldn't bliv myself but i was.. hah! and so was 2day la.. ALONE..

howeva.. i feel as though itz aite la.. i min.. i getta haf sum alone tym and plus.. w/o those noisy clowns.. i can actuali peacefully listen 2 my MP3 and doze my way 2 skooL.. heh!

so 1st day.. did quite a bit of activities.. blah hir blah thr.. sweaty.. class bonded.. ryt.. my class.. well.. my class is over dominant wid chinese and gals.. ok.. tt myt not hv come out ryt.. weLL.. my class lyk 2 non chinese.. and four guys.. andthe rest r chinese and gals la.. yea.. hmmm.. proportionate ey.. heh!!

yea.. but we're a cool bunch la.. fun lovin and yea.. they're talkative as weLL.. lucky 4 mi i guess.. i jz pray tt i'll b able 2 mix wid thm well and not say anitin anitin stupid 2 offend thm la..(sam shld noe wad my dumb mouth is capable of:P) besides tt.. ytd was aite..

2day was kinda fun though.. cuz we had the SB fantasy pageant! haha!! it was damn funi.. i got in2 the semis and got eliminated no thnx 2 a faulty paper box.. if u hv no idea wad i'm talkin ab.. ask mi personaLLy.. doubt u'll get the pic evn if i explain.. so yea.. movin on.. the pageant was won by tiz awesome couple hu dressed gothic.. kinda awesome la.. heh! aniwayz.. congratz u 2!!=)

was wid gwean on the way home.. and yea.. she dropped at kranji and MUNI got on at woodlands.. wanna noe the funi ting.. i didn'y say hi.. cuz lyk i didn't noe if it was the REAL muni i knew.. so i took a few stares.. and lyk finally gathered he guts 2 ask if she was muni not.. hnk god she was.. after tt.. we started laughin lyk CRAZY!! she was lyk tryin her best 2 quieten mi dwn but i jz couldn't tahan la.. i min.. ppL.. we spent 5 frekkin minutes wonderin if we were the ppL we both tot we were.. ok.. tt came out totaLi confusin.. heh! but criously.. if u were thr.. u would haf laughed ya ss off la..hahahah!!

yea.. and ttz the end of day 2.. simple.. yea.. 2ml's gonna lame flag day collection.. haiz.. gotta go beg for money.. wonder if i shld bring along NP shirt and do dumb stuff.. heh! and btw.. karl is fcukin funi.. sam has a huge ass.. and sarrah is not smart.. thNk u!!

one more ting.. to hommieZ.. sry bout makin u guYz wait yea.. orientation took longer thn expected.. kaiz.. wid tt.. i'm out.. tKe cre ppL..=)

`to know hu we are, we're still to far....

Saturday, April 08, 2006

dark blue- jack's mannequin

oh maan.. k.. soo it has been a frekin long tym ey.. i have no idea whr 2 start man.. i min.. thrz soo muzh runnin thru my head ryt.. hah! well thn.. i guess i'll juz start of wid the most recent and if anitin sparks off frm thr i'll jz blog abt thm as weLL..

so.. most of ya peepz shld noe tt SPSU's FO camp juz ended.. and i pray no1 heeded my werds and joined it sakz.. sial la.. camp.. totaLi SUCKED!! yea.. it did.. i min.. frm the start.. they started torturin us.. PUSH UPS PPL!!! ya.. sial la.. and lyk.. mi and one of my family member, amy, juz stood up.. and lyk we look at our parents(group leader) and they were lyk juz do juz do.. so we did it la.. and thn vik's family(group) started 2 fight back and shout at the guy askin us 2 do push ups.. sial la.. haven't evn start and lyk the camp was lyk boot camp la..

thn came up the games and lyk.. they wanted us 2 greet everi single person.. waH! tt 1 i tell u.. damn damn sian.. we had 2 greet in heriachy(accordance 2 rank) and ol la.. jz tt can cause ya a sorethroat cuz lyk they wanted u 2 do it as loud as possible.. i tell u.. probz started frm thr.. my family members were complainin and ol.. haiz.. damn damn sad sakz.. i felt lyk one kind sakz.. i min.. they way they did ting.. it wasn't ryt la.. 4 wadeva reason..

thn the day passed and lyk everitin was ok.. till nyt fell.. tt was whn lyk i had enuff.. cuz evn in the afternoon they were toturin us.. askin us 2 do tiz.. and tt.. run hir.. cheer louder.. cheers wid thier names in it.. and thn at nyt the tortures became worse.. i began rebel.. i could no longer stand 2 see myself and my family members go thru these kinda punishments sakz.. so i rebelled.. i made practically frussed the GP(the punishers!) lyk siow la.. till he said fuck! haha! at tt point of tym i was lyk damn happy la.. i tot i won cuz lyk the other GPs came ovr and stopped him.. but thn.. he went 2 family and started torturin thm ryt in frmnt of mi.. and thn my mum came ovr and told mi 2 give it up.. at tt point.. i tell u.. guilt filled mi up.. tt kind of feelin.. itz lyk.. i duno how 2 explain it la.. itz lyk.. i was on a high u noe.. i was practically smirkin at him till he did tt and my mum came ovr.. i couldn't tke it.. i broke.. i felt as though i had put thm in2 a worse situation tt they alredi were.. summore.. it was lyk.. i duno la.. loads of stuff juz filled mi up and i broke.. so after tt i juz had 2 get back in2 in my family and juz continue.. thruout the whole ting i jz kept endurin everitin 4 my family la..

went 2 slp and b4 i knew it.. day broke and we were playin tug of war.. abd bliv it or not.. the GPs said please and proceed 2 playin.. WTH SAKZ??!! lyk a whole lot of stuff was runnin thru my mind.. i was totaLi unsure of how 2 respond 2 thm sakz.. whn we greeted thm they were lyk no nid 2 greet.. i totaLi stun... i was lyk.. HUH??! haha!! i tell u.. it was damn funni la.. u shld hv seen ol our faces.. it was lyk everi single person had the same face on.. it was frekin funi!! hah!!

thn came nyt and we finally realised tt these GPs were actuaLi tryin 2 make us leave camp and 2 learn 2 control our temper and actuaLi learn how impt togetherness iz.. yea.. weLL.. GPs.. mission success..after tt we were lyk abidin by most of the stuff they drilled in2 us la.. heh.. i slpt at campfire but woke up for wan's fantastic perfomance as a SHIM!!!(shemale) i tell u.. i was laughin lyk hell.. heh!! he rili look lyk one cuz afterall, he had a small.. ahem.. shall not mention it la.. but u guyz noe wad i'm talkin abt.. aniwayz.. thr was disco after tt and tt was awesome as well.. haha!! had loads of fun la dancin and ol.. heh!! ol the northland guyz were lyk rubbin each other 4 cryin out loud.. damn fcukin funi!!! wahahahah!! thn whn we got bored.. we went wid the GP 2 go prank ppL.. hahaha!! i tell u.. now tt was fcukin funi.. ppL had thier armpits up and we were lyk puttin colgate in thier armpit and nipples and bellybuttons.. marc has a few pics of thm so if u wanna see the carnage we created.. go ask him for picz.. hahahaha!!

weLL thn.. back 2 impt stuff..camp was sucky.. but the ppL.. unforgettable.. CRETACEOUS!! ttz my family name.. and my sistaz r: Lilin, Regina, Jasmine, Weini.. and my broz: rahim, jeremy, horace,zhen long, jian liang, chris, hanafi, melvin, sam... and the ppL hu i respect of most in the camp r my parents: Zoah(dad), Luccia(mum).. thnk u guyz for carryin mi up whn i'm done yea.. w/o u guyz.. i would have left the camp on the veri first nyt..=)

i applaude if u made it tiz far man.. cuz if i aint wrong.. tiz iz my longest post eva.. wahhaha!! i guess ol t waitin tym paid off ey.. LOL!! k.. ol u peePz tke cre aite.. and rmb.. whn u move on.. dun eva 4get the ones tt allowed u 2.. ur family and frenz.. cya sooN.. shall blog more yea=)
CRETACEOUS!!!!!!! U GUYZ ROCK!!!!!!!!!!=)

Monday, March 20, 2006

SayinG sorry- Hawthorne Heights

b4 i start i juz wanna remind ol the hockey gaLz that u guyz did ur best aite?? and yea. thrz notin u shld not b proud off.. u guyz definitely deserved 2 win and i guess the refrees' an ass.. haha! kip ur head up and make sure u guyz take tt 3rd placing.. and congratz 2 the guyz for makin it 2 the finaLs.. hopefuLLy i'll b down for ya game=)

aniwayz.. was readin karL's blog juz now and lyk it totaLi blew mi away sakz.. maaan.. damn weird i noe..but it did.. i duno y.. i guess itz juz the passion and enthusiasm that he trendsended thru his werds.. i min.. i could tell he was riLi crious bout wad he was writing and yea.. for once.. wad he wrote made sense. good on u karL..

hmmm.. wonder if i'll eva b lyk tt.. haiz.. more i come 2 tink of it.. thrz notin i'm truly passionate abt.. bsyds annoyin ppL and talkin(which is lyk the same ting) i dun tink thr iz anitinelse i'm good at.. hmm.. juz hit mi that thrz gonna b business stuff in TRM.. damn.. i suck at business.. weLL, at least ttz wad i tink i do la.. hmmm.. guess itz too late to tink ey.. juz hope for the best iz wad i usually say...

weLL.. passion.. i nid sum man.. damn.. monday.. raining and i dun evn noe if i'll b goin for trainin.. holz can b a real pain in the ass..

*duN looK back in aNger, i heard u say........

Sunday, March 19, 2006

start Over- Best Interest

hey hey! i'm finally back and i'd lyk 2 start out this entry wid a few apologies.. yes.. i noe itz weird but i juz wanna do it.. umm.. first iz out 2 karL.. heY man.. i'm sry no one was thr wid ya on ur bday.. i riLi am.. hope u enjoyed KL though.. and second iz to sarrah.. ummm.. i'm sry i didn't get ya nitin at KL.. hahah! yea.. ttz bout it..

now. on2 ummm.. scrabble i guess.. it went out pretty aite.. no hiccups or wad so eva.. yea.. so kinda happy bout tt.. made a new guiness world record! haha! yea.. cooL huh.. 1000+ ppL playin scrabble at one simulateneuos tyM! pretty awesome if u asked mi.. but weirdly enuf. after the event, i did not get the feeling of sattisfaction i wanted.. haiz......

weLL.. tt was totaLi forgotten the minute i was making my way 2 KL!! yea.. ryt on the day tt scrabble ended.. we were on our way 2 KL... hahaha! it was GREAT!!!

lyk.. we bought loads of stuff and went 2 KLCC 2 c the petronas towers.. evntho it was my 2nd tym.. the sight of those buildings juz frekin blew mi away.. it felt good.. criously.. spendin tym wid my hommiez and juz havin a good tym is more thn i could eva ask 4.. THNX GUYS AND WAN'S PARENTS 4 THE AWESOME TRIP!!!=)

hmm.. i noe thr ain't much details.. ttz cuz if i start, i doubt i'll b able 2 stop.. itz onli the truth.. so yea.. wanna noe wad riLi went on.. ask us personally..

kaiz.. i'm done for 2day... gonna slack on tiz lazy sunday.. looks lyk thr izzin't gonna b much 2 do since itz rainin.. haiz... mite turn 2 bloggin ltr juz 2 pass tyM.. k.. i'M out...

*i'M lookin for tt 1 2 blow mi away.....

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

muscle Museum- Muse

hey hey!=) i'm back.. duh.. yea.. juz tot of bloggin wad went on 2day.. which waas mainly swimming and presentation for shai and the the rest of the teachers 2ml.. damn.. i got a prob... i dun tink i can stay in alumni la..

riLi.. itz lyk.. i got a feeling that foreva on.. shai's gonna have expectations of mi all the way.. and lyk.. he'll b expecting mi 2 heLp raise the YLDP and stuff 2 the next level.. 2gether with ppL lyK moa shen and his and my batch of ppL.. i ain't cut out for tt..

not sayin tt i'm givin up alredi but i dun lyk tt.. u get wad i min?? i dun lyk doin stuff lyk plottin direction and blah blah.. i'm more of a person hu's a do ryt now thn ting.. i luv the pressure of doin events and the probz tt arise during tt event.. im not the kind to wry bout probz tt may happen in lyk 2-3 months or evn years tyM.......

talked 2 sarrah bout it and yea.. she kinda made mi realise tt thr iz notin shai can do 2 stop mi.. but hmmm.. i duno la.. i got gay ass concience will bug mi la.. lyk u noe.. the feeling of letting sum1 down.. hmmm.. but thn agn.. i duno la.. i see how.. mayb the prob will juz go away or thr may come a point whr i ahve 2 tell shai.. haiz.. weLL thn.. now tt ttz out of the way.. wad else shld i say..

oh ya..

KarL iz GAY! haha!

yeP.. he definitely iz.. LOL! aniwayz.. chelsea against BARCA second leg ltr on.. hahaha! BARCA GONNA KICK ASS!!=) weLL.. mayb @ half tym i shaLL give super fresh updates bout it yea?? haha!=P kaiz.. i'm out ppL.. cYa!=)


*i'm not the type to say i told u so...

Monday, March 06, 2006

MoVe aLong- AAR

itz fcuKin 6.55am amd i'm BLOGGIN!! hahaha!!

i hate hommiez.. we got a damn punctuality prob.. we neva eva can kip to the timing we teLL.. if we say mit @ 7.30am, u better reach @ the meeting area @ 8-8.30 cuz we all sure late.. basket.. i stay up all nyt 2 make sure i dun ovrslp thn the assholes stiL aslp!! aRgH!

aH ya.. but used 2 it also la.. k.. i go knock out.. haha! sry bout postin lame ass ramblings but it iz my blog afterall.. hah!

i'm out.. tKe crE ppL.. and hoMMiez reading.. WE GOTTA TRAIN IN PUNCTUALITY!!!

hey hey!! tot of updating bout my outing wid my frenz 2 sentosa.. it was a birthday cum gathering(duh).. maaan.. AWESOME!!! ttz the werd that comes 2 mind whn i tink of it man.. had loads and loads of FUN bebz!!

hahaha!! day started off kinda slow but thn wan got scolded for knocking over a volleyball poLL!! damn fcukin funni sakz!! lyk.. whn he kena, ol of us act as though we duno him.. haha! it was hilarious watchin wan patheticaLLy hold on to the poLL all by himself!! wahahaha!!

thn we started eatin, lpayin ol the now crap ppL normaLLy do at the beach.. and yea.. the end was cooL cuz we cut cake for vik and yea i managed 2 pay wan's and ady's mums so tt was good! haha! all turned out good and i thank all of those hu came dwn.. THNK U GUYZ!!! and yea.. HAPPI BDAY VIK!! and yea.. FAREWELL 2 MY DEAR GOOD FREN, AQILAH!! tKe cRe and ol the best for ur future endevouers(if tt iz how itz spelt=P)

and yea.. i got tourism and resort developement.. DID ANI1ELSE GET IT??!! plz do tell mi if u did cuz i'm alone sakz!! haiz.....

aniwayz.. i'm damn glad tt ol my hommies are in SP.. damn sad at the same time cuz haN-short, fahmi and KARL DIDN'T MAKE IT!! arGh!! wasted sakz.. bloody stupid MOE.. but dun wori dude.. i'm sure we're gonna stay close yea=)

kaiz.. tt abt sums everitin uP.. tKe cRe ol ad i'll update sooN..=)
ouR lives- the calling

haven't been updating have i... weLL.. sry.. laziness and i gues thr was sum1 hu actuaLi pointed 2 mi tt i dun ryt wad i riLi feel and u noe wad ppL.. i totaLi agree wid tiz person.. i can't... i can't talk about my feelings openly...


i knew it all along and yet.. i guess it juz neva occured 2 mi tt blogs r made for exactly tt.. weLL thr r those tt would disagree, but for mi, i bliv tt wad blogs are for..

so now we move on 2 y the heck do i kiP bloggin thn.. my answer.. CUZ OF BOREDOM!! haha! yea.. i guess juz 2 use up them seemingly unlimited time i have durin my holz.. trust mi.. holz r fun till u have notin 2 fcukin do animore!! many of my peepz can back mi up on tt=P

aniwayz.. 2 tiz fren of mine, and to the diligent few who take the time 2 read my lame ass blog, i doubt i'd eva b able 2 express my feelings openly.. itz juz sumtin tt i kinda have a problem doiN.. yea..

kaiz..i'M out.............

Sunday, February 26, 2006

26th.. itz hir agn...

hmmm.. weirdly enuff.. i hven't thought much bout it..

in fact.. i' not evn emo-ing... weird....

weLL.. shaLL tink bout y the heck i ain't...

moving on?? could it.. could i b??

hmmm.. or mayb juz a slip of my mind.. anihow.. i stiLL remebered it didn't i..

weLL i guess i ain't ovr it.. or am i..

ah fcuk...

thNx 2 those hu were alwayz thr for mi.. i love u guyz loads! u guyz are my support and i'll neva forget u peePz! always stay in contact..

kaiz.. more tinkin 2 do.. i'm out.......

*TNI and yeT it neva comes... if onli...........

Friday, February 24, 2006


2 ol NSS 4EXP STUDENTS!! thrz gonna be a HUGE GATHERING cum VIK Bday partY cum Aqilah's fareweLL pary! itz gonna b @ siloso beach on the 2nd march.. u guyz can come pouring in @ ard 11am yea? loads of stuff will b provided lyk drinks, balls=P and FOOD!! bound 2 b loads of FUN!! pLz do come yea? ummm.. those coming dwn plz inform mi or Andy or sam...

those coming plz do contribute $2 cuz of the food and ol la.. yea.. juz a lil contribution but i promise u tt the gathering wiLL definitely b fun!!

the mre the merrier aite!=) do publicise tiz 2 ani1 u guyz noe.. b sure 2 inform us howeva bout hu's goin so we can provide for everi1.. thNx!!=)


heY ppL! i noe i haven't been updatin.. haha! guess i blame my laziness once agn la.. lol! but maan.. whr the heck do i start sakz.. thrz juz soo much 2 teLL..

aH! i'll juz skip the whole ting 2 the match tt happened last nyt..


awesome match i tell u.. it was draw tiLL half tym and abt 0 mins after the restart.. BOOM! chelsea scores thnx 2 an own goal(OG) by motta.. damn bloody funi i tell.. and the best part was we missed tt part cuz we were playin XBOX whn they scored! lol! and thn.. close to 70mins if i not wrong.. free kick @ the edge of the penalty box.. it was perfect.. ronaldinho took it and it deflected of john terry ryt in2 the goalmouth of chelsea.. and the score was tied 1-1!!

frm thr barca had loads of chances and chelsea were lookin miserable wid no direction @ all.. and b4 the end of the game.. eto'o slotted in the winner.. it was brilliant i tell u!

maaan.. yea.. aniwayz u guyz can watch the highlights on tv but i juz had 2 point out tt i had a superb tyM @ t-nesh's hse man.. it was lyk ol the guyz watchin soccer and playin XBOX.. wad a perfect day ah? and summore after tt.. we went play street soccer after lunch.. soccer nutz we definitely r.. LOL!!

so yea.. ttz abt it.. bsyds tt.. life's pretty normaL.. oh look.. 26th iz in 3 days.. whoopee..

nid 2 get back 2 settling stuff for vik's bday cum NSS gathering.. hmm.. itz gonna b awesome.. look out for the next post whr i write ol the details yea=)

good nyt ppL and yea muni.. selemat malam.. LoL! i said a few malay werds.. happi?? haha! i'm out.. nak tidur la=P

*so sick of love songs yet i can't i stop listening to thm......

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

I caught fire(in your eyes)- The Used

V daY.. LOL!! and i'm doin notin.. u noe wad.. i actuaLi find tiz day 2 b pretty lame.. i min.. maaan.. y muz thr b a day whr u're supposed 2 show love 2 ur loved ones.. or a day whr u hafts n romantic.. i min.. shldn't u b tt way all year round?? hahaha!!

but i'm most probably feeling tt way cuz i've got NO DATE!! wahaha!! yea.. but u noe wad.. singlehood rocks la.. yea ppL.. it does.. dun bliv mi.. as k members of my club.. wahaha!! u dun have 2 make sacrifices.. ol u tink abt iz urself.. yea.. u guyz startin 2 get the idea as weLL huh.. hahah!!

but heLL.. i do miss bein in a relationship la.. thr iz no better feeling thn knowin ur loved.. yea.. weLL back 2 my wretched V day.. LOL! most probably gonna mit Karl and play soccer.. maaaan.. wad a way 2 spend V day ey.. haha! kaiz.. pEaCe! i'm oUt..

now all those feelings, those yesterday's feelings, will all b lost in time...


start over- best interest

i'm soo sori i've been kinda late in updatin my posts.. but yea... i'm a bz man.. wad can i say.. LOL!! weLL.. back 2 the crious stuff.. it iz the result entry peepz.. yes.. the emotions.. the tears.. the smiles.. i'm gonna explain everi lil ting in detail.. so hir we go...

met the guys @ mac arnd 2.05 if i'm not wrong.. everi1 was jittery.. criously.. thr was the feeling of anxiety and confusion filing the air.. everi1 was nervous bout wad they were gonna get.. it was practically the hommiez and the EC boys.. as we approached skool, we met loads of ex skoolmates and we exchged pleasantries and thn we dived in2 the topic tt was on ol our minds.. wth were we gonna GET??!!

maaaan.. i tell u.. as i entered skooL.. i juz could feel everi1 lyk takin sighs man.. i min.. it was weird la.. but for the first tym..i felt as though all of us were havin the exact tots runnin thru our heads..

we saw sum of the juniors.. and they were lyk.. good luck ppL! and i was so glad la.. i min.. it was great tt they were thr 2 support us.. but stiLL.. we were totaLi scared la!! wahahah!!

met a whole lot of frenz on the second floor and the gossip bout hu got wad was floodin in man.. it was lyk.. dude! u got a2 in tiz.. man.. u did badly sakz.. and i was lyk.. WTH!! hold up ppL! hahaha! it was madness.. and thn evn the teachers started droppin hint bout hu did weLL and hu didn't.. TT WAS WORSE!! i was prayin my name neva comes up sakz.. thNk goD it didn't and u noe.. b4 i knew it.. it was tym 2 enter the haLL..

and lyk @ many sec skooLs.. the principaL began blabberin away bout the how sucky my batch did and i totaLi cld not b bothered.. ol i was worid abt was my mi and my frenz.. i soo badly wanted ol us 2 score sakz.. and as tt thought drifted past.. the talk was ovr.......

i prayed ppL.. yes i did.. juz as everi went forward 2 take thier results.. i kinda stayed behind.. put my hands 2 2gether and prayed....

i was lyk one of the last 2 get my results la.. maaan.. u can juz imagine.. watchin ppL hug thier frenz.. watchin others break in tears.. wathcin ppL juz stare at thier results in disblief.. i teLL u.. my heart was fcukin RACING!! heck.. thn.. aloy comes 2 mi and say.. dude.. i ur slip.. u got 2 As!! man.. i soo wanted 2 bliv him but i juz had 2 c for myself..

my name was called and thr i was.. wid my results.. i took it and went 2 the side of the hall.. and in solitude.. i opened it.. 3As!! WOOHHHOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! 17pts for R5!!! AWESOME PPL!! wahahaha!! i was soo glad i tell u! i made it sakz.. i juz could bliv it.. joy was ovrflowin.. i juz couldn't contain it.. and u noe wad was the funiest part.. i was jumpin and shout all by MYSELF!! wahahah!! i min.. i looked frekkin awkward la.. after a while ZY joined mi and it was awesome.. but howeva.. my joy didn't last for long....

my frenz didn't do as weLL as i had hoped for... maaan.. i was soo sad.. i min.. it ain't ez standin thr and watchin ur frenz break down knowin tt u can't do anitin 2 make tingz better saKz.. ol i cld do was comfort thm but no matter wad i did.. i knew i wasn't helpin.. haiz.. tt part was difficult sakz...

but all of thm got ovr it and u noe wads the aftermath... WE'RE ALL GOIN POLY!! SP 2 b exact.. hahahakz!! itz juz weird la how it ol came out.. end up.. it looks lyk NSS iz gonna populate SP... hehehe:P so SP.. watch ouT!! LoL!

ol i pray iz tt we all go whr we wanna..

Sunday, February 12, 2006

2nd post..

yes.. itz the 70 hour gag present to u by mediacorp radio!!

wahahah!! loads of peepz were dwn for it and i tell u.. i can almost swear.. it felt lyk i was in SERANGOON!!

riLi sakz.. i min.. it was crowded wid indians man! and ol thnx 2 the oli DJ hu brought hlaf of india wid him.. wahaha!! it was lyk he had the most support man! but we were not gonna let thm step ol ovr us so we cheered as loud as we could for skinny ankle or more better known rod montero!

hahahakz! he was awesome 2 b arnd wid man.. criously.. i min.. he was neva arrognat unlike shan.. no offence dude but u kinda were.. lol! and yea. he was alwayz cheerfuL! evn though we woke him up he stiL said ok 2 takin photos wid us! and u noe wad.. whn ew asked him.. he said SURE!! ya.. HE SPOKE!! wahahaha!! tt was frekkin funi sakz! heheh:P thn mi and karl looked @ each other and we couldn't stop laughin i teLL u!

the whole day we were teasin rod abt it and he juz looked @ us and smiled.. hehe:P tt was funi man.. bsyds tt we saw marc and met up jena, louise and tammy @ the roadshow.. it was cooL la.. finaLLy seein jena.. i min.. definitely mixed emotions but u noe wad.. i guess i automatically forgave her the minute she offered a hug.. juz cannot b angry la.. yea..

ovrall.. it was a cool day.. mitin peepz.. cheerin and yea.. i evn won and osim eye massager.. wahah!! itz kinda weird as u can c frm the last pic.. but i tell u.. the massages it gives r heaven! lol! kaiz.. i'm out.. pEace ppL!

new post

pics above r frm a tournament tt my soccer team galaticos went 4.. it was @ ngee ann and i teLL u.. the ppL thr WERE HUGE!! wahahah!!

we played our ass off and we ended up 4th!! yes ppL! it was an open tournament and against ol odds.. we came out 4th.. we left empty handed though cuz there weren't ani prizes for fourth place.. how sad huh.. but soo tru.. haiz

but the day was fantastic and we made it 2 the semis against ol odds.. and ppL definitely respected us man.. they were congratulatin us on makin it tiz far and they were "how r u guyzs?" and we replied "below 17", thier facial expressions all chg! wahahah!!

but u guyws wanna noe the funny ting.. we made it ol the way thr thru penalties!!wahahah!! we neva scored a single goal sakz! wahaha!! now tt ppL, iz an ACCOMPLISHMENT!!

b4 i end.. i wanna thank SAM AND ANDY!! thnk u guyz!! w/o u peePz, i doubt we would have the determintation 2 go as far we did!! u guyz are our STRENGTH!! thNk U!!=)

ok.. ttz it.=).. on2 the post bout the 70 hour gag..

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

i dun geddit.. how can it b tiz way.. hu do we blame.. the ppL tt make the decisions or god? i min.. wth la.. i reaLise tt the most decent ppL r the ones hu get screwed ovr.. they do thier best.. give thier.. put it ol out.. but in the end.. the person juz can't go on or.. worse.. passes on.. itz tru ppL.. it does happen...........

i noe a few frenz hu have gone tru tiz and i'm.. and i'm juz soo outraged! they dun deserve it.. i noe i'm not makin tingz ani better by ranting it out hir but i juz can't kiP it in.. u ppL shld noe of the pain tt ppL go thru and juz start appreciating lyf arnd u..

hecK.. i juz wanna say sumtin.. those good heart ppL hu put ur heart out thr and neva get the person u guyz want.. i feel for ya.. u guyz dun deserve it.. but rmb 2 neva give up aite.. hu noes.. mr or mrs ryt may juz come ur way sumtym soon..

and for those hu have lost the onli person they have eva loved.. my condolences.. i'm soo sori.. i cannot understand ur pain i noe but u guyz noe wad.. no matter hu u luved.. i got a good feeling tt they're in a better place.. and i'm sure they'll want 2 see ya smile and be haPPi.. going thru the whole process iz difficult and i feel for u guyz.. but alwayz rmb u gotta picked urself up and move on.. tymz after tt r gonna b difficult as well but dun 4get tt u'll have ur frenz and family 2 b thr 4 ya.. alwayz...

plz rmb ol 2 cherish the ppL u have wid ya aite.. damn.. if thr was onli i way i cold make u guyz feel better.. unfortunately thr izzin't.. but u guyz ol have ppl arnd u tt care and r alwayz concerned bout u.. neva forget thm aite.. they'll b ur support thru u rough tymz.. tKe cre and pEace...

Saturday, February 04, 2006

One last cry- brian mcknight

now i sit, all alone,
wishing all my feelings were gone,
i gave my best to you,
thRz notin lefT for mi 2 do..

damn la.. itz lyk 4 am and i hir listenin 2 brian mcknight.. totaLi bad combo man.. hahakz! got mi on the emo path agn.. haiz.. wtf..

V day iz on the way.. yipee.. woohoo.. obviously i'm not exactly enthusiastic bout it.. haiz.. guess i'm not lookin forward 2 it knowin tt once agn.. i dun have the one.. lol..

it izzin't ez but gotta face it la.. guess i'm juz gonna spend it wid the guyz or better, sulkin at home.. hahakz! weLL yea.. ttz abt it.. shaLL hopefuLLy b bloggin bout mre impt and interestin stuff soon..

oh yea.. i dun wanna leave out the happy couples out thr..ummm.. earli happy V day 2 u guys aite.. u guyz better cherish everi1 moment u guyz have wid each other.. u'll neva noe whn they'll juz disappear..

kaiz.. i'm out...

will i eva b down 2 my one last cry??

Wednesday, February 01, 2006


greetingz brudderz and sistaz!!

hahakz! kaiz.. i noe ttz a weird way 2 start but wth.. lolz.. i juz wanna apologise on not loyally updating my blog cuz afterall, i've been a lil bz.. aniwayz.. i'm BACK!! yea.. and hmmm.. whr in the werld do i start..

umm... notin riLi has happened.. ummm.. went back 2 skooL.. maaan.. was tt a treat!! mdm tai also came back sakz.. and yes.. u guessed it.. whn acknowledged, she stood up onli 2 get booed by the students! maaan.. tt was WICKED!! but yea.. it was NSS students afterall and ol she did was react wid a smile and she sat back dwn.. besyds tt i managed 2 mit uP mr.taufiK and MDM.K!! TT WAS DEFINITELY THE HIGHLIGHT OF THE WHOLE DAY LA!! hahakz.. criously enjoYed it.. got 2 mit a few of my frenz tt were studyin thr as weLL such as puden, sarrah, aloy, sec1s tt i knew and yea a whole lot more la.. maaan.. it was a lil weird bein back thr but stiL i felt lyk.. lyk a sense of belongin thr la.. it was good.. sense of warmth.. weird i noe.. but soo tru..

besyds tt.. ummm.. yea.. notin much la.. tKe Cre peePz! blog soon.. loLz..

Friday, January 27, 2006


i wanted.. i wanted you to stay...

weLL.. itz juz ended.. yea.. 26th has passed by and gone.. i tried hard 2 ignore it, but.. itz impossible.. i can't.. itz juz cumtin i can't 4get.. i'm sori 2 those who visited lookin for sumtin interestin and upbeat 2 read cuz 2day.. ol u're gonna hear r the werds of a heart ttz tryin hard 2 learn 2 let go..

i'm not gonna lie.. itz difficult ppL.. whn u've gone thru wad i've gone thru.. havin it ol and thn realise tt itz gone, and tt u can neva have it back agn, or in my case for the next four years.. u juz begin 2 tink of loads of tingz u noe and ur mind iz neva in constant peace.. heck, tiLL 2day itz stiLL wonderin wad the heLL juz happened and y it did.. i guess the reason y she left will alwaYz b sumtin i'd wonder but i gotta except the fact ttZ she gone la.. damn..

so far for far too long..

i tot i could handle it.. i thought i'd b strong enuff.. but.. haiz.. i guess. i noe.. no.. i tink.. she'll find sum1 thr way better thn mi.. yeA.. hu noez.. i may 2.. but i doubt so.. aniwayz.. ppL.. leasson learnt?? alwaYz enjoy everi single moment to the fuLLest cuz u'll neva noe whn they might juz not b apart of ur lyF.. howeva.. i live wid no regretz.. i bliv wad has happened iz meant 2.. guess we juz have 2 c how it all plaYz out.. kaiz.. back 2 emoin' i go.. loLz.. tKe Cre peePz.. and dun woRi.. i'll b juz fyN.. i noe i wiLL.. ouT..

you have been the 1.. you have been the 1 for me....

*TNI my freN..

werk factory:P

tear out screen,
paste new screen,
put protective clear sheet on the back,
and lastly pack it and label..

tt was wad i ahd 2 go thru the last three days man.. sial la.. sounds ez ryt.. but imagine doin the frekkin ting more thn 700 tyMz.. mi and andy lyk wanna die sakz.. bloody teruk i tell u.. tHnk god 2day's the last day.. 2ml goin skooL for CNY celebrations.. wonder how it'll b.. hmmm.. yea.. weLL.. notin else interestin happened la.. except tt we lost 2-0 to temasek JC.. haiz.. i totaLi screwed up the game la.. haiz.. dunno y.. was lyk totaLi unfocused and.. juz can't explain how teruK i play la.. guess i was juz unprepared.. nvm.. next tyM, if thr iz one, i gonna o better.. hehe:P yea.. weLL.. ttz ovr and done wid i guess thrz notin else huh.. kaiz.. i'm out.. gonna b 2a few more entries bout stuFF.. enjoy aite.. tKe cRe!!

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

2day was faNtastic maan!! hahakz!! as wad karl said.. it was FUCKIN OLD SKOOL!! hahakz!! yea.. pardon my french but criously it was lyk we were doin ol the stuff we used 2 play in primary skooL.. and it was super fun la.. i noe it was riLi freakin lame but criously it was damn cooL.. hahakz!! thnk u guyz!! juz had 2 say tt la.. i min.. it was soo great u noe havin ur frenz around.. in fact.. thrz riLi sumtin in juz havin thm arnd tt can turn ani duLL day bright agn..

i tink itz juz sumtin brought thier presense can juz makes u fell ol happi and fuLL insyd u noe.. maaan.. the tingz we did 2day were totaLi ridiculous and i can tell u tt i would have neva done ani of it if it wasn't for thm.. the y kePt pesterin mi and lyk ensurin mi tt i wasn't the onli one lookin lyk a totaL nut.. hahakz!!

i lbiv the kind of impressions and atomsphere a frend leaves on u iz rili iMpt and yea, if they alwayz leave u wantin more moments spent wiD thm tHn i bliv u shld definitely stiCk wid eM.. heLL.. i miss it ol sakz.. but u noe wad.. i alwayz look forward to more memories tt my frenz and i can make together..

as a wise fren once said.. frenships can alwayz chg.. but they'll neva end no matter wad.. so mke u sure u stiCk wid ur frenz aite.. and juz make u sure u realise how impt they r in ur lyf.. heLL.. they're the next most impt ting bsyDs my family and hu eva has my heart sakz.. so yea.. they r a heLLa iMpt 2 mi.. hehe:P i copyin ur slang ana.. hahakz!! tKe Cre pPL... and tKe Cre of ya frenz 2 aite..

Friday, January 20, 2006

2day was another floorball day agn.. yea.. @ innova.. mi, andy, vik and kc were thr.. oh yea.. sharifa and roach 2.. lolz.. roach sprained his ankle.. he was walkin damn funi la after tt.. hahahkz!! u guyz shld have been.. maaan.. it was lyk northland dudes were playing 2gether la.. and it was super SHIOK!! we ol play passin game and maaaan.. not boasting but we kicked thier ASS!! wahaha!! ok ok.. i'm gettin a lil ecstatic.. but it was cool la.. we were playin damn well and lyk we were attackin ol the way till lyk one of our teammates decided 2 enter thier team 2 evn the odds..

after tt they scored 2 goals but tt izzin't the point la.. hahahaKz!!

soon it was ovr and we went 2 pizza hut for dinner.. mst of u ppepz would b tinkin great but for mi.. uGH!! i damn JELAK!! i min.. almost half of the hommieZ werkin in pizza hut and everitym we go nasi(supper @ 12am or ltr) they'll bring dwn pizza.. lolz.. so yea.. pizza hut iz gettin a lil stale for mi la..

anw went for nyt trainin wid my RC team and gues wad.. i got tournament 2ml.. haiz!! damn lazy sakz.. gotta wake up bout 6 lyk tt man!! arGH! gues i gotta do wad i gotta do la.. 2 slp i go ppL.. u Guyz tKe cRe aite and i'll b back 2 blog soon... pEaCe ppL!!
ppl appreciate will ya.. yes.. plz!! i min.. frenz, family, toys wadeva.. appreciate for cryin out loud.. i'm on iz topic cuz lyk.. i'm a lil disappointed wid myseLf.. i noe.. itz riLi dumb bein disappointed @ myself and thn tellin ppL 2 do wad i'm supposed 2 b doin but i gues itz the onLi way 2 get myself 2 reaLise tt heck.. i nid 2 b doin tt.. i min u can have the most annoyin frenz or a family tt neva seems 2 understand u but plz.. they're onli human and r the way they r so juz accept thm and appreciate thm aite.. damn.. i nid 2 ass started on appreciatin those arnd mi.. family's not the prob but itz frenz.. i min.. heCk la.. i've been soo caught up in my world and job hunting as weLL tt i guess mayb i've neglected those hu i riLi shld b caught up wid.. haiz..

so appreciate aite.. lolz.. yea.. i gotta chg as weLL la.. haiz.. aniwayz.. i'm stiLL jobless if ya riLi wanna noe.. lolz.. went job hunting ytd and it turned out 2 b an outing 2 the movies(which was M-18 btw:P) and swensen's ICE-CREAM!! wahahah!! bloated sakz otw hm.. ol of us were lyk..

"siaL la!! i cannot walk la!! my damn stomach to full!"

hahakz! it was hillarious! btw, andy, ain wahid and cyn were wid mi.. cyn tried out NYDC while mi and andy tried sum 10/hr crap job which actuaLi turned out 2 b commision based.. haiz..

weLL yea.. lets juz hope i can find sumtin sooN la..

Thursday, January 19, 2006

since i'm lyk on the reminicing kinda mood, i guess i'd lyk add a few of my past photos wid my buddz..enjoy aite!!
listening to: Nickleback- far away..

heck la.. tiz damn song emoing mi ppl.. lolz.. but i'm fyn la.. tiz song criously damn style.. mite put up the lyrics whn i actuali have the tym 2 fynd it la.. aniwayz.. wasted another wonderful and rainy day on soccer.. hahakz! went 2 mountbatten trainin wid my bros wan, rajiv and chit.. was quite fun la.. cuz lyk wan bastard ghaz afterall ghaz wanted 2 crash hid shse 2 play XBOX.. and lyk now ghaz complainin 2 mi on msn.. good luck wan!! lolz.. but trainin was kinda fun.. we played wid veterans and yea they gave us frekin hard trainin sakz.. heLL.. those ppl were lyk ovr 30 but they were strong.. RILI strong!

well yea.. problem was tt wan injured mi in the first drill we had sakz!! the bloody ass!! until now stil pain.. ass clown.. but i'd lyk 2 credit him on bein able 2 go thru the whole training evn wid a injured heel.. lolz.. evn chit wanna die sakz.. mi and rajiv were lyk ok ok la.. onli wan nad cit were lyk dyin in the bus sakz.. hahakz!! u shld have seen mi and rajiv pluckin wan's leg hair and annoyin him so tt he would slp.. hehe:P joke sakz.. haha!! yea.. bsyds tt, i juz back my hp and jeans frm andy cuz lyk i left it wid him after ytd's floorball @ innova.. 11 missed calls.. maaan.. i am luved ppl!! hahakz.. kaiz. thick i noe but wth la.. can't b bothered.. aniwayz mite b job huntin wid andy 2ml.. wish mi luck aite! weLL i'm off.. and yea.. wanna remind u guys bout sumtin.. if u have ani comments bout my blog, either tag or send mi a msg on frenster aite.. i'm stiLL werkin on a way 2 allo comments for my blog.. so back 2 msn i go.. hehe:P tKe cre peePz!


2day, i started knowin of exactly wad i wanna write abt.. reminicing ppl.. yea.. heLL.. dun u ol juz realise u we kip doin it altho we noe those tymz or moments will neva eva come back.. how annoyin can it b sakz..

i min.. in my case.. i kinda go 2 slp everi nyt and go ovr the days events.. and sumwhr in the middle, i begin 2 drift... i begin tinkin bout past events tt meant alot to mi.. many of u noe bout my past and yea u noe hu i'm most probably reminicing abt but itz not onli her but also my frenz, those skooL moments tt u spent and juz can't get out of ur head.. itz those tym tt u pray could come back.. maaan.. if onli it could huh..

damn.. but the minute darkness of the nyt turns to the light of day, i guess we ol noe tt we have 2 move on.. full hope tt figments of our past could repeat themselves in the future.. haiz.. kinda far if u tik abt it but hu noes.. they juz mite.. signing off.. and yea.. kiP reminicing.. i riLi dun c y we shld stop.. but yea.. juz rmb tt they probably wun b back.. enjoy those good moments whiLe they last aite.. and yea.. juz live lyf 2 the fuLLest.. best advice tt can eva come out of tiz gapin hole in my face:P hehe:P u guyz tKe cARe kaiz.. PeAce..

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

daily updates

waDDuP ppL!! hahakz!! daily updates and guess wad.. I'M JOBLESS!! arGH!! hahahkz!! damN.. i can c u guess laughin at mi.. damn u ppL aite.. weLL i'm not alone.. lolz.. wanna noe y.. ANDY'S WID MI!! wahaha! (rili sori bout publicizing it bro) hahahakz!! but yea.. itz riLi depressin 2 noe tt no more $$ iz comin it la.. haiz... yea.. damn.. and yea, in case u ppL were wonderin, me and andy quit k.. lolz.. it was a job tt was juz not mi and him la.. 2 many rejection.. lolz.. damn annoyin la.. plus it was commision based and heLL.. i doubt we would b able 2 seLL those frekkin postcards.. afterol, THEY WERE PRICED @ $10 FOR ONE!! siaL la.. talk abt ovr pricing man..

yea.. weLL aniwayz, after we lyk 'walked off' on our job, we went back 2 yishun, chged and crashed INNOVA!! yes ppl.. u read it ryt.. we crashed.. well evn if it was onli 2 play floorball and tt we had the permission of the hockey TIC thr i still consider it crashin:P oh yea, johnson (aka BLACK!:P) also tagged along.. it was damn shiok la playin floorbaLL after such a frekkin long tym.. vik, roach, KC, sharifa and kana were thr as weLL and i tell u, NORTHLAND CONQUER!! lolz!! everi single tym we played, the coach would come in juz 2 evn the odds.. hahakz!! tinkin bout whether i shld crash thr 2ml 2 play soccer.. hmmm..

weLL shaLL leave it thr for now.. gonna go ponder bout crashin 2ml.. and it will not b wid a teacher's permission:P kaiz.. i'M off.. tKe cre peEpZ..

starting fresh

i noe my past 2 entries have been lyk kinda boring i hope u guyz would forgive mi for thM.. guess i've juz been soo damn concentrated in gettin my bckgrnd done up tt i couldn't b botheres wid my content.. now tt i'm kinda haPPi wid it, the content's gonna get a lil interestin..

waD i'm gonna b focusin on iz a recent problem tt came uP.. waitin.. familar?? it shld b la.. afterol, i t happens 2 ol of us sakz.. criously, i min, b it for a job 2 come by or for a gal, we've ol been thru it.. weLL wad i c 2 the more common one iz obviously the waitin on gaLs.. i min, damn guyz, if the catch izzin't worth it, thn forget it.. u noe wad i min.. dun go spendin ol ur tyM and ur heart on gaLs juz izzin't worth it.. wad i'm tryin 2 say iz tt u gotta realise quik u noe.. realise whether she wants u the same u do.. i noe itz a BIG risk but wads love afterol but a whole lot os risks taken by 2 ppl ryt..

and yea, GALZ!! if u notice a guy iz lyk waitin on ya and u noe tt u and him r neva gonna haPPen.. TELL HIM LA!! i min.. i noe sum guyz r not soo sensitive and ol but trust mi, thr r those speciaL few out thr hu sincerly want u for the person u r so yea, dun leave thm dwellin on false hope aitE..

yea.. ttZ abt it it for 2nyt.. more 2ml i guess.. hahakz! so rmb ppL, as my veri good fren once said, K.I.S.S, Kip It Simple Stupid!! hahakz!! tKe cre aite.. moRe buLL for u pEEpZ soon.. PeaCe!!

Monday, January 16, 2006

job training..

lolz.. went ol the way 2 Bugis for job trainin wid andy and lyk it took exactly an hour la.. damn boring but also insightful as well.. afterall, he was talkin alot bout money:P the idea bout the cash iz pretty good cuz lyk can earn up2 lyk $60 a day.. not tt bad if u ask mi.. hahakz! i dun mind the fact tt our pay is commision based though cuz the amt we get depends on how many booklets we sell.. sounded ez but most ppL say itz kinda difficult.. well i start 2ml so yea.. wish mi luck.. and yea.. wish andy luck 2.. hahakz!


heY ppL...

super bored so i decided to start a blog.. not sure wth hell tiz iz goin 2 amount 2 but wth, lets juz kip it arnd and see how it goes frm thr.. so yea.. feel fre 2 tag and yea.. do wadeva u want aite? peaCe..